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Sybella pulled back and brought her hand gently to his cheek. “My dearest Alexander, please tell me ye remembered to give Colin my message.”

He kissed the palm of her hand. “Of course I did.”

A look of relief passed over her face. “Why donna ye get something to eat? I want to remain here for a bit longer and then I will go to bed.”

“That, Ella, isnae a good idea. Come, I will escort ye to your chamber.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and gestured her forward. She took two steps and then turned around to face him.

“But there are things I must do—”

“And they will be here on the morrow. Off to bed with ye. Come.” When she didn’t move, Alex bent and lifted her into his arms. “I see ye are going to be difficult.”

Sybella kicked her feet. “Alex, put me down. I am perfectly capable of walking on my own accord.”

He chuckled as he walked out the door. “I donna think so, lass.”

Alex carried his wife to her chamber, kicking open the door with his foot. He’d never heard her talk so much in his life. She’d chattered nonstop up the stairs, and he wasn’t even sure of half the things she’d said. Gently placing her on her feet, he turned her around. He assisted her with her gown and helped her into bed.

“I donna want to go to bed. I am nae tired.”

He rubbed his hand over her hair, smoothing her tresses. “Ella, go to sleep.” He bent over and kissed the top of her head.

“Why do ye nae share my bed to sleep? I donna mind.”

Alex stood and ran his hand through his hair. “I donna know. I suppose I ne’er really thought about it.”

“Do ye love me?”

“Ella, go to sleep. Ye know nae what ye speak. I go below stairs to sup.” He pulled up the blankets to her chin and tucked her in. “Sleep well, Wife.”

When she closed her eyes, Alex walked out and blew out the breath he’d held. He leaned up against the closed door and rested his head back. Sybella’s question unnerved him. Did he love her? He obviously cared for her but love?

He needed a drink.

By the time Alex made his way to the kitchens, he was alone. John had already departed, and who knew what the hell MacGregor was doing. He quickly shook off that thought.

Cook had left Alex a tray on the table. He sat down and poured himself some mulled wine while Sybella’s question continued to hammer at him. Why would she ask him that? Their marriage was certainly no love match, the wedding being arranged and all. Women should not ask questions they did not want to know the answer to. Love? Lust? Who was to say? He only knew one thing for certain: it was damn hard to remain coherent when she was close to him.

Alex finished his meal and sought his bed, needing to put an end to this day. He closed the door to his bedchamber and approached the adjoining door. Not wanting to wake Sybella, he placed his ear to the door. When nothing stirred from the other side, he took it as a good sign.

He undressed and walked to the bed in his naked form.

And then he jumped.

* * *

“Dh’ fhuirich mi riut.” I waited for you.

Alex’s eyes widened. “God’s teeth, lass.”

Sybella leaned up from the bed on her elbows. “Come now, Laird Alexander MacDonell. I thought ye were a fierce Highland laird.”

“Aye, but I didnae expect someone to be lying in my bed in wait. Tha e anmoch.It’s late.

She held a private invitation in the depths of her eyes. “Then ye must forgive me.” Praise the saints for the ale because she would’ve never had the courage to be so bold. She lifted the blankets, consciously exposing her bare body. “I will take my leave.”

Alex jumped on the bed and grabbed Sybella’s wrist. “Chan fhaod. No, you may not. When she raised her brow, he quickly added, “Stay. Please.”

Sybella stared with longing at him, and he returned an appreciative glance. In truth, there was no place else she would rather be than in her husband’s bed, crushed in his embrace. Her body ached for his touch and she was powerless to resist.

He eased her back down onto the bed, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His eyes met hers and it was too easy to get lost in the way he looked at her.

“Tell me ye donna want me,” she whispered.

His lips brushed against hers as he spoke. “I cannae. I told ye. There are nay lies between us.”

The stubble of his beard burned her cheeks as his mouth came over hers. He forced her lips open with his thrusting tongue, shattering her calm with the hunger of his kiss. His hands pulled her closer, demanding a response. And she was more than willing to respond.

Her hands roamed brazenly and traced the muscles of his hard body. She tried desperately to mold their bodies as one. He cupped her with his hands, skimming his way down to her taut stomach and hips. He lowered his head and his mouth was delightfully warm as he sucked her nipple, sending a bolt of awareness through her.

She ran her fingers through his hair as his tongue whirled and nipped until the tips of her breasts formed hardened peaks. Heat flooded her body and her senses were drowning in pools of desire.

Her hand moved from around his waist. She didn’t realize she had brushed the swollen tip of his erection until her instincts took over and she moved her fingers back to encircle him.

He was so hard.

“Careful, lass. Ye donna want this to be over before it has even begun.”

She brushed her finger over his lips. “Alex…” She wasn’t sure what she wanted to say, but the huskiness in her husband’s voice made him so very male. Her thoughts spun.

God help her. She wanted him. Now.

She sank back deeper into the bed. He lowered his hand and entered her gently with his finger. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back with the pleasure that he gave her.

Before she knew what he was about, he’d drugged her with kisses down the entire length of her body. He moved and withdrew his finger, planting a kiss between her thighs. When she tried to push him away, he only widened her legs and continued to suck and lick her…there.

Sybella let out a cry of delight at the delicious sensations he brought her. She was going to come apart. And he sensed it.

He rose to his knees and entered her with a single thrust. Her nails bit into his arms and her hips rose to meet him, taking him deeper. She wanted it harder.


“Come for me, Ella.”

He lowered his hand and rubbed her most sensitive spot as he thrust in and out. Their bodies were in exquisite harmony with one another. Desire inched through her veins, rousing her to the peak of desire. She wanted to yield to the sweet burning sweetness that was captive within her.

The passion of his ardor mounted, and she finally abandoned herself to the whirl of sensations. Love flowed into her like warm, molten honey, shattering her into a million glowing stars.

But Alex wasn’t done with her. He was unrelenting.

While she writhed in bittersweet agony, he forced her to a second release. Hard. Fast.

She hadn’t even known that was possible.

Sybella lay drowned in a flood of liberation of mind and body. She was drawn to a height of passion she had never known before. Satisfaction pursed her mouth and she felt a bottomless peace. Tonight there were no shadows across her heart. This was where she knew she belonged. By her husband’s side. In his bed. As his wife.

Alex placed his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “Ye may sleep in my bed anytime ye wish.”