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“Where is my wife?”

* * *

Sybella sat in the tub as Mary and the maids bathed her—twice. “Ye should have left me.”

Mary rinsed Sybella’s hair. “I donna want to hear ye say that again.”

“Do ye think that Colin will be all right after…”

“Aye. I donna think Colin had much of a choice. Your father…lost his way. I want ye to think about yourself now. Colin did what was necessary and he will be a fine laird.”

“I love him, Mary.” Sybella closed her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks. “For as much as I jested with ye about Angus, I now see. I was such a fool for throwing it all away.”

Mary gestured for the maids to depart and she handed Sybella a drying cloth. Looking over Sybella’s shoulder, Mary smiled. “Mayhap ’tisnae too late.”

Sybella pulled her nightrail over her head. “Ye didnae hear his words, Mary. Ye didnae see the look in his eyes. He hates me.” She closed her eyes, placing her hand across her brow. “What have I done?”

“Mayhap ye made your husband realize what a dolt he can be.”

Her eyes shot up in surprise.

Alexander smiled with compassion and opened his arms. Mary quickly departed as Sybella ran into her husband’s embrace. “Alexander, I am so sorry! I love ye with all my heart. I donna want to lose ye. My heart truly breaks.” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

He looked down at her, wiping away her tears with his thumb. “Ella, I was such a fool. Can ye ever forgive me? I didnae mean the words that flew carelessly from my lips. And ye were right. I was too blinded to see what was before my verra eyes. Tha gaol agam ort. I love you. “I want ye to come home where ye belong, by my side.”

She placed her head against his broad chest and held him tight. “Then ye must believe me that I donna have the stone. I—”

He pulled back and touched his finger to her lips. “Shhh…I know. Donna worry about it. ’Tis over.” He tucked a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. “Colin told me what your father did to ye. Please tell me ye are well.” He ran his hands up and down her arms.

“It was terrible, Alex, but I was more frightened at the thought of losing ye.”

He paused and pulled her close. “That will nae happen, lass. From this day forward, I promise ye that. Please promise me there will be nay more lies between us.”


“Then if we are being truthful, there has been something I have been meaning to tell ye.”

She pulled back and her expression was puzzled. “What?”

“I loved ye from the first time I saw ye at the waterfall, Lady Sybella MacKenzie of Kintail. Ye plagued my thoughts for years and I always wondered what became of ye. Ye are the bonny lass that filled my dreams.” He smiled and gave her a roguish grin. “And your lips taste of sweetened honey. In fact, I will tell ye a secret. I’d really like to taste them now.”

He lowered his head and she licked her lips.

“Alex, ye are so verra wicked.”


Sybella sat at the table on the dais in the great hall surrounded by MacDonells and MacKenzies, and her smile broadened in approval. Men and women laughed as if they had not a care in the world. For the first time since she could remember, she was blissfully happy, fully alive. She no longer felt the burdensome chains of betrayal.

It was good to be home.

She couldn’t believe a sennight had already passed since the death of her father. And this jovial mood was exactly what the clans needed. The dreaded nightmare was over and it was finally time to heal old wounds. A little voice pulled her from her woolgathering.

“Come on, Lachlann, ye can do it,” said Anabel. She held out her arms as Lachlann took unsteady steps into her embrace. “Ye did it!”

Rosalia smiled. “He has taken a fancy to ye, Anabel.”

Anabel stood tall, proud. “I think I get along better with the wee lads than with my brothers.”

Colin rubbed the top of her head. “Your brothers may jest with ye now and again, Anabel, but they will always look after ye and love ye.” He turned to Sybella and they shared a smile.

A warm hand came down on Sybella’s shoulder and she reached up to grab it.

“Aunt Iseabail is in the garden with William. Should I be worried?” asked Alex, sitting down beside Sybella.

“Nay, I have a feeling William would ne’er let anything happen to her.”

“I suppose ye’re right.” Laughter filled the hall and Alex took a drink from his tankard. “My men are glad to be home from Lewis.”

“’Tis quite obvious. And ye really think things with the MacLeod will settle down now?”

“Now that Colin is laird and we have withdrawn our men, we shall see. With His Majesty’s men arriving on the isle, there isnae much the MacLeod could do now anyway.”

“I suppose.”

“Come now, Ella. I told ye that I donna want ye worrying about such things.”

“How can I be worried when I have such a strong and handsome protector?”

Alex lifted his brow, and as he was about to speak, Ennis approached the dais. “Thank ye for inviting us to the celebration. Anabel loves seeing ye, my lady.”

“I wish I could see her more often. Ye know how much I simply adore her. At times, I wished we lived closer to Kintail.”

“That doesnae mean we cannae come to pay ye a visit.” A mischievous look came into Ennis’s eyes and he lowered his voice. “Besides, I donna think ye will have the time, Lady Sybella. Ye will soon have your own bairn to raise.”

Sybella’s mouth dropped and Alex sat forward. “What? What did ye say?”

“Aye, Laird MacDonell, your wife is with child.”

She stammered in confusion. “Are ye for certain? I thought ye couldnae see without the stone.”

A sheepish smile crossed Ennis’s face. “That’s what I told your father, lass. I was aware of what he did to the MacLeod’s women and children, and knowing that, I could nay longer aid him in his endeavors. I ne’er wanted blood on my hands. I only tried to help our clan.” Alex was about to speak when Ennis looked him in the eye. “Aye, ye have your heir. He is a healthy lad.”

Sybella didn’t even realize Ennis had walked away when Alex pulled her to her feet. He lifted his hand to her cheek and held her close. “Ye have made me the happiest man alive, and nae only because ye carry my son. “Tha gaol agam ort, Ella.” I love you. His eyes were tender, compassionate.

She placed his hand to her stomach and laced her fingers with his. “Alex, I love ye with all my heart. And I’ll need ye now more than ever.” She laughed in sheer joy. When he raised his brow, puzzled, she rolled her eyes and added, “Ye heard Ennis. A lad. Just what I need. Another bad boy of the Highlands.”


A very special “thank you” goes out to the following people:

To my agent, Jill Marsal, for your endless encouragement.

To my editor, Leah Hultenschmidt, for supporting my dreams.

To my dad, who tells everyone he is the cover model for my books and that Sourcebooks photoshops his head. You’re doing a great job, Dad, and the ladies think so, too!

To my family, who can spot a tartan and a Scottish festival a mile away.

To Sharron Gunn, my resident Gaelic expert, mòran taing for your always willing attitude and assistance.

To Mary Grace, who continues to be my rock and who I’m proud to call my friend. I could never do this without you. You are truly the reason my dream is alive. I’m so glad you’re with me on this journey.