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“Come on, Brittney. Let’s introduce you—just go along with whatever I say, OK? And smile, you look great.” And she did. Even in the face of three other hotties in bikinis, the sight of Brittney Jenner in her skin-tight white tank top and khaki short-shorts competed easily for his attention. They stepped outside and the girls looked up as one. First, Lauren looked annoyed; then she took in the co-ed bombshell beside her dweeby step-brother and gaped.

“Hey Lauren, Brianne, Jody. Just got home for break. Morgan around?”

“No, she’s out shopping with some friends. I thought you weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow,” she said accusingly.

“Nope, managed to sneak out early. So what’re y’all up to?” Jody frowned at him, an arm shifting to cover her chest as she caught him eyeing it too hard.

“What the fuck does it look like we’re doing, retard,” his step-sister shot back. “And who the hell is this? Did you hire a fucking hooker?!” All three girls glared at Brittney as if affronted that she had the audacity to be hotter than them.

“This is Brittney. Brittney, this is my step-sister Lauren, and her friends Brianne and Jody.” He gestured in turn. “And no, she’s not a hooker. She’s just a friend who’s crashing with me for the week.” She smiled and waved shyly.

“You brought your… girlfriend?” She sounded like she had a hard time ascribing the word to this gorgeous woman. “Morgan is SO not going to be OK with this. You don’t even have room for her on your cot, and no fucking way are we letting some stranger—hooker or not—sleep on the living room couch.”

DJ nodded. “We’re taking the master bedroom. You and Morgan can fight over who gets your bedroom and who gets cot or couch. C’mon babe, let’s go get ourselves set up.” Lauren’s jaw dropped at his glib dismissal as he about-faced and headed back in.

“Your sister’s really pretty,” Brittney said politely as they started unpacking their things. DJ had tossed the contents of Morgan’s drawers out into the hallway until they’d had enough room. She’d nervously said she didn’t need him to do that, but he’d done it anyway.

“Step-sister, actually. And yeah, I suppose she is, though with you around, how could anyone notice.” That seemed to make her happy again.

They were still unpacking when he heard someone coming down the hall behind them; Brianne made her way into the bathroom, and while she was in there, DJ began hatching a plan. He was standing in the bathroom doorway when it opened again; she jumped back, startled.

“Hey, Brianne.”

“Um, hi DJ.” Her eyes darted around as if looking for a way past him.

“That’s a nice swimsuit,” he said, running his fingers along her waist. “You wear this in competition?”

“No. It’s um… well, the cut… you’re not really supposed to show this much.” She blushed. “It’s not against the rules or anything, just not… you know.”

His hands slid down to the uppermost parts of her thigh, left alluringly bare. Her skin was perfectly smooth, slick from suntan lotion she’d applied. “Just embarrassing to be showing off your whole legs, you mean? A little tartish?”

She frowned, first at being touched and then at his choice of word. “What, isn’t that that phone thingy from Dr. Whosywhatsit?”

DJ laughed. “No, Brianne. Hey, come with me. I want to show you something.” He took her ass firmly in his hand; he couldn’t believe how tight it was. When he’d imagined it over the years, he’d always thought it would be soft, like Brittney’s, but it was a finely tuned instrument, the kind of ass that inspired the idea of bouncing quarters off it. She followed him back into Morgan’s bedroom, where Brittney was waiting.


Brianne’s initial reaction was shock, but then DJ caught her checking out that flawlessly built body. He had overheard Lauren once talking on the phone to express her shock when Brianne came out to her; she’d hidden it well, and because she didn’t want people to be weirded out in the locker room (evidently, even the girls swim team was still a bunch of jocks), she kept it to herself. Brittney was standing at the foot of the bed in a model’s pose, showing off her every curve one by one.

“So Brianne… you’re still into chicks, right?”

With an effort, she tore her eyes away from Brittney and glanced at him just long enough to respond in a frosty tone. “How did you…! Well, yes, actually. Not that it’s any of your business.”

DJ positioned himself behind her, pulling her barely-covered ass up against his groin with hands firmly on her hips. “So what do you think of Brittney? Pretty fucking hot, right?”

Brittney grinned; she seemed to enjoy being objectified. Brianne was staring right at her as she murmured a soft “yeah.” He let her look for a good while; Brittney cocked her hips from side to side, ran hands along her breasts to shift and shape them pleasingly, spun to thrust out her bare ass, tossed her hair over a shoulder to shoot a smoky look at her admirers. DJ nearly forgot Brianne was there for a moment.

The high schooler finally managed to collect her wits enough to speak again while Brittney was crawling across the bed arching her back and slapping her ass. “So, like… are you guys trying to draw me into a threesome or something?”

“Didn’t even need to use a lifeline on that one,” DJ quipped. “So what do you think?”

Brianne inhaled deeply; obviously this stunning girl before her was affecting her judgment if she was even considering doing something sexual with Lauren’s dorky step-brother. Still, finding girls to play with while you yourself are in the closet, especially as someone too young to hit the bars, was difficult. Besides, she’d hardly ever seen girls as hot as Brittney, gay or straight… when would an offer like this come again?

“If we do this, you can’t stick it in me without a condom. I’m not on the pill, for obvious reasons. And you can’t EVER tell Lauren,” she said, her subconscious guiding her slowly towards the bed. Brittney, who had been promised she would be well rewarded for successful seduction, looked tremendously pleased with herself.

“First off, I’m not using a condom, but I promise I won’t do anything we’ll regret. Second off, I promise I won’t tell Lauren. But before I let you touch Brittney here, you’re going to promise that you’re going to.” He folded his arms across his chest smugly.

“What? No fucking way. She’d freak out if she found out.” Still, she kept eyeing Brittney with interest as the one-time homecoming queen bent down to lick one hard pink nipple.

“Then get the fuck out,” DJ said, opening the door and gesturing invitingly.

“Maybe you should get out, DJ. It’s Brittney, right? I promise you, Brittney, we don’t need him to enjoy ourselves. The male anatomy is highly over-rated.”

Brittney shrugged helplessly. “Sorry. He said I’m only supposed to play with you if he gets to join us.”

DJ watched the internal struggle play out on Brianne’s face. Pass up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or take a bunch of shit from her friends? Ultimately, though, Brittney and her mouth and tits and ass and pussy were right here; Jody and Lauren were all the way out by the pool. Proximity decided it.

“Fine, I’ll tell her, you freak,” Brianne said as she climbed into the king size bed.

DJ hurried over and grabbed her by the hips when she was just inches away from putting her lips to Brittney’s. “Now now, Brianne. Let’s show some respect. I expect to hear please’s and thank-you’s. And an apology, first.”

She looked at Brittney’s full pink lips, already parted perfectly for kissing, then sighed in resignation. “Fine, I’m sorry. Now can I, um, kiss her?”