Выбрать главу

65. JE 61, 23–24.

66. JE 48, 63; Gusev 2, 641.

67. N. Gusev, ‘Gde iskat’ kanonicheskii tekst “Voiny i mira”’, in Tolstoi i o Tolstom: Novye materialy, ed. N. Gusev, vol. 1, Moscow, 1926, 132–135.

68. I. N. Sukikh, Voina iz-za ‘Voiny i mira’: Roman L. N. Tolstogo ‘Voina i mir’ v russkoi kritike i literaturovedenii, St Petersburg, 2002, 34.

69. Vladimir Zhdanov, Lyubov’ v zhizni Tolstogo (1928), Moscow, 2005, 106.

70. M. A. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, in Tolstoi i o Tolstom: Novye materialy, ed. N. Gusev, vol. 3, Moscow, 1927, 142.

71. Letopis’ 1, 295; Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Oktyabr’, 157.

72. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 131.

73. Gusev 2, 633.

74. Letopis’ 1, 303.

75. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 151.

76. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Oktyabr’, 139.

77. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Oktyabr’, 149.

78. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 135–138.

79. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 149.

80. Alexander Fodor, Tolstoy and the Russians: Reflections on a Relationship, Ann Arbor, 1984, 105.

81. JE 61, 139; Letopis’ 1 320.

82. L. N. Tolstoi, Voina i mir, Moscow, 2000.

83. E. Zaidenshnur, ‘Poiski nachala romana “Voina i mir: Pyatnadtsat” nabroskov (1863–1864)’, Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 69 (1961), vol. 1, 291–324, and Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, ed. V. G. Chertkov, 90 vols, Moscow, 1928–1958, vols. 13–16.

84. See Elena Klepikova, ‘Novaya staraya “Voina i mir”’, Russkii bazar, 27 March 2003.

85. War and Peace: Original Version, tr. Andrew Bromfield, London, 2007.

86. A. V. Gulin, Lev Tolstoi i puti russkoi istorii, Moscow, 2004, 219.

87. Lesskis, Lev Tolstoi, 391.

88. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 154.

89. JE 61, 174; Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 156.

90. Or 26 August, by the old Russian calendar.

91. War and Peace, part 2, vol. 3.

92. For an authoritative account of what actually happened in 1812 see Dominic Lieven, Russia Against Napoleon: The Battle for Europe, 1807 to 1814, London, 2009.

93. JE 61, 180; Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 158.

94. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 160.

95. Tsyavlovsky, ‘Kak pisalsya i pechatalsya roman “Voina i mir”’, 164.

96. Letopis’ 1, 346.

97. Tolstoy’s preface was published in Russkii arkhiv in March 1868, and reprinted in Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, ed. Chertkov, vol. 16.

98. Autobiography of Countess Sophie Tolstoi, 35.

99. Gusev 2, 665.

100. Letopis’ 1, 320.

101. Letopis’ 1, 315.

102. Letopis’ 1, 320.

103. For Schuyler’s biography see Peter Bridges, ‘Eugene Schuyler, The Only Diplomatist’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 16 (2005), 13–22.

104. E. Schuyler, ‘Count Leo Tolstoy Twenty Years Ago’, Scribner’s Magazine, May and June 1889, reprinted in Schuyler, Selected Essays.

105. Schuyler’s translation of The Cossacks was published in London in 1878 by Sampson, Low.

106. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Oktyabr’, 156.

107. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Oktyabr’, 155.

108. Letopis’ 1, 337.

109. See I. N. Sukhikh, ed., Voina iz-za ‘Voiny i mira’: Roman L. N. Tolstogo ‘Voina i mir’ v russkoi kritike i literaturovedenii, St Petersburg, 2002.

110. Letopis’ 1, 346.

111. A. F. Rogalev, ‘“Une russe” – pervyi perevodchik romana L. N. Tolstogo “Voina i mir” na frantsuzskii yazyk’, Vestnik VGU, 2003, 4–9. Pashkevich’s translation was later used to produce English, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish and Turkish editions.

112. Sukhikh, Voina iz-za ‘Voiny i mira’, 353–354.

8 Student, Teacher, Father

1. JE 48, 129.

2. N. N. Gusev, Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva L. N. Tolstogo, 1828–1890, Moscow, 1958 [Letopis’ 1], 362.

3. JE 61, 225, 228, 231; Letopis’ 1, 368.

4. Letopis’ 1, 373.

5. JE 61, 237. Urusov retired from the army at the rank of general at the end of the Crimean War in order to concentrate on his chess-playing career (he was ranked fifth in the world in 1866). His main interests therefore remained cerebral, so he may not have empathised with this feeling of happiness, even if Tolstoy had been able to describe it. After he gave up competitive chess in the late 1870s, Urusov gave his considerable collection of books about chess to Tolstoy’s son Ilya. He burned most of Tolstoy’s letters to him after he renounced the Church. He was godfather to Lev, Maria and Pyotr Tolstoy.

6. Letopis’ 1, 374, 382–383.

7. JE 61, 220.

8. Letopis’ 1, 370.

9. A. A. Donskov, L. N. Tolstoi i S. A. Tolstaya: Perepiska s N. N. Strakhovym, Ottawa, 2000, 2.

10. Letopis’ 1, 369.

11. JE 61, 242.

12. JE 61, 240.

13. JE 61, 228.

14. JE 61, 252.

15. JE 61, 253.

16. T. A. Kuzminskaya, Moya zhizn’ doma i v Yasnoi Poliane, ed. T. N. Volkova, Tula, 1973, 404.

17. This account draws on Walter Kerr, The Shabunin Affair: An Episode in the Life of Leo Tolstoy, Ithaca, 1982.

18. S. A. Tolstaya, Dnevniki v dvukh tomakh, ed. V. E. Vatsuro et al., 2 vols, Moscow, 1978, vol. 1, 80.

19. Kerr, The Shabunin Affair, 182; JE 37, 75.

20. Vladimir Zhdanov, Lyubov’ v zhizni Tolstogo (1928), Moscow, 2005, 118; JE 61, 167.

21. JE 61, 221.

22. Letopis’ 1, 363.

23. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 84; 1884 diary entry, cited by Zhdanov, Lyubov’ v zhizni Tolstogo, 128.

24. ‘O brake i prizvanii zhenshchiny’, in JE 7, 134.

25. An incomplete translation of only the first three volumes was published in 1870.

26. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 497.

27. N. A. Kalinina et al., Perepiska L. N. Tolstogo s sestroi i brat’yami, Moscow, 1990, 358–359. Sergey complained in April 1877 that his brother was not keeping to his side of the bargain and sending on issues of the Russian Messenger which contained instalments of Anna Karenina and was therefore disgruntled to be paying twenty roubles for Messenger of Europe.

28. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 497.

29. JE 21, 409–410.

30. JE 61, 233.

31. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 83.

32. N. N. Gusev, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi. Materialy k biografii s 1870 po 1881 god [Gusev 3], Moscow, 1963, 54.

33. S. A. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 12 (1980), 159.

34. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 153. Sonya cites Auber’s La Muette de Portici, Donizetti’s Lucia and Bellini’s La somnambula, and Tolstoy’s favourite opera as Don Giovanni.