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35. Gusev 3, 54.

36. Letopis’ 1, 365.

37. Zhdanov, Lyubov’ v zhizni Tolstogo, 140.

38. JE 48, 167.

39. Eugene Schuyler, Selected Essays, New York, 1901, 274–275.

40. The Autobiography of Countess Sophie Tolstoi, preface and notes by Vasilii Spiridonov, tr. S. S. Koteliansky and Leonard Woolf, Richmond, 1922, 46.

41. JE 21, 410.

42. Letopis’ 1, 377–378.

43. Letopis’ 1, 379.

44. Letopis’1, 380.

45. JE 61, 381.

46. S. A. Tolstaya, Pis’ma k L. N. Tolstomu, 1862–1910, Moscow, 1936, 96.

47. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 498.

48. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 499.

49. A. Grodetskaya, Otvety predaniya: zhitiya svyatikh v dukhovnom poiske L’va Tolstogo, St Petersburg, 2000, 5.

50. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 499.

51. Grodetskaya, Otvety predaniya, 4.

52. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 499.

53. See Grodetskaya, Otvety predaniya.

54. Kirsha Danilov’s collection, first published in Drevnye russkie stikhotvoreniya, ed. A. F. Yakubovich, St Petersburg, 1804, was used in Tolstoy’s ABC.

55. Pesni, sobrannye P. N. Rybnikovym, 4 vols, St Petersburg, 1861–1867.

56. JE 61, 269; Gusev 3, 46.

57. Pavel Golokhvastov, Alesha Popovich, predstavlenie v 5 deistviykah, sochinennoe po starym russkim bylinam, Moscow, 1869; Zakony stikha russkogo i nashego literaturnogo, St Petersburg, 1883.

58. Russkie narodnye skazki, 8 vols, St Petersburg, 1855–1863.

59. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 164.

60. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 496.

61. Letopis’ 1, 389; Gusev 3, 46.

62. Letopis’ 1, 386; Gusev 3, 46 (48, 92–93, 130–162).

63. JE 7, 395.


65. JE 21, 628.

66. JE 22, 77.

67. JE 22, 89–90.

68. JE 61, 277–278.

69. Letter of 28 November 1871, cited in Gusev 3, 40.

70. JE 61, 269.

71. In his letter to Strakhov, December 1871, Tolstoy writes that he is convinced ‘I have raised myself a monument’: JE 61, 349.

72. E. G. Babaev, ‘Bol’shaya azbuka ili oshchushchenie shchast’ya’, Knizhnye sokrovishcha knigi. Iz fondov Gosudarstvennoi biblioteki im. V. I. Lenina, Moscow, 1989, 94–109.

73. JE 61, 283.

74. T. L. Sukhotina-Tolstaya, Vospominaniya, Moscow, 1976, 100–102.

75. Gusev 3, 41.

76. Gusev 3, 42.

77. See Elliott Mossman, ‘Tolstoi and Peasant Learning in the Era of the Great Reforms’, School and Society in Tsarist and Soviet Russia, ed. Ben Eklof, Basingstoke, 1993, 36–69.

78. Letopis’ 1, 390.

79. Gusev 3, 48.

80. JE 22, 576.

81. Gusev 3, 57.

82. JE 22, 578.

83. JE 62, 42.

84. Letopis’ 1, 413.

85. Letopis’ 1, 425.

86. JE 17, 100.

87. Daniel Murphy, Tolstoy and Education, Blackrock, 1992, 69.

88. JE 21, 583.

89. Gusev 3, 205.

90. Gusev 3, 207.

91. Gusev 3, 208.

92. Gusev 3, 209.

93. JE 61, 333–334.

94. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 158.

95. S. L. Tolstoi, Ocherki bylogo, Moscow, 1949; T. L. Sukhotina-Tolstaya, Vospominaniya, Moscow, 1976; I. L. Tolstoi, Moi vospominaniya, Moscow, 1914.

96. S. A. Tolstaya, Pis’ma k L. N. Tolstomu, 1862–1910, Moscow, 1936, 70.

97. Tolstaya, Pis’ma, 69.

98. Letopis’ 1, 384.

99. Zhdanov, Lyubov’ v zhizni Tolstogo, 144–146; Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 165.

100. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 161.

101. This was the servant given to Dmitry; he transferred to Tolstoy and went to the Caucasus with him in 1851.

102. JE 83, 179.

103. Andreas Kappeler, The Russian Empire: A Multiethnic History, tr. Alfred Clayton, London, 2001, 39–41.

104. JE 83, 190–192.

105. Tolstoy’s American visitor Eugene Schuyler had made the journey from Samara to Orenburg via Buzuluk in the spring of 1868, having stopped off in Kazan to meet his ageing uncle Vladimir, and published a colourful account entitled ‘On the Steppe’ in Hours at Home: A Popular Monthly Journal of Instruction and Recreation, vol. 4 (1869), issue 4, 319–330.

106. JE 83, 210.

107. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 165.

108. JE 62, 47.

109. JE 62, 37.

110. JE 62, 38–39.

9 Novelist

1. S. L. Tolstoi, ‘Ob otrazhenii zhizni v “Anne Kareninoi”: Iz vospominanii’, Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 37/38, vol. 2 (Moscow, 1939), 567.

2. N. N. Gusev, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi. Materialy k biografii s 1870 po 1881 god [Gusev 3], Moscow, 1963, 124.

3. See Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, The Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought, Oxford, 1985, 200.

4. S. Solov’ev, Petrovskie chteniya, St Petersburg, 1872.

5. Gusev 3, 17.

6. JE 61, 342–343, for example.

7. Musorgsky, letter to Stasov, June 1872, M. P. Musorgskii: pis’ma, Moscow, 1984, 100.

8. Gusev 3, 131.

9. JE 61, 349.

10. Gusev 3, 118.

11. E. Schuyler, Peter the Great: Emperor of Russia, 2 vols, New York, 1884.

12. See Peter Bridges, ‘Eugene Schuyler: The Only Diplomatist’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 16 (2005), 13–22.

13. N. N. Gusev, Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva L. N. Tolstogo, 1828–1890, Moscow, 1958 [Letopis 1], 404.

14. See Barbara Alpern Engel, ‘Women, the Family and Public Life’, The Cambridge History of Russia, vol. 2: Imperial Russia, 1689–1917, ed. Dominic Lieven, Cambridge, 2006, 306–325.

15. S. A. Tolstaya, Dnevniki v dvukh tomakh, ed. V. E. Vatsuro et al., 2 vols, Moscow, 1978, vol. 1, 508.

16. Gusev 3, 134–135.

17. Alexandre Dumas, L’Homme-femme, Paris, 1872.

18. Roderick Phillips, Putting Asunder: A History of Divorce in Western Society, Cambridge, 1988, 422.

19. JE 62, 11.

20. See Priscilla Meyer, How the Russians Read the French: Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Madison, 2008, 152–248.

21. JE 59, 64.

22. JE 34, 368.

23. JE 62, 16.

24. Letopis’ 1, 403.

25. V. A. Zhdanov, ‘K istorii sozdaniya “Anna Karenina”: dva rannikh nabroska romana’, Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 69 (1961), vol. 1, 404.

26. Zhdanov, ‘K istorii sozdaniya “Anna Karenina”’, 423.

27. V. A. Zhdanov and E. E. Zaidenshnur, ‘Tekstologicheskie poyasneniya’, in L. N. Tolstoi, Anna Karenina, Literaturnye Pamyatniki, ed. Zhdanov and Zaidenshnur, Moscow, 1970, 687.

28. Gusev 3, 280.

29. Zhdanov and Zaidenshnur, ‘Tekstologicheskie poyasneniya’, 810.