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17. Graham Camfield, ‘From Tolstoyan to Terrorist: The Revolutionary Career of Prince D. A. Khilkov, 1900–1905’, Revolutionary Russia, 12, 1 (1999), 2–3.

18. Aylmer Maude, The Life of Tolstoy (rev. edn, Oxford, 1930), Ware, 2008, 626.

19. N. N. Gusev, Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva L’va Nikolaevicha Tolstogo, 1891–1910 [Letopis’ 2], Moscow, 1960, 683.

20. Letopisi Gosudarstvennogo literaturnogo muzeya, vol. 12: L. N. Tolstoi, vol. 1, Moscow, 1938, 114.

21. V. A. Mazur, ‘Khozhdenie po mukam knyazya Dmitriya Aleksandrovicha Khilkova’, Izvestiya Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 15 (2000); http://proceedings.usu.ru/?base=mag/0015(03_08–2000)&xsln=showArticle.xslt&id=a07&doc=../content.jsp.

22. Letopis’ 2, 111.

23. Letopis’ 2, 155.

24. E. Popov, Zhizn’ i smert’ Evdokima Nikiticha Drozhzhina, 1866–1894, Berlin, 1895.

25. Opul’skaya 2, 66–67.

26. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: A Book About the Way and the Power of the Way, a new English version by Ursula K. Le Guin, with the collaboration of J. P. Seaton, Boston, 1998, 68.

27. See, for example, N. Berdyaev, ‘Vetkhii i novii zavet v religioznom soznanii L. Tolstogo’, O religii L’va Tolstogo, Moscow, 1912, 172–195.

28. M. V. Muratov, L. N. Tolstoi i V. G. Chertkov, Moscow, 1934, 231.

29. For further details, see Andrew Donskov, ed., Sergej Tolstoy and the Doukhobors: A Journey to Canada, Ottawa, 1998, 3–8.

30. See Andrew Donskov, ed., Leo Tolstoy-Peter Verigin: Correspondence, tr. John Woodsworth, Ottawa, 1995.

31. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 245.

32. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 227, 229.

33. Leah Bendavid-Val, Song Without Words: The Photographs and Diaries of Countess Sophia Tolstoy, Washington DC, 2007, 78.

34. Tolstaya, Dnevniki, vol. 1, 236.

35. Opul’skaya 2, 135.

36. Vladimir Zhdanov, Lyubov’ v zhizni L. N. Tolstogo (1928), Moscow, 2005, 200.

37. Opul’skaya 2, 139.

38. Komarova, Druz’ya i gosti, 173.

39. Letopis’ 2, 173.

40. Letopis’ 2, 177.

41. T. Polyakova, ‘Velosiped No. 97011’, Prometei, 12 (1980), 415–418.

42. Opul’skaya 2, 189.

43. N. Nikitina, Sof ’ya Tolstaya, Moscow, 2010, 201.

44. See Ul’rikh Lina, Opasnyi yazyk, Moscow, 1998.

45. L. L. Sabaneev, ‘Moi vospominaniya o S. I. Taneeve’, Sergei Ivanovich Taneev: lichnost’, tvorchestvo i dokumenty ego zhizni: k 10-ti letiyu so dnya ego smerti, 1915–1925, Moscow, 1925, 101.

46. L. L. Sabaneev, S. I. Taneev: Mysli o tvorchestve i vospominaniya o zhizni, Paris, 1930, 121–122.

47. See Tolstoy’s diary entry, November 1851 (JE 46, 237): ‘I have never been in love with a woman – I felt one strong feeling similar to love when I was 13 or 14; but I don’t want to believe that this was love; because the object was a fat maid (although she did have a pretty little face), and from 13–15 years is the most disorganised time for a boy (adolescence); you don’t know what to throw yourself at, and lust, at that time acts with extraordinary force. I have often fallen in love with men … I fell in love with men before I had any idea about the possibility of pederasty, but when I did, the idea of the possibility of coitus never entered my head …’

48. See Alexander Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia: the Partnership of Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Chertkov, Lanham, Md, 1989, 146–147.

49. Opul’skaya 2, 92.

50. JE 67, 62.

51. M. J. de K. Holman, ‘The Purleigh Colony: Tolstoyan Togetherness in the Late 1890s’, in Tolstoi and Britain, ed. W. Gareth Jones, Oxford, 1995, 155.

52. A. G. Rose, ‘Some Influences on English Penal Reform, 1895–1921’, in Tolstoi and Britain, 262.

53. See Peter Brock, tr. and ed., Life in an Austro-Hungarian Military Prison: the Slovak Tolstoyan Dr. Albert Škarvan’s Story, Syracuse, 2002.

54. www.kirjasto.sci.fi/arvidj.htm

55. JE 68, 23.

56. Muratov, L. N. Tolstoi i V. G. Chertkov, 232.

57. Opul’skaya 2, 155–156.

58. Georgy Orekhanov, V. G. Chertkov v zhizni L. N. Tolstogo, Moscow, 2009, 43.

59. Opul’skaya 2, 199–200.

60. Apostolov, Tolstoi i russkoe samoderzhavie, Moscow, 1928, 125–126.

61. Orekhanov, V. G. Chertkov v zhizni L. N. Tolstogo, 31.

62. Opul’skaya 2, 234; Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia, 88–89.

63. See Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia, 67–68.

64. T. L. Sukhotina-Tolstaya, Dnevnik, ed. T. Volkova, Moscow, 1984, 163.

65. Sukhotina-Tolstaya, Dnevnik, 132.

66. Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia, 67.

67. Sukhotina-Tolstaya, Dnevnik, 300.

68. Muratov, L. N. Tolstoi i V. G. Chertkov, 248.

69. S. M. Tolstoi, Deti Tolstogo, Tula, 1993, 77.

70. Tolstoi, Deti Tolstogo, 175.

71. N. A. Kalinina et al., Perepiska L. N. Tolstogo s sestroi i brat’yami, Moscow, 1990, 419, 431.

72. Opul’skaya 2, 252.

73. Tolstoy, What is Art?, tr. A. Maude, ed. W. Gareth Jones, Bristol, 1994, 184.

74. Opul’skaya 2, 158.

75. See Gary Adelman, Anna Karenina: The Bitterness of Ecstasy, Boston, 1990, 124–125.

76. A. B. Gol’denveizer, ‘Tolstoi i muzyka: iz vospominanii’, Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 37/38, (1939), vol. 2, 591–594.

77. Gol’denveizer, ‘Tolstoi i muzyka: iz vospominanii’, 591–594.

78. S. L. Tolstoi, ‘Muzykal’nye proizvedeniya, lyubimye L. N. Tolstym (po vospominaniyam S. L. Tolstogo)’, Tolstovskii ezhegodnik, St Petersburg, 1913, 161–162.

79. Alexandra Orlova, Tchaikovsky: A Self Portrait, tr. R. M. Davison, Oxford, 1990, 62.

80. Orlova, Tchaikovsky: A Self Portrait, 253.

81. S. A. Tolstaya, ‘Moya zhizn’’, Prometei, 12 (1980), 191.

82. See R. Bartlett, Wagner and Russia, Cambridge, 1995, 48.

83. ‘The Theology of Redemptive Love’ is the sub-title of a chapter in Richard F. Gustafson’s Leo Tolstoy: Resident and Stranger, which should be consulted for an in-depth discussion of this topic. For a brief overview of the importance of redemption in Wagner’s works, see Robert Donington, ‘The Search for Redemption in Wagner’, Musical Times, vol. 130, no. 1751 (Jan. 1989), 20–22.

84. Thomas Mann, ‘The Sorrows and Grandeur of Richard Wagner’, April 1933, in Pro and Contra Wagner, tr. Allan Blunden, introd. Erich Heller, London, 1985, 94.

85. Maude, The Life of Tolstoy, 757; Muratov, L. N. Tolstoi i V. G. Chertkov, 257–266.

86. See Tolstoy, What is Art?, v, x.

87. Letopis’ 2, 268, 270.

88. Opul’skaya 2, 248–250.

89. N. Puzin, Dom-muzei L. N. Tolstogo v Yasnoi Polyane, Tula, 2001, 67.

90. Opul’skaya 2, 318.