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67. Lur’e, Posle L’va Tolstogo, 90.

68. Charles Sarolea, ‘Was Tolstoy the Spiritual Father of Bolshevism?’, English Review, January 1925, 156.

69. See, for example, V. A. Maklakov, Tolstoi i Bol’shevizm, Paris, 1921.

70. A. Lunacharskii, ‘Tolstoi i Marks’, Sobranie sochinenii v vos’mi tomakh, vol. 1, Moscow, 1963, 290.

71. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 207.

72. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 206.

73. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 160.

74. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 164, 183.

75. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 208.

76. Croskey, The Legacy of Tolstoy, 64.

77. Osterman, Srazhenie za Tolstogo, 14.

78. Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia.

79. William Nickell, ‘Tolstoi in 1928: In the Mirror of the Revolution’, in Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda, ed. Kevin M. F. Platt and David Brandenberger, Madison, 2006, 17–18.

80. A. V. Lunacharskii, ‘Tolstoi i nasha sovremennost’’, – Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 69 (1961), vol. 2, 407.

81. D. A. Bondarev, Tolstoi i sovremennost’, Moscow, 1928, 6–7.

82. Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography, English translation of Die Welt vom Gestern (1943), London, 1987, 252.

83. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 214.

84. Zweig, The World of Yesterday (1943 edn), 253.

85. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 217.

86. Alexander Fodor, Tolstoy and the Russians: Reflections on a Relationship, Ann Arbor, 1984, 71. Fodor observes how close the style of the editorial is to that of Stalin.

87. See V. M. Friche, ed., L. N. Tolstoi v svete marksistskoi kritiki, Moscow, 1929. See also V. M. Friche, ed., O Tolstom: literaturno-kriticheskii sbornik, Moscow, 1928.

88. Table of contents, Bondarev, Tolstoi i sovremennost’.

89. Tolstaya, Probleski v t’me, 235.

90. Osterman, Srazhenie za Tolstogo, 32–3.

91. Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia, 183.

92. Osterman, Srazhenie za Tolstogo, 32–33.

93. Innessa Medzhibovskaya, ‘Every Man in His Tolstoy Humor: On Lev Osterman, Questions of Method and More’, Tolstoy Studies Journal, 19, 2007, 111–112.

94. See Fodor, A Quest for a Non-Violent Russia, 188.

95. N. Rodionov, ‘Istoriya i organizatsiya [yubileinogo sobraniya sochinenii L. N. Tolstogo]’, Literaturnoe nasledstvo, 69, vol. 2, 429.

96. Fodor, Tolstoy and the Russians, 11–12.

97. I. I. Mints and S. A. Tolstaya-Esenina, Yasnaya Polyana: Stat’i i dokumenty, Moscow, 1942, 173.

98. Al’bert Opul’skii, Vokrug imeni L’va Tolstogo, San Francisco, 1981, 120.

99. V. A. Zhdanov, ‘Yasnaya Polyana v pervye gody revolyutsii (1917–1919)’, Yasnopolyanskii sbornik, Tula, 1962, 23.

100. I. V. Tolstoi, Svet Yasnoi Polyany, Moscow, 1986.

101. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 15.

102. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 18.

103. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 22.

104. Papkov, ‘Zalozhniki sovesti (Tolstovtsy na Solovkakh)’, in Vozvrashchenie pamyati: istoriko-publitsisticheskii al’manakh, vol. 3, Novosibirsk, 1997, 178–180.

105. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 105, 111, 123, 127.

106. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 129, 133–134, 222.

107. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 176–177.

108. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 278.

109. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 282, 283.

110. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 286–290.

111. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 291–292; A. Klibanov, Iz mira religioznogo sektantstva: vstrechi, besedy, nablyuzdeniya, Moscow, 1974.

112. Popovsky, Russkie muzhiki rasskazyvayut, 304.

113. V. Lakshin, ‘Vozvrashchenie Tolstogo-myslitelya’, Voprosy literatury, 5 (1988), 104–117.

114. B. Mazurin, ‘O kommune ‘Zhizn’ i trud’’, Novy mir, 9 (1988), 180–226.

115. http://tolstoy-school.ru/

116. Ol’ga Bugrova, ‘Vitaly Remizov: “Ya sluzhu Tolstomu vsyu zhizn”’, Golos Rossii, 14 December 2009; http://rus.ruvr.ru/2009/12/14/3021120.html

117. Elena Novoselova, ‘Obrazovanie. Ne plyuite na mertvogo l’va’, Rossiiskaya gazeta, 22 November 2005; www.rg.ru/2005/11/22/shkola.html

118. S. A. Skiba, ‘Sovremennoe Tolstovstvo (Tserkov’ L’va Tolstogo)’, Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, seriya 7: Filosofiya, 5 (1998), 65–73.

119. http://unity.org/aboutunity/visionMissionValues/index.html

120. www.imli.ru/tolstoy/sherbakova.php

121. Pavel Basinskii, ‘Vernut’ nel’zya pomilovat’: Sto pyat let nazad L’va Tolstogo otluchili ot pravoslavnoi tservki’, 3 March 2006. See also the proceedings of the conference in Yasnopolyanskii sbornik, Tula, 2008.

122. A. Kostryukov, ‘Pervyi den’ raboty sektsii “Aktual’nye problemy istorii Russkoi Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi v XX veke”’, http://pstgu.ru/scientific/conference/xix/winter/chronik/xxcentury_1


In addition to War and Peace, Anna Karenina and Resurrection, all of which are widely available in English translation, two anthologies of Tolstoy’s shorter works can be recommended: Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy, tr. Louise and Aylmer Maude (1969), and Tolstoy’s Short Fiction, ed. and tr. Michael R. Katz, 2nd edn (2008), which is accompanied by a selection of critical articles. Also valuable are the Penguin editions of Childhood, Boyhood and Youth, translated by Rosemary Edmonds (1973), The Sebastopol Sketches, translated and introduced by David McDuff (1986), and How Much Land Does a Man Need?, translated by Ronald Wilks with an introduction by A. N. Wilson (1993)

English translations of Tolstoy’s religious works include A Confession and Other Religious Writings, ed. and tr. Jane Kentish (1987), and Last Steps: The Late Writings of Leo Tolstoy, ed. and tr. Jay Parini (2009). A Calendar of Wisdom: Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul, ed. and tr. Peter Sekirin (1997), is a translation of Tolstoy’s last major religious compilation Put’ zhizni (The Path of Life).

Two essential biographical sources are Tolstoy’s Diaries, ed. and tr. R. F. Christian (1985), and The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy, tr. Cathy Porter (2009). Also recommended is Leah Bendavid-Val, Song Without Words: The Photographs and Diaries of Sophia Tolstoy (2007). Amongst biographies, the most dependable are Aylmer Maude, The Life of Tolstoy (1930), and A. N. Wilson, Tolstoy (1988).