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supports war effort in World War I 422

obtains release of T’s daughter Alexandra from the Lubyanka 427–8

opposition to the Bolsheviks 429, 432

writes testimonials for Tolstoyans 429

writes impassioned ‘Letter to English Friends’ 429–30

forms Co-operative Association 432

refusal to compromise his beliefs 433

the subject of several denunciations 433

raided by the Cheka 434

avoids exile 434

and Stalin 437, 441, 448

ill-health 440

death 442

named blackened in print 450

Chertkov, Vladimir Vladimirovich (Dima) 360

Chertkova, Anna Konstantinovna (‘Galya’

née Diterikhs) 367, 402, 408, 410

Chertkova, Elizaveta Ivanovna 307, 366, 384–5, 402

Chertkov family 420

Chertkov Public Library, Moscow 167, 168, 305

Cheti-Menei (‘monthly readings’) 191, 192

chinovnik (representative of imperial bureaucracy) 6

Chopin, Fryderyk François 262, 371

Prelude in D Flat Major 261

Christchurch, Hampshire (now Dorset) 406, 407, 408

Christianity 258

Christian teaching 4–5

T’s views on 5

Russian Christianisation 191

Dostoyevsky embraces 252

T’s and Alexeyev’s discussions 263

T’s discussions with Molokans 302

morality as its cornerstone 310

Matthew Arnold on 311

practical 341

Tolstoyan 352

and redemptive love 373

spiritual essence of 374

resurgence of 454

Church Fathers 255, 277, 384

Church News 389, 390

Church of England 310

Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Kremlin, Moscow 155

Church Slavonic 191, 197, 263, 271, 286, 287, 384, 385

Circassians 100, 104, 405

Circus-Theatre, St Petersburg 129

civil service Table of Ranks 90, 94, 151

Clarens, Switzerland 133, 134

Co-operative Association for the Study and Dissemination of the Works of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy 432

Cold War 447

collectivisation 447, 448

Collins, Wilkie

The Law and the Lady 236

A Woman in White 204

Commissariat of People’s Enlightenment 433, 436

Common Cause, The (revolutionary émigré journal) 305

Communards 265

communism, collapse of 454

Communist Party 433, 439

Central Committee 434, 437, 443, 447

Propaganda and Agitation Department 442

Comte, Auguste 321

Confucius 311

Congress of Religious Sects (June 1920) 431

Constantinople 270

Contemporary, The (literary journal) 105, 111, 115, 116, 120, 121, 125, 126, 128, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 142, 148, 253

contraception 245

Cornfield, The (magazine) 377, 378

Cossacks 100–101, 364, 379, 448

Counter Reformation 53

Coxe, William 127


Catherine the Great’s tour 22

conquered by Catherine the Great 99

T and Leonid Urusov visit (1885) 322

Chekhov lives in 379

T recuperates in 394–5, 410

Crimean Tatars 22

Crimean War (1853–6) 107–16, 130, 158, 165, 247, 257, 352

Crosby, Ernest 362

Custine, Marquis de 86, 94–5

Cynics (Greek Philosophers) 77

Cyprus 378

Cyril, St 53

Cyrillic alphabet 190

Cyrus the Great 190


Daghestan 100

highlanders 365

Daily Telegraph 338, 339

Dante Alighieri 387

Dargomyzhsky, Alexander: Rusalka 129

Darwin, Charles: Origin of Species 310

Davy, Humphry 195

Dawn, The (Slavophile journal) 181, 186

Decembrist Uprising (1825), Decembrists 13, 75, 86, 93, 142, 164–5, 266–9, 274–5, 276, 287, 314

Diaghilev, Sergey: visits T 5, 9

Diary of a Writer (journal) 249

Dickens, Charles 142, 204, 315, 349

David Copperfield 76, 87, 98

Dombey and Son 274

Little Dorrit 130

Martin Chuzzlewit 274

Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger, The (journal) 334

Dijon 133

dikost 48, 49, 60, 123

Dillon, Emile 338, 339

Diogenes 77–8

divorce in Imperial Russia 241–2, 243

Dmitry of Rostov, St 192

Dobrinya Nikitich (bogatyr) 65, 66

Dobrolyubov, Alexander 131

Dole, Nathan Haskell 317

Dolgorukov, Prince Pyotr 153, 275, 298, 305

Domna (Yasnaya Polyana servant) 264

Domostroi 80

Don river 217

Dora (English governess to the Tolstoys) 204

Dorpat University 70

Dostoyevskaya, Anna Grigorievna 316

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 167, 229, 246

arrested and imprisoned 92, 93

a member of the Petrashevsky Circle 92

Siberian exile 93, 252, 283

T’s main rival 93, 249

differing worldview from T’s 93

tirade against T 249–50

spiritual crisis 252, 283

almost meets T 267

and Pushkin celebrations (1880) 282–3

death 283

The Brothers Karamazov 282, 393–4

Crime and Punishment 169

Diary of a Writer 249

The Gambler 89

Notes from the House of the Dead 174, 283

‘White Nights’ 92

Dresden 143

Drozhzhin, Evdokim 353–4

Druzhinin, Alexander 134

Dukhobors (‘wrestlers in the name of the Holy Spirit’) 6, 271, 355–7, 364–5, 385, 386, 411, 448

emigration to Canada 376, 378–9, 380, 430–31

Duma 401, 419

Dumas, Alexandre 179, 221

The Count of Monte-Cristo 75

The Fencing Teacher 75

The Three Musketeers 75

Dumas, Alexandre, fils 220–21

La Dame aux camélias 221

L’Homme-femme 220, 221

Dyakov, Dmitry Alexeyevich 130, 184, 206, 243, 244

Dyakova, Darya Alexandrovna (Dolly) 184

Dyakova, Maria Dmitrievna (Masha) 206

Dyakova, Sofya Robertovna (née Voitkevich

‘Sofesh’) 244

Dzerzhinsky, Felix 428, 434


Eastern Orthodoxy 53

‘Eastern Question’ 247

Edison, Thomas 409, 410


lack of adequate public education in Russia 140

T teaches village children to read and write 3, 4, 9

T puts together an ABC and reading primers 4, 188–201

T’s school at Yasnaya Polyana 4, 93, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146, 190, 197–8, 251, 340, 433, 436, 440

T aims to provide the masses with high-quality reading matter 17

T’s child-centred approach 76, 140, 146, 201

T learns about pedagogy abroad 141–4

T permitted to found a pedagogical journal 144

T’s growing network of unconventional schools 3, 145

T’s teachers 145, 146, 148

ill-conceived university reforms 145–6

relationship between T and pupils 146–7

Ministry of Internal Affairs’ perception of T’s schools 147

secret police file on T 147

secret police raid Yasnaya Polyana 148

importance of his work to T 148

T closes his schools down 148, 160

T’s article condemning university education 163

T’s views on his children’s education 189

local teachers study T’s methods 200, 230–31

T’s ‘On Popular Education’ 200, 233

inconclusive trial of his teaching method 233

Sonya’s dislike of T’s obsession with pedagogy 235–6

Edward VII, King 307

Eikhenbaum, Boris 439

Elders (startsy) 4, 6, 10, 17, 66, 254–8, 280, 290, 346, 384, 393, 394, 309, 412

Eliot, George 315

Elizabeth, Empress of Russia 16, 151