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Elizaveta Fyodorovna, Grand Duchess 339

Elpidin, Mikhail 305, 317, 343

Emancipation of Serfdom Act (1861) 143, 145, 213, 218

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 314

Engelgardt, Varvara von 22

English Club, Moscow 19

Enlightenment 77

Enukidze, Avel 434

Epictetus 314

Ergolskaya, Elizaveta Alexandrovna 67, 87–8

Ergolskaya, Tatyana Alexandrovna (‘Toinette’) 55, 82, 129, 152, 181, 206

taken in as an orphaned child by T’s grandparents 42

importance in T’s life 32, 88, 122

on T as his mother’s favourite 33

appearance 42, 204

character 42, 205

and corporal punishment of serfs 42–3, 63–4

love for Nikolay Ilyich Tolstoy 43, 166, 233

selflessly refuses Nikolay Ilyich’s proposal 43

and Nikolay Ilyich’s death 58

takes Tolstoy children to Bolshoi Theatre 59

and Vladimir Yushkov 67

goes to live with sister Elizaveta 67

on T as an ‘incomprehensible creature’ 77

T’s promise to her 78–9

brought back to live at Yasnaya Polyana 87

entreats T to take up writing 88

correspondence with T 96–7, 103

beseeches T to take himself in hand 97

T reunited with her while in the army 107

looks after T’s brother Dmitry 123

and secret police raid of Yasnaya Polyana 148

and Sonya 156

and T’s views on adultery 221–2

death and funeral 233–4, 239

Ermolov, General Alexey 100, 102, 104

Esperantisto (journal) 361

Esperanto 361

European revolutions (1848) 86, 91, 92

Europeanisation 21, 24, 218

Evangelists 386

Evpatoria, Battle of (1855) 112

Evpraksiya (Dunechka Temyasheva’s nanny) 39

Ewing, Thomas: Principles of Elocution 195



threat of in Samara province in 1873 4, 211–13

of 1892 5, 9, 335–40, 354, 401

during the Civil War 430–31

Faraday, Michael 195

female emancipation 219

Feoktist, Father 254, 329

Feoktistkov, Evgeny 324

Fet, Afanasy 121, 144, 173, 182, 184, 206, 230, 234, 239, 247, 281

Fet, Nadezhda 184

Fifield, Arthur 406

Figner, Medea 371

Figner, Nikolay 371

Filaret, Archpriest 300

Fille du régiment, La (Donizetti) 133

Fillmore, Charles and Myrtle 452

Finland, nationalist movement in 363

Five-Year Plan, first 447

Flaubert, Gustave 220

Madame Bovary 310

Florence 142, 165

Fodor, Alexander 443

Foka Demidych (T family butler) 46, 93

Fokanov, Timofey 210

Fontanka river 120

Frankfurt, Battle of 128

Franklin, Benjamin: Mémoires de la vie privée 97

Free Age Press 406

Free Russian Press 142

Free Word Press 378, 397, 401, 406, 407, 408

French Revolution (1789) 77, 220, 275

French Revolution (1848) 91

Freud, Sigmund 184

Frey, William (Vladimir Geins) 259, 262–3, 321–2

Froebel, Friedrich 141

Futurists 433

A Slap in the Face of Public Taste 374

Fyodor Ivanovich, see Rössel, Friedrich

Fyodorov, Nikolay 297


Gachet, Lucie see Montels, Lucie

Gandhi, Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand 8, 343, 410

Garrison, Wendell 341

Garrison, William Lloyd 341, 404

Gaskell, Elizabeth: Life of Charlotte Brontë 133

Gaspra, Crimea 396

Gavrilovka, Samara Province 212

Ge, Nikolay

friendship with T 142, 297

portrait of T 308

firm belief in manual work 308

vegetarianism 308

friend of the Tolstoy family 350

death 350

Geins, Vladimir see Frey, William

Geneva, Switzerland 133, 134, 241, 265, 305, 317, 343, 379

George, Henry 318, 404

Progress and Poverty 318

Georgia 99, 108

Georgian Military Highway 99, 102–3

Georgievsk, Treaty of (1783) 99

Gladkov (Cossack ataman) 100

glasnost 451

Gnedich, Nikolay 190

Godmanhood 259

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 133, 134, 166

The Sorrows of Young Werther 98, 230

Gogol, Nikolay 79, 87, 92, 121–2, 229, 256

Dead Souls 76, 86

The Gamblers 89

The Government Inspector 62

‘The Nose’ 90

‘The Overcoat’ 85, 86

‘Going to the People’ movement 218–19

Goldenweiser, Alexander 371, 412

Golikov, Ivan: Deeds of Peter the Great, Wise Reformer of Russia 216

Golitsyna, Princess Varvara 29

Goncharov, Ivan 120

Oblomov 7, 120

Gorbachev, Mikhail 451

Gorbunov-Posadov, Ivan 356, 410, 412

Gorchakov, Vasily (T’s great-uncle) 275–6

Gorky, Maxim 404

Gosizdat state publishing house 437

Goslitizdat 442, 443

Gospels 269, 278, 280, 290, 301, 307

St John 286, 287, 293

St Luke 399

St Mark 286

St Matthew 286, 295

T’s translation of 4, 252, 283, 285–7, 289

Gosse, Edmund 409

Gounod, Charles: Faust 187

Grand Armée 171

Great St Bernard Pass 134

‘Green Yuletide’ 260

Griesbach, Johann 285

Grigorovich, Dmitry 125

Grimm, Brothers 193, 196

Grindelwald, Switzerland 134

Gromova-Opulskaya, Lidiya 9, 452, 453

Grot, Nikolay 334, 336, 338

Grozny (previously Groznaya) 102

national museum 7

Grumant (summer cottage on the Voronka river) 24, 40

Grumant (village

renamed Ugryumy) 24

Gusev, Nikolay 405–6, 407, 411, 419, 423, 436

Materials for a Biography 9, 175

Gustafson, Richard 98, 113, 114

gypsies 94–5, 97, 121


Hachette 178, 179

Halifax, Nova Scotia 379

Hapgood, Isabel 12, 338

Hapsburg Empire 91

Harper’s Bazaar (magazine) 347

Haydn, Joseph 371

Heliodoros 34

Henissiénne, Louise 30

Henri de Mons 14

Hermitage, St Petersburg 29, 137

Herodotus 191, 196, 209

Herzen, Alexander 105, 126, 128, 142, 147, 170, 218

Hesychasm 254, 255, 384

Hindu philosophy 389

History Museum, Moscow 402, 418

Hollister, Alonzo 341

holy fool (yurodivy) 2, 311, 332, 333, 338

‘Ivan the Fool’ 42, 316, 333

Homer 166

The Iliad 136, 159, 190, 191

The Odyssey 191

Horace 75

Horse Guards 91, 150

Hôtel des Invalides, Paris 132–3

Hotel Napoleon, St Petersburg 89, 92, 121

Houses of Parliament, London 142, 238

Hugo, Victor 166

Hungarian revolution 91, 108

Hus, Jan 53, 288

Hussites 53

Hyères, south of France 141, 142


Iliodor (Russian monk) 34

illegitimacy 240–43

Ilya of Murom (bogatyr) 2, 65–6, 194, 397

Imperial Academy of Arts 229

Imperial Academy of Sciences 229, 422, 438, 444, 452

Imperial Geographic Society 394

Imperial Guard 422

Imperial Law Code 242

Imperial Public Library, St Petersburg 267

Imperial Russian Army

10th division 110

11th Artillery Brigade, 3rd Battery 112

11th division 110

14th Light Artillery Brigade, 3rd Battery 110

20th Artillery Brigade 84, 103

4th Battery 103

Life-Guards Imperial Family Rifle Regiment 130

outdated military tactics and poor conditions 111

T’s plans 112–13

Imperial Theatres 324

‘Indros’ (alleged German founder of Tolstoy dynasty) 14

Inkerman, Battle of (1854) 110

Inniskilling Fusiliers 363


birth of 128

T’s membership of 3

critical of Russian government 3