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Mavor, James 12, 379

Maximilian, Duke of Leuchtenberg 79

Mazurin, Boris 431, 450–51

Medzhibovskaya, Inessa 442

Meilakh, Boris 450

Melety, Metropolitan 386

Mennonites 379, 429

Mensheviks 398

Menshikov, Prince Alexander 16

Menshikov, Mikhail 381

merchant class

T’s aversion to 6, 21

in Moscow 56

depicted in Ostrovsky’s Bankruptcy 126

Merezhkovsky, Dmitry 394, 404, 409, 424

Methodius, St 53

Meyer, Adam Fyodorovich 64

Mill, John Stuart 186, 219

The Subjection of Women 186

Milyutin, Alexey 62, 63

Milyutin, Vladimir 63

Mikula Selyaninovich (bogatyr) 188, 194

Minayev, Ivan 305

Ministry of Agriculture 428

Ministry of Culture 444

Ministry of Education 142, 147, 201

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 92, 399

Ministry of Internal Affairs 128, 147, 303, 320, 396, 423

Ministry of Justice 85, 452

Moscow archive 17, 277

Ministry of People’s Enlightenment 428

Ministry of War 111

Miserbiyev, Sado 102

Mishenka (T’s illegitimate brother) 20

Missionary Congresses 385–6

modernism 374

Moldavia 107, 108, 254

Molière 133, 180

Molokans 269, 271–2, 290, 302, 303, 320, 376, 385

Molostvova, Zinaida 99

Molotov, Vyacheslav 437, 441

Monastery of the Cyzicus Martyrs, Kazan 73

Mongols 21

Montaigne, Michel de 141

Montels, Vicomte Jules (‘Monsieur Nief’) 265, 273, 275, 279, 288

Montels, Lucie (née Gachet) 265

Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de 97

De l’esprit des lois 81

Montreux, Switzerland 134

Moravian Brethren 52, 53, 54

Moravian Church 53

Morgachev, Dmitry 445–6, 447, 451

Morozov, Pyotr (teacher at Yasnaya Polyana school) 141

Morozov, Savva 337


Napoleon’s troops march on 171, 172

great Moscow fire (1812) 151

Napoleon’s retreat from (1812) 62, 172

Tolstoy family moves to (1837) 56–7, 69

Zamoskvorechie 56, 136, 228

cornerstone laid for Cathedral of Christ the Saviour 62–3

T moves to Arbat area 88

gypsy choirs 94

salons 96

four Tolstoy brothers photographed together 107–8

T meets Moscow-based writers 124–5

T visits with his sister Masha and her children 136

T’s research in 167, 266, 269

T dreams of having a pied-a-terre in 187

infamous murder case (1850) 221

centre of Russian Pan-Slavism 247

Tolstoy family moves to (1881) 252, 291–2

Orthodox faithful and Old Believers debates 269

Pushkin celebrations (1880) 282–3, 291, 304

search for new teachers for Tolstoy children 283

T visits the city’s slums 291–2, 294, 317

census (1882) 294, 295–6, 299, 317

condemned by T as a ‘foul sewer’ 297

T finds and renovates a winter home for the family 301–2

Nicholas II’s coronation 365

first Missionary Congresses (1887 and 1891) 385

unrest on the day of T’s funeral 415

Sonya negotiates to sell family house in 418

T’s former house is nationalised 427

Moscow Conservatoire 167, 361, 371, 430, 436

Moscow Gazette (newspaper) 163, 200, 212

Moscow Literacy Committee 200, 228, 232

Moscow Manège 359

Moscow military court 421

Moscow Spiritual Academy 278

Moscow University 70, 151, 152, 190, 291, 313, 326, 413

Moscow-Kursk railway line 175

Moskauer Deutscher Zeitung 186

Mount Athos 254, 255, 258, 314

Mount Beshtau 104

Mount Elbrus 105

Mountain Cossacks (Grebenskie kazaki) 100–101

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 371, 372

Mozhaysk, Bishop of 278

Mozhaysk 171

Mtsensk 130

Müller, Max 257

The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy 389

Murat, Hadji 100, 364–365

Muravyov-Apostol, Matvey 275

Muravyov-Apostol, Sergey 275

Musorgsky, Modest 215, 216–17

Khovanshchina 270

The Nursery 217


Nadezhda (sloop) 49, 50

Nagornova, Varvara Valerianovna (Varya née Tolstaya T’s niece) 93, 141, 206, 268, 316

Nakhimov, Admiral 115

Naples 142

Napoleon Bonaparte 13, 19, 20, 57, 62–3, 69, 70, 94, 100, 132–3, 165, 167, 171, 172, 266, 275

Napoleonic Wars 166

Naryshkin, Alexander 221

Naryshkin, Semyon Kirillovich 26

Naryshkina, Nadezhda 220–21

Nastasina, Pelageya Ivanovna (‘Pashenka’

Alexandra Ilyinichna’s ward) 32, 38, 41, 43, 60

nationalism 249

Nazis 444

Nekrasov, Nikolay 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 115, 120, 123, 126, 128, 132, 135, 137

Neva (ship) 49

New Economic Policy (NEP) 432, 434

New Polyana 420

New Testament in modern Russian 271–2, 292

New Times (newspaper) 248, 249, 330, 391

New York Evening Post 338

Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia 13, 46, 62, 75, 79, 85, 86, 91, 92, 108, 109, 111, 112, 122, 136, 137, 151, 155, 165, 213, 215, 220, 266, 267, 270, 355, 395–6

Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia 6, 126, 326, 349, 365, 368, 376, 386, 387, 391, 391, 392, 395, 396, 398, 399, 401, 419, 421

‘Nief, Monsieur’ see Montels, Vicomte Jules

Nietzsche, Friedrich 184

Nietzschean philosophy 389

nihilism, nihilists 144, 147, 219, 235, 259, 265, 272

Nikolay Filippovich (Yasnaya Polyana coachman) 45

Nikolskoye-Vyazemskoye estate, Tula province 38, 82, 144, 161, 234, 331

Nikon, Father 278

Nikon, Patriarch 270

XIXe Siecle, Le (newspaper) 178

Nizhny Novgorod 69, 94, 208, 210, 337

Nobel Prizes 410–11

nobility see aristocracy

Non-resistance (journal) 341

Nord, Le (Russian government’s French-language journal) 115

Nordman, Natalya Borisovna 350

Norman, Sir Henry 2

Northern Messenger (journal) 357

Notes of the Fatherland (journal) 131, 200, 234–5

Novikov, Mikhail 448

Novodevichy Convent and Cemetery, Moscow 323

Novokuznetsk (later Stalinsk) 448–9

Novospassky Monastery, Moscow 428

Novy mir (literary journal) 451

numerology 34, 251


Obolenskaya, Elizaveta Valerianovna (Lizanée Tolstaya T’s niece) 93, 141, 206, 268, 366

Obolenskaya, Maria Lvovna (Masha

née Tolstaya

T’s daughter) 314, 325

birth 185, 187, 189

appearance 202, 403

education 234

Biryukov tries to marry her 315, 326

T’s favourite 326, 366, 404

T relies on her for assistance and moral support 326, 366

temporarily renounces her share of T’s property 331, 366

famine relief 336, 339, 340

involvement in Tolstoyan movement 356–7

marries Nikolay Obolensky 366

miscarriage 389

death 404

Obolensky, Dmitry Dmitrievich 85

Obolensky, Leonid Dmitrievich 206

Obolensky, Nikolay Leonidovich (T’s son-in-law) 366, 403

Odessa 103, 110, 401

Oka river 69

Okhotnitskaya, Natalya Petrovna (Toinette’s companion) 88, 152, 205, 206, 233

Old Believers 167, 269, 270, 271, 276, 278, 290–91, 336–7, 385, 448

Old Testament 302

Olteniţa, Wallachia 108

Optina Pustyn Monastery, Kaluga province 253–7, 258, 280, 281, 289–90, 328, 384, 393–4, 412, 413

Orekhanov, Father Georgy 454

Orekhov, Alexey Stepanovich (Alyoshka T’s servant) 99, 147, 155, 205

Orekhova, Avdotya (Dunyasha

née Bannikova) 205

Orenburg 208, 211, 266

Orlov-Chesmensky, Count 94

Orsett House, Westbourne Terrace, London 142

Oryol 30, 123, 124, 274

Osten-Sacken, Alexandra Ilyinichna von (‘Aline’