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Repin, Ilya 248, 297, 298, 319, 325, 350, 391–2

Religious Procession in Kursk Province 298, 299, 393

Sectarian 298

Reuss, Professor Edouard 285

Revue des deux mondes 186

Rey, Jules 238, 239, 240, 265

Richardson, Samuel 29

Ries, Theodor 186, 197, 253

Rodionov, Filipp 205

Rodionov, Nikolay 442, 443, 445

Rodionova, Evlampia Matveyevna 205

Rodionov Institute for girls, Kazan 70

Rössel, Friedrich (‘Fyodor Ivanovich’, Tolstoy children’s tutor) 38, 43–4, 47, 59, 61, 64

Rolland, Romain 395

Roman Catholic Church 114

Romanov, Grand Duke Konstantin Alexandrovich 126–7

Romanov, Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich 339, 401

Romanov, Grand Duke Nikolay Mikhailovich 395, 396

Romanova, Grand Duchess Evgenia Nikolayevna 122

Romanova Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna 122, 133

Romanova, Tsarevna Sofia Alexeyevna 15

Romanovs 29, 126, 208, 349, 391, 395, 422–3, 424

Rome 142

Roosevelt, Theodore 318, 329

Rossini, Gioacchino Barbiere di Siviglia, Il 133

Mosè in Egitto 187

Rostopchin, Count Fyodor Vasilievich 179

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 68, 76–7, 105, 133, 134, 347

Confessions 76, 87, 107, 285

Dictionary of Music 68

Discours sur les sciences et les arts 76

Discours sur l’origine de l’inégalité 76

Du contrat social 76

Émile, ou de l’éducation 76, 87, 134

Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse 76, 87, 133

Rozhdestvensky, Admiral 401

Rozhdestvensky, Vladimir 265

Rubens, Peter Pauclass="underline" The Descent from the Cross 137

Rubinstein, Nikolay 360

Ruisdael, Jacob van 137

Rumyantsev Museum, Moscow 167, 425

Rumyantsev, Nikolay Mikhailovich (T family cook) 156, 157

Rumyantsev Public Library 292, 297, 402


Christianisation of 191

wealth and poverty 2

‘caste’ system 2, 383

literacy 3, 4, 9, 17

war with Napoleon (1812) 20, 57, 62–3, 69, 70, 94, 100, 167, 266

Decembrist Uprising (1825) 13, 75, 86

inheritance of the family title 21

gambling 88–9

gypsy choirs 94–5

expansionist ambitions 108, 385

Westernisation 124

liberalisation of society under Alexander II 129

The Bell campaigns for reform 142

Great Reforms 167, 175, 191, 218, 243, 384

christmas in 206

first national census (1897) 213

railway expansion 220, 277, 354

divorce in 241–2, 243

volatile political situation in 398

drawn into World War I 422

collapse of the Romanov dynasty 422–3

Peace concluded with Germany (March 1918) 424

purges 442, 450

perestroika and glasnost 451

see also Russian Revolution (1905)

Russian Revolution (1917)

Russian Antiquity (journal) 268, 320

Russian Archive (journal) 168, 173, 266

Russian Association of Proletarian Writers 440

Russian Carpet Company 375

Russian Cause, The (journal) 320

Russian Civil War (1917–23) 429–32

Russian Empire 99, 209, 270, 355, 385

Russian fairy tales 65, 180, 193, 194

Russian folksong 193

Russian Freemasons 167

Russian Gazette (newspaper) 336, 337, 338, 340, 386, 407

Russian government intelligentsia critical of 3

powerless to stop T’s speaking out 6

T as its greatest threat 17

T in direct conflict with 34, 123, 348–9

bloated and inefficient bureaucracy 335

T seeks to bring it down 345

and the Dukhobors 356

bans import of Esperantisto 361

feels threatened on several fronts 381–2

and T’s excommunication 390

and threat of terrorist activities 398

anti-Jewish pogroms 398

and T’s death 415

Russian Messenger (literary journal) 132, 139, 159, 164, 168, 169, 234, 236, 237, 240, 246, 248, 249, 253, 299

Russian Museum, St Petersburg 228

Russian Orthodox Church

T’s critical investigation of Russian Orthodox theology 4

T’s writings on 5

standing during services 72

T sees the catechism as a ‘lie’ 75

icons 113–14

and the state 114, 269, 356, 383, 454

and divorce 242

and illegitimacy 242

Moscow Patriarchate 269

Holy Synod 243, 269, 300, 323, 382, 383, 385–91, 393, 396, 453

T’s faith linked to popular religious belief 263

makes little effort to meet peasants’ needs 263

undermining of the Church’s moral authority 269–70

millions turn away from Orthodoxy 270, 272

Schism 270, 271, 385

opposes modern Russian translations of the Bible 271, 385

T’s attitude to 34, 53, 278, 283, 284, 285, 290, 300, 301, 382, 412

excommunication of T 6, 349, 382, 387–94, 412–13, 419, 453–4

and the Dukhobors 356

attacked in Resurrection 381

clergy 383–4, 387

embattled state at end of nineteenth century 384

asks believers to refrain from celebrating T’s eightieth birthday 408–9

tries to take T to court for blasphemy 409

Russian Revolution (1905) 401, 409, 451

Russian Revolution (1917) 17, 77, 270, 379, 424, 428, 435

February Revolution 423, 424

October Revolution 424, 427, 429, 444

Russian Thought (literary journal) 297, 299–300, 301, 305, 317

Russian Veteran (newspaper) 111

Russian Volunteer Movement 248, 249

Russian Wealth (journal) 320

Russian Word (newspaper) 409

Russo-Japanese War (1904–5) 398–9, 400–401

Russo-Turkish War (1710–11) 15

Russo-Turkish War (1768–74) 22

Russo-Turkish War (1787–92) 22

Russo-Turkish War (1828–9) 266

Russo-Turkish War (1877–8) 257, 278, 352

Ryazan province

T’s famine work in 5, 336–40

T dies in 412

Rybnikov, Pavel 193


St Andrew’s Cathedral, Kronstadt 392

St Basil’s Cathedral, Red Square, Moscow 69

St Isaac’s Cathedral, St Petersburg 89, 268

St Isaac’s Square, St Petersburg 267, 269

St James’s Hall, Piccadilly, London 142

St John, Arthur 363, 378

St Peter and Paul Cathedral, St Petersburg 29

St Peter and Paul Fortress, St Petersburg 16, 92–3, 266–7

St Petersburg (Petrograd)

founding of 2, 16, 215

Maria Nikolayevna Volkonskaya visits 29

T visits 89–92, 120–29, 136–7, 144, 266–8, 280, 366

‘White Nights’ 92

T leaves behind a number of creditors 92

Russian military headquarters 110

T sent there as a courier 117

T in a naval munitions unit 123

European-looking 125

Sonya’s trip (1891) 330–31

St Petersburg Conservatoire 167

St Petersburg Gazette (newspaper) 376

St Petersburg Italian Opera 137

St Petersburg University 70, 89, 259

Saint-Thomas, Prospère 59–60, 64

Sakhalin penal colony 330

Samara 206–213, 227, 229, 266, 306, 335

T lives like a Bashkirian nomad in 147–8, 188

koumiss cure 148, 152, 208, 209, 228, 269

Yasnaya Polyana raided while T in 148

Tolstoy family visits their estate 4, 207, 210–211, 226, 238, 274

T relishes the lack of amenities 208

the Bashkirs 208–210

harvests 210, 212, 234

famine 212, 213, 228, 294, 336, 337

T’s letter in the Moscow Gazette 212–13

aid donations 213, 294

T and Sergey Lvovich visit (1874) 234

Bashkir horse race 238

T enlarges his estate 266, 267, 280