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patron saint 51

move to Moscow (1837) 56–7, 69

family split up 60–61

young Tolstoys go to live with Aunt Polina in Kazan 66–7, 69

division of property (1847) 81–2

at Christmas 206

Tolstoy family crest 18

Tolstoy Museum, Moscow 73, 420, 426, 427, 434, 436, 444, 449–50, 452

awarded the Order of the Red Banner 445

Tolstoy Museum, Starogladkovskaya, Chechnya 7

Tolstoy Society 420, 423

Tolstoyan movement

nature of ‘Tolstoyans’ 5, 352

Ge as one of the first ‘Tolstoyans’ 308

chertkov its eminence grise 6

Tolstoyans sent to Solovki 17–18

Sonya blocks Masha’s marriage to Tolstoyan Biryukov 326

sonya’s attitude to Tolstoyans 350

rumours of a congress 351–2

its first ‘martyr’ 353–4

colonies established in England 362–3, 375, 406

classified as a sect 386

in World War I 422

number of active Tolstoyans 423

amnesty from conscription (1917) 429

and Alexandra’s release on bail 428

difficulties with the Soviet government 429

first grouped with sectarians and religious minority groups 429

chertkov writes testimonials for Tolstoyans 429

‘golden age of Tolstoyanism’ 430

passionate debates in Moscow 430

organisation of communes 431

at the Congress of Religious Sects 431

executions by firing squad 431

removal from list of bona fide conscientious objectors 431

‘faux Tolstoyans’ 433

arrests for ‘anti-Soviet’ activity 433

archive of manuscripts by and about Tolstoyans 447, 449–50

number left alive in Russia (1978) 447

treatment of Tolstoyans 447–8

Tolstoyans’ refusal to be collectivised 448

journey to Siberia (1931) 448–9

‘Come to Your Senses, Brothers!’ (anti-war petition) 422

‘Help! A Public Appeal Regarding the Caucasian Dukhobors’ (brochure) 378

‘Stop the Fratricide!’ (leaflet) 424

Tomsk, Siberia 444

Tregubov, Ivan 356, 365, 366

Tretyakov, Pavel 228–9

Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 299

Trinity St Sergius Monastery, Sergiev Posad 129, 192, 276, 278, 300

Trollope, Anthony 245–6

The Bertrams 175

The Prime Minister 245

Trotsky, Leon 434, 435, 440

Troyanovsky, Boris 371

Trubetskaya, Gasha 96

Trubetskoy, Vasily 45

Tsarskoye Selo 272

Tsushima, Battle of (1905) 401

Tuckton House, Christchurch, Hampshire (later Dorset) 406

Tula 58, 82, 85, 94, 97, 104, 163, 166, 167, 210, 276, 281, 305, 328, 335, 336, 360, 424

gypsies 90, 94, 96

local government 94

court 305, 324

prison 227, 406, 421

abattoir 334

Tula, Bishop of 279, 386

Tunis Journal 265

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich 105, 125, 131, 151, 167, 229, 281

disappoints T 3

lives in Paris 3, 132

oblique criticism of serfdom 87

attitude to his own land-owning noble class 87

moves abroad 87

relationship with T 119–22, 125, 132, 133, 135, 139, 144, 176, 268–9

relationship with Masha 120, 138–9, 268

a self-confessed Westerniser 121

obituary of Gogol 121–2

imprisonment and exile to his estate 122

allowed to travel again 122

admires George Sand 126

T visits him 130

and T’s gambling 135

devotion to Pauline Viardot 139

and T’s ‘Kholstomer’ 160–61

on War and Peace 178–9

character 178, 274

and Schopenhauer 184

visits T 274, 281–2

and Pushkin celebrations (1880) 282

and T’s Confession 300–301

deathbed letter 304

T on his works 404 Fathers and Sons 144, 147, 164, 176, 219

A Hunter’s Notes 76, 87, 119, 121, 122, 131

Rudin 121, 122

Turgeneva, Varvara Petrovna (née Lutovinova) 151

Turkestan 209


Azov campaigns 217

Crimean War (1853–6) 107, 108

Bulgarian atrocities (1876) 177

Turner, Charles 342

Tver province 292, 297, 298

Tyndall, John 195

Tyutchev, Fyodor 120, 137, 247

Tyutcheva, Darya (Dolly) 138

Tyutcheva, Ekaterina (Kitty) 137–8


Ukraine 355

Ulyanov, Vladimir see Lenin, Vladimir

Umberto I, King of Italy 346

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe) 109

Unitarians 341

Unity Church 452

Universalists 341

Urusov, Leonid Dmitrievich 305, 314, 322

Urusov, Sergey Semyonovich 181, 182, 184, 191, 206, 211, 259, 281

Urusova, Lidia Sergeyevna 184


Vanyusha (Dmitry’s serf) 71

Varlamov, Father Alexey 454

Varsonofy, Father 413

Vasiliev, Vladimir 368

Vasnetsov, Viktor 66

vegetarianism, vegetarians 8, 334, 348, 350, 354, 362, 374, 431, 446

Velichkovsky, Paisy 254–5

Verdi, Giuseppe

Rigoletto 133

La Traviata 221

Vereshchagin, Vasily 178

Verigin, Pyotr 355, 356, 364, 386

Verigin, Vasily 356

Viardot, Pauline 139

Vilna University 70

Virgil 387

Aeneid 162

Vladikavkaz 99

Vladivostock 440

Vnezapnaya fort 102

Vogüé, Vicomte Eugène-Melchior 347

Voice of Truth and Unity (journal) 423

Volga river 69, 78, 99, 127, 208, 211, 298

Volkona river 21

Volkonskaya, Princess Ekaterina (née Trubetskaya

T’s maternal grandmother) 23

Volkonsky, Prince Nikolay Sergeyevich (T’s grandfather) 23, 45, 93, 166

army career 22, 24, 28

and Yasnaya Polyana 22, 24–6, 31, 38

on Catherine the Great’s Crimea tour 22

military governor, Arkhangelsk 22

marriage to Princess Ekaterina Trubetskaya 23, 24

builds Grumant 24

his library 27

treatment of his serfs 27–8, 36

idolised by T 27

takes Maria Nikolayevna to St Petersburg 29

Volkonsky, Prince Sergey Grigorievich 13, 142, 165

Volkonsky, Major General Sergey Fyodorovich (T’s maternal great-grandfather) 22, 40

Volkonsky family 21

Voltaire 27

Voronezh 353, 354

Voronka river 24, 40, 161

Vorontsov, Prince Mikhail 103, 104

Vozdykhantsy (‘Sighers’) 290


Wagner, Richard

Parsifal 373

Ring cycle 184, 358, 373

Siegfried 372, 373

Wallachia 107, 108

Wanderers Exhibition, 29th (St Petersburg) 391

Warsaw Uprising (1830) 143

Week, The (periodical) 338

Wells, H. G. 409

Westernisers 7, 87, 105, 121, 125, 216

Whiteway, Cotswolds 406

Wilhelm II, Kaiser 343

Williams, Howard: The Ethics of Diet: A Catena of Authorities Deprecatory of the Practice of Flesh-Eating 333–4

Windsor Castle, Berkshire 204, 371

Winter Palace, St Petersburg 324, 329, 401

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 8, 184, 289

Wokler, Robert 77

World War I

Sasha goes to the front as a nurse 421

Chertkov supports the war effort 422

atrocities of 422

Peace concluded with Germany (March 1918) 424

confirms T’s predictions 430

World War II 444

Wright, Charles 409


Xenophon: The Anabasis 190


Yalta, Crimea 208, 323, 381, 394

Yaroshenko, Nikolay: The Student 367

Yasenki (later Zaseka then Yasnaya Polyana) railway station 175, 176, 219, 413, 438–9

Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province

developed by previous owners 24

Volkonsky buys 22

Tolstoy family becomes connected with the estate 21

name 22

Volkonsky’s projects 24–7

T’s birth at 2

T’s beloved home 12, 25, 26, 47, 56