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“No hard feelings, old boy,” he told Paddy. “We understand. This time I think we all went too far, got too reckless.”

Purdue came walking out of the church, “Sam! Can you help me with the other chain, please? I’m giving one part to the poor vicar whose heart nearly stopped today.”

“Well done! Far be it from you to take all the gold, huh?” Sam laughed as Nina and Paddy followed.

“I’ll do you one better. I’m not keeping any of the gold,” Purdue proclaimed boastfully. “I am melting the other chain down too… and sending it to Jari!”

“That’s wonderful!” Nina cheered, grabbing Purdue and planting a kiss on his forehead. “I remember he said the sale of the cross to you was all that kept him and the wife holding onto their property. That gold will secure their future.”

“Correct,” he said.

They picked up the chain and lugged it to the 4x4.

“So, no gain whatsoever from this expedition, Mr. Purdue?” Nina asked.

“Nope. Not all treasure is gold and precious stones. Someone once told me that,” Purdue smiled. “This time the treasure was wisdom; knowledge. I know Agartha exists, but I also know that we are not ready to attain the godhood we think we can. That in itself is more precious to know than anything money can buy.”

“Let’s go sample some Swedish homebrew,” Sam suggested. They lowered the car windows and waved goodbye to the beaming vicar.

The rain finally ceased and left them with fresh, crisp Swedish air while they cruised through the stunning country landscapes once ruled by earth-walking gods. A place that still held the power of Odin and beauty the likes of Fólkvangr itself.