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No results. Nothing.

He checked the information bar at the top of the screen.

Did you mean ’Wavecrest ship’ it read.

He clicked on the attached link.

Sorry found no matches for your criteria.

He tried all different combinations.

Still nothing.

Finally he gave up.

Taking a piece of paper and a pen he sketched the skull he’d seen and tried searching again.

* * *

The sea bed levelled out at one hundred and twenty feet. Natalie and her team searching anything they found. The visibility was poor at this depth. No more than a few metres at best. She swam over rocks that jutted out of the sea bed. Plants moved in the current. A starfish was clinging to a large rock. A large crab was squaring up to it. This was a fight for territory. She waved her hand in front of the crab and it backed off, scurrying behind the rock where it peered out at her. Then she heard Hutchinson’s voice in her helmet. She listened carefully to what he said. Another vessel in the area. She wasn’t at all surprised. This was the greatest mystery of archaeology, of the ancient world.

The team stayed down for a further twenty minutes and then returned to the surface.

* * *

Natalie stepped out of the shower and quickly got dressed. She grabbed a large towel for her hair and went topside. She was told that Dennis and Hutchinson were on the bridge and headed for it.

Peter Dennis smiled at her as she opened the door and stepped in. Hutchinson and the Captain were studying images received by the headcams. Natalie looked down at the sheet of paper Dennis had been drawing on.

“What’s this? Skulls?”


“You’ve drawn lots of them. Do you have a fascination for them?”

She picked the paper up and after poring over it she handed it back.

“No. There’s a skull painted on the side of that ship over there, right behind its name, and I was intrigued. I’m sure I’ve seen its like before somewhere. That sketch is the closest to it.”

Hutchinson looked up from what he was doing.

“Now you mention it, it, does look familiar. Though I don’t know where I would have seen it.”

“Let me see,” the American held out his hand for the paper. He flicked his eyes over them all.

“Which one in particular are we looking at?”

Natalie pointed it out for him. Hutchinson studied it. He turned it this way and that for different angles. He shrugged and handed it back to Dennis.

“It looks a bit like the ’Death’s head’ emblem the Germans used during world war II, the, um,” he snapped his fingers, “The SS.”

Dennis studied the small sketch again. This time using his imagination with the new knowledge. He took a red pen and circled his drawing a few times. He then typed in ’SS Death’s head emblem’ on a search. Instantly there were millions of links. He clicked on images and the first thirty appeared on screen.

“There,” Natalie said pointing to the jpeg fourth from the left on the middle row.

“That one looks exactly like your sketch.”

Dennis clicked on the image then clicked on ’Show full size’.

“That is it. That’s what I saw painted on the side of that ship.”

He pointed out of the window and stopped when he saw that the wavecrest had gone.

“What ship?” Natalie asked.

“The one I told you about over the headset,” Hutchinson spoke.

“They must have given up.”

“For now….”

Hutchinson looked over his shoulder as Ali approached.

“….But I’ll bet you a dollar they’ll be back.”

“May I ask what you’ve decided Mr Hutchinson,” the Turkish Captain asked.

“We’ll return to port to take on more equipment. Set sail as soon as you are ready.”


It was early evening when the Volante arrived back at port and while the team went out in search of a restaurant the crew began loading new equipment. After the meal, which Peter Dennis feeling extravagant paid for, he and Natalie walked arm in arm through the town heading for the docks. The other members of the team wandered ahead of them. Natalie was laughing at a joke from the journalist when he suddenly caught her arm. She stopped and followed his gaze. On the other side of the harbour the ’Wavecrest’ was docked. The other members of the team had seen it too but continued on their way.

“That was the ship I saw earlier.”

Natalie stared at it now.

“The one with the skull painted behind the name.”


“I can’t see it.”

“No it’s hidden in the shadow caused by that crane but it’s there all right.”

She looked and looked.

“No. I can see the name ‘Wavecrest’ and I think I can make out the skull but it’s too dark.”

Dennis grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Natalie struggled to keep up in her heeled shoes.

“Peter I….”

“I want to get a closer look.”

“What? Now?”

“Yes now!”

They were rapidly catching up to the others. The group had spotted them and were waiting.

“Jim I’m going to take a closer look at that ship.”

Hutchinson squinted at it.

“The ’Wavecrest’. Why? It’s just a newer vessel with more mod cons.”

“I’m interested in why they have that skull. I’ve just got a feeling about this. Can you take Natalie back with you.”

“Very well Peter but if you’re not back by the time we’re ready to sail I’ll send out a search party,” Hutchinson joked.

Natalie was more serious though.

“I’ll come with you.”

“In those heels.”

“I’ll take them off.”

She reached down to remove her shoes.

“No I want to get in close. Take a good look. It’ll be better if I’m on my own.”

“Peter please be careful.”

“I’ll be back before you know it.”

He reached forward and kissed her on the forehead in front of the others. She felt herself blush. Then he was heading for the ’Wavecrest’

To begin with he moved quickly and quietly along the quayside not looking at any one or thing. No one was taking any notice of him. An articulated lorry came rumbling past with only one headlight working and he used it as a distraction and dived for the shadows. Dennis watched as the container lorry stopped ahead at large wire gates. A man with a torch and a vicious looking Alsatian on a chain came forward and spoke to the driver. The lorry driver opened his cab door and jumped down onto the tarmac. He handed a clipboard to the man with the dog. Another man approached. Dennis could see he was much bigger, a head taller and equally proportioned. This man checked the paperwork offered and signed it. As the driver climbed up into his cab once again Dennis made his move. He ran for the back of the trailer and ducked underneath. The driver started the lorry and Dennis heard the brakes release with a short, sharp, squeal. Dennis only had a moment to react. He grabbed the chassis, found a good grip and threw his legs up and dug his heels into the girders that ran the length of the trailer. He looked back as the lorry moved off.. His head was less than an inch from the moving wheels. As he passed the guard the dog began barking frantically and lunging at the trailer. The man holding the dog yanked on the chain angrily. He hadn’t seen anything suspicious and was furious with his dog. He swiped it with the flat of his hand across its ears and kicked it in the ribs causing it to cower. Dennis let out a gasp of relief. The dog had seen him when he’d ducked underneath for cover. The vehicle rumbled on and pulled up alongside other parked lorries.