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“I said I was sure it was the sarcophagus. I didn’t say it was Alexander’s.”

Dennis spoke to Hutchinson.

“Jim what do you think?”

“I really don’t know. The hieroglyphs don’t reveal much. The cartouche’s aren’t very clear. I’m not an Egyptologist so I would have to check on the Alexander cartouche. I don’t even know what name he ruled Egypt under.”

“I’ll go get a laptop,” Dennis said.

He sprinted up the stairs for the bridge.

‘Thank God for Google,’ he was thinking, ’What would we do without it.’

He then remembered that the ’Volante’ had an extensive reference library and thought about visiting it but ruled it out almost instantly. It would take too long to find what he needed.

He opened a laptop and pressed the power button. He glanced out of the window. The ’Wavecrest’ was broadside half a mile away. For once the enemy ship looked to be quiet.

Dennis typed in username and password when the screen came up. He carried the open computer out of the door and down the stairs.

Three small boats left the ’Wavecrest’ from her hidden side and came around and headed towards the ’Volante.’

By the time Dennis got back to the others Hutchinson had already worked out some of the hieroglyphs. He was now trying to work out the name on the cartouche. He looked up at Natalie.


“Nectanebo? The Pharaoh. The first? Second? That’s not possible. We know the whereabouts of their tombs.”

“Yes you’re right. I don’t think it’s meant to be one of them but it is definitely Nectanebo.”

“Was there a Nectanebo the third?”

“Not to my knowledge. But then like I said earlier I’m not an Egyptologist.”

Peter Dennis began typing in the search box.

“Nectanebo did you say?”


“Can you spell it.”

Natalie called out the letters. He clicked on the links.

“There’s nothing coming up for Nectanebo the third. There’s one and two.”

“Does it mention sarcophagi?”

“Just a moment.”

Dennis scrolled down the page he’d opened.

“Yes Nectanebo the first founded the 30 dynasty and ruled for eighteen years. He defeated a combined Greek and Persian attack and drove them out, was succeeded by his own son Teos who moved against Persia. In his absence Teos’ son Tjahepimu declared his son King, who became Nectanebo the second. It doesn’t say where Nectanebo the first is buried. Ah this is interesting. Nectanebo the second fought with twenty thousand Greek mercenaries in his one hundred thousand strong army at Pelusium in 343BC against the Persians. He lost the battle and fled to Nubia. What happened to him after that is not known. His tomb was apparently destroyed by the Ptolemies, though which one is not known. Now the interesting bit. In the British museum in London is a black granite sarcophagus with the inscriptions for Nectanebo the second. It wasn’t used and was found in Alexandria. It was once known as ’Alexander’s bath.’ He was the last Egyptian to rule Egypt until General Neguib in 1952.”

“So who is this?” Natalie asked touching the cartouche, “Not another name for Alexander?”

“No I don’t think so,” Hutchinson replied.

“And what the hell was this doing in Tunisia anyway?” Peter Dennis asked.

“I don’t know,” the American said, “But i know one thing. This is not the final resting place of Alexander the great. The Germans must have heard of the ‘Alexander’s bath’ story. I’m afraid they got it wrong.”

Natalie could see the disappointment on his face.

“I really don’t think this is it either Jim.”

The Lynx helicopter screamed past them making them all whirl around it was so sudden and unexpected. Dennis saw the 20mm cannons mounted on either side. His gaze travelled up until he saw the bulk of Danilov filling the cockpit. The helicopter passed out over the sea, slowed, turned and came back towards them at a more leisurely pace. It came in over the stern of the ’Volante’ and hovered at two hundred feet and held. Then very slowly it descended to one hundred feet and held.

“We should hide the sarcophagus!” George shouted.

“Too late!” Hutchinson replied, “They’ve already seen it.”

A voice crackled over the ’Volante’s ’ loudspeaker system.

“Research vessel Volante. You have in your possession something which doesn’t belong to you. Prepare to be boarded.”

Ali picked up a walkie-talkie and adjusted the frequency.

“Unidentified aircraft. You are in violation of international treaty laws. Your demands are unacceptable. Your actions could be misinterpreted as acts of piracy. The authorities have been alerted to your position. Do not attempt to board us.”

There was no response. Then the Lynx dropped another fifty feet.

“Volante prepare to be boarded.”

Dennis saw the twin 20mm machine guns and expected Danilov to fire at any moment.

“Unidentified aircraft this is the Captain of the research vessel Volante. I repeat my previous warning. You are in violation of international law. This is a deliberate attack on a civilian vessel. The authorities are alerted. Do not attempt to board this vessel. My crew are armed and will use deadly force. You must leave immediately.”

The helicopter continued to hover menacingly, its guns trained. Dennis was gauging the distance between himself and Natalie and safety. He would have to grab her and run at least fifty metres to the nearest cover faster than bullets could fly. The odds weren’t good.

“I say again. Do not attempt to board this ship. Leave immediately!” Ali shouted into the radio.

They all waited tensely. Then suddenly the Lynx dipped its nose and powered away. The downdraught making the ’Volante’ crew bring their hands up in front of their faces. Natalie’s hair streamed out behind her.

“Are you all right?” Dennis asked her when the noise of the Lynx helicopter had gone.

She smiled at him. Then her smile vanished. A polite cough made them all turn around.

There were fifteen men dressed in black military fatigues forming a semi-circle facing the ’Volante’ crew. Each man was pointing a Heckler and Koch Mp5. In front of the fifteen stood a large man in a white suit with his head bowed and his hands clasped behind his back. No one could see his face as yet because of his large white Panama hat. But Dennis knew him.

One of the men took a few steps forward until he was level with the man in the white suit.

“Nobody move,” he ordered, “Keep your hands where they can be seen.”

“What is the meaning of this….?” Ali protested.

The white clad figure raised his right hand for attention. The head remained bowed for a few more moments then slowly looked up, sunlight glinting off the small round spectacles. Natalie felt a shudder run through her. She suddenly found herself clinging to Dennis.

“Nobody move!” the man in black commanded again then stepped back in line with his comrades.

“Who are you and what do you want?” Jim Hutchinson demanded. He started to move forward but the sub machine gun nearest him twitched. He found himself staring down its barrel.

The white dressed man approached the American and stood very close and stared straight into his eyes. Hutchinson suddenly felt very afraid. There seemed to be an aura of power emanating from the newcomer.

“All in good time my friend.”

The words were icy.

“Now which one of you is Peter Dennis?”

Hutchinson just stared back but a tiny whimper escaped Natalie’s lips as she hugged Dennis closer. The man in the white suit reached out, put a hand on Hutchinson’s shoulder and pushed him gently but firmly to one side. He walked slowly towards the journalist and stopped when he was near. Then he smiled a false smile and held out his hand for Dennis to shake.