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He winked at her.

“I was pretending.”

He rummaged through the room looking for anything of use.



He was searching the toilet area again. He stopped and looked in her direction.

“Sorry. I had to. That’s the only way I could get this off him.”

He reached into his back jeans pocket and threw a small object to her. She caught it and turned it over in her hand.

“My phone,” she said.

“Yes. But still no signal. We need to get topside.”

“How did you get this? Danilov took it from me.”

“I saw him put it in his pocket. That’s why I pretended he’d knocked me out. He really is an oaf. I guessed that he’d carry me somewhere like here and I hoped he wouldn’t feel me take your phone from his pocket. I just hope he doesn’t remember it too soon.”

Tears were building in her eyes.

“I thought he’d hurt you.”

He hugged her close and they kissed.

“Sorry,” he said, “But it was necessary.”

She nodded.

“Ok. But if you’re going to do anything like that again try to let me know first please.”

“Hope I don’t have to,” he said rubbing his chin, “Not sure I can take many more of his hits. I’m surprised he didn’t break my jaw. Now can you give me a hand I think this pipe is loose.”

He got down by the toilet, took a small coin from his jeans front pocket and turned the toilet’s water supply off.. He then put a foot against the wall and pulled the metal pipe that allowed water in to the toilet off. The water from the toilet poured onto the floor. He lifted the cistern lid. It wasn’t refilling.

“Good,” he said, “Now we just need someone to open the door.”

* * *

Danilov waited until the helicopter had dropped the sarcophagus safely on the stern of the ’Wavecrest’ before leaving. He knew that Von Werner’s attention would be totally absorbed by the artefact and he was sure he wouldn’t be missed. He had unfinished business. He couldn’t stop thinking about the girl. He couldn’t get the image of her nipples straining against her vest out of his head. He felt himself harden at the thought and he knew as he descended the stairs that one way or another he had to have her. He was hoping that Dennis was still out cold. He would have to bind him if not. A sick grin spread itself across his face.

‘Maybe I should make him watch’

He turned the corner of the corridor and saw the guard he’d posted. The guard was alert and saw Danilov approaching.

“Has there been any trouble?” the Russian asked.

“No sir.”

“You’re relieved.”

“Yes Sir.”

The guard raced past Danilov, only too keen to be away from him. He sprinted up the stairs and was gone. Danilov checked the corridor, there was no one else near.

Inside the cabin Peter Dennis and Natalie were just remaking the bunk. He had successfully hidden the piece of metal pipe down the side of the single mattress so it would be easy to get to but not noticeable unless a thorough search was made. They stopped and both looked towards the door.

“Did you hear voices?” he whispered.

She nodded and whispered back.

“I think so.”

He put his finger to his lips and then pointed to the window. She moved to it as he quickly lay back on the bunk. The door was unlocked and though she was shaking she turned slowly. Danilov entered the cabin. He took in her figure. A quick glance at Dennis who was laying as before.

“Has he woken at all?”

She shook her head.

He nudged Dennis who only groaned, gave a half snore and didn’t move again.

“You did hit him really hard,” she said stepping towards him. She squeezed his upper arm, feeling his biceps.

“You must be so strong,” she said, “I love strong men.”


Danilov wasn’t sure he was hearing correctly. He suddenly reached forward and grabbing her around the waist he pulled her towards him. She let out a small squeal. He tried to kiss her but she turned her head. He pressed his face into her hair and smelled it. She pretended to warm to his touch. She managed to look round him, at the bunk. Dennis was watching. Danilov started to turn to see what she was looking at but she pulled his face back, gave him a wink, and dropped to her knees in front of him. He felt her fondling at his zip and he closed his eyes and put his head back. A large grin spread across his mouth as the zip was pulled down fast.

Dennis hit him as hard as he could across the back of the head with the pipe. Danilov’s eyes flashed open and he bellowed in pain. Natalie dived out of the way. Stunned and dazed Danilov tried to turn while fumbling for his handgun. Natalie wrestled it off him as Dennis hit him hard again. A strange animal sound was coming from his mouth. Slowly the Russian sank to his knees. Dennis hit him hard for a third time across the back of the head and this time the iron pipe shattered. The big man pitched forward onto his face. His dark blood pumped across the floor of the cabin. He twitched twice and was still. Blood coming from his ears, nose and mouth. Dennis’ hands were stinging from the blows. He studied the shattered pipe.

“Is he dead?” Natalie asked.

“I hope so or he’s going to be in one hell of a mood when he wakes up.”

Natalie suddenly found herself pointing the Glock handgun at the back of the Russian’s head. Dennis threw what was left of the pipe still in his hands onto the bed. He saw her hands shaking, holding the, to her, strange weapon.

“Bastard!” she said, “How dare you put your hands on me.”

“Go on,” Dennis said, “Pull the trigger. Two seconds and it will all be over.”

She pointed the pistol harder, the muscles in her arms taut. Then she started sobbing and the gun was lowered. Dennis held her close while she cried into his chest.

“Let it all out,” he said soothingly.

“I feel dirty.”

She rushed over to the tiny wash basin and turned the tap and frantically began scrubbing her hands.

“I….I….need to wash my hands,” she continued, her tears dripping from her cheeks. Dennis knew how she was feeling.

“Natalie we need to go,” he said kindly.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wash this off.”

He took her hands and held them up to her face.

“Look at them,” he shook them firmly, “Look at them!”

She took her eyes off his to look at her hands.

“See,” he said, “No blood.”

“I’ve never seen anyone killed before.”

“Just remember Danilov wouldn’t have thought twice about killing you or raping you or killing me. He would have done it with a smirk on his face. Do you agree?”

She looked at the prone body on the floor. Then she felt stupid for her tears.

“Yes I know he would.”

“It was him or me.”


He grabbed her hand and went for the door.

“Come on,” he said, leading the way.

Outside the cabin the corridor was empty. Dennis released the safety catch on the Glock and led her out into the passageway to the end. They paused at the bottom of the stairs. Dennis motioned for her to stay back and he ascended slowly to the next deck. The coast was clear and he waved her up. They waited together at the top of the stairs.

“You know you played your part well, back then I mean, with Danilov. You should have been an actress.”

“Who said I was acting.”

Now he glared at her. His mouth open. She smiled.

“I’m joking.”

“That’s a relief!”

For a moment he’d thought she was serious.

“Is the way clear?”

“I think so.”