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Servius Catalus was confident his mare was in good health. He walked a few paces from her and eased himself out of his undergarments and urinated in the sand. He moved himself about making patterns in the sand just to amuse himself. It was when he was shaking himself dry that he saw the tracks on the neighbouring dune. He shielded his eyes from the glare of the sun to make sure.

There was no mistaking it. They were definitely tracks and fairly fresh. He mounted his horse and trotted her over to them. The footprints in the sand were deep.

Horses carrying riders!

He followed them to the crest of the dune and saw the caravan ahead. His pulse quickened. He had caught up to them. After six weeks of wandering endless desert, sometimes travelling for a day without seeing anything, any change in horizon, any plants, any life. Now miraculously he had caught up to the caravan that had left Alexandria five months ago.

Servius dug his heels into his mare’s ribs and she reared her head, whinnied and trotted down the dune.

* * *

The column stretched along the road for nearly a quarter of a mile. Their numbers had swelled from three hundred to over eight hundred and included forty horses and thirty camels. The camels carrying water and food. Marcellus had moved the column from one piece of water to the next, from river to river, town to town.

At every town and village he had sought out retired legionaries and veterans, men who had seen countless battles and campaigns. He had hired as many as possible to assist with a promise of enough money to return to their loved ones. Many had given up their mundane lives to return to Rome and a chance to serve the city they loved once more. Some had chosen to stay, preferring a quieter life while others were invalids and unable to help. Many men had wanted to bring their families to start afresh but these had been refused and Marcellus and his officers had watched many tearful farewells as husbands and fathers had kissed wives and children goodbye, promising to return.

Marcellus and his officers rode in the middle of the column. A century of legionaries in front of them. The sarcophagus pulled by two hundred slaves behind. At the rear was the baggage train and the merchants and pedlars and the dozen or so women who sold themselves to the soldiers nightly.

Marcellus’ second in command raced up on his horse.

“A rider coming in,” he told the General.

Marcellus turned in his saddle. He saw the dark figure some distance down the road.

“Any idea who it is?”

“Not sure yet sir. He’s too far away. Should we intercept him?”

“Is he definitely on his own?”

“It appears so sir.”

Marcellus watched for a few more moments. Then he moved off the road.

“Come. We’ll meet him.”

He kicked his horse and galloped off back down the road towards the rider. His officers and guards in hot pursuit.

* * *

Servius Catalus reined his horse in and saluted the most senior officer.

“General Marcellus?”


“Sir. I am Servius Catalus. I have a message for you, from Alexandria. From Julius Caesar.”

“How is Caesar Servius?”

“Alive and well Sir,” Catalus couldn’t keep the excitement from his voice,” He sends his regards.”

“And orders?”

“To continue as before. To take Alexander to Rome. Oh sir! I have so much to tell you.”

“Come to my tent this evening and you can tell me everything.”

“Yes sir.”

“But for now Caesar is alive and well.”

“Yes sir.”

“Thank you. I’ll speak to you tonight.”

* * *

It was after dark when a refreshed Sevius Catalus arrived at the General’s tent. They had struck camp one hour before dusk and as the evening fell campfires had been lit and soldiers and slaves alike had warmed themselves around them.

Servius was granted access and he walked into a large tent and straight into the aroma of roasted meat. Marcellus greeted him with a warm smile and a cup of wine.

“Good evening,” Marcellus said offering the cup which was accepted with thanks, “Would you care for some roasted lamb?”

Servius saw it roasting on a spit and his stomach grumbled. He had been without fresh cooked meat for four days.

“Thank you,” he said staring in wonder at the roasted lamb.

Marcellus intercepted his thoughts.

“You’d be surprised at who we bump into out here in the desert. This is the courtesy of a local shepherd who we paid most handsomely.”

A servant cut off a whole leg and put it on a plate. Servius felt his mouth watering. The meat was quickly cut and placed on serving dishes.

“Help yourself,” Marcellus offered, “But don’t gorge. Sickness isn’t pleasant out here. You’re a long way away from remedies and medicine.”

“Yes. I saw some corpses on my journey. Most had been ravaged by animals.”

“Egyptian slaves mainly. From here on we should start to meet more people. We are now entering the Roman province once known and owned by the Carthaginians. A mighty empire that once provided such sons as Hasdrubal Barca and Hannibal.”

“I know the stories well,” Servius said, “My father used to tell me them when I was a child.”

“Good stories, incredible people. Only the might of Rome could defeat them. Two centuries ago. There is still a long journey ahead of us. We continue North until we reach the great and ancient port of Carthage and from there we set sail for Rome and home. I personally cannot wait!”

Marcellus helped himself to a plate of meat and taking a cup of wine he sat down in his comfortable chair.”

“And now,” he said, “I’m dying to hear your story.”

Servius helped himself to a plate of meat and sat himself down, blessing his good fortune to be the messenger Caesar had sent and now enjoy rich food in a General’s tent.

“You left sir when the fire was at its worst didn’t you?”


“Much of Alexandria burned that day. The library was destroyed and most of Alexander’s mausoleum. Caesar was very upset but pleased he’d gotten the great king’s body to safety first but the great paintings and mosaics were lost.”

“That’s truly a pity,” Marcellus couldn’t wait any longer, “I’m sorry to interrupt but I must know if our master is well.”

“He is sir. He and the Queen are probably enjoying a cruise down the Nile. That was the plan once the fighting was over. The Queen said it would help her to relax before the baby was born.”


“Oh yes sir. The Queen is heavily pregnant with our master’s child.”


“Yes. They are both praying to the Gods that the baby will be a boy. Our master, because, he wants an heir. The Queen, because, she wants her son to inherit Caesar’s world, to cement Egypt and Rome together, forever.”

Marcellus’ head was buzzing, then he burst out laughing.

“The wily old fox.”


“Our master.”

“Yes sir.”

“What about the other’s?”

“Other’s sir?”

“Yes. The other Generals, Ptolemy, etc.”

“Little shit face drowned in the Nile.”

Marcellus’ had just taken a bite of hot lamb. Juice spurted from it and trickled down his chin. He mopped at his chin with a napkin while trying to swallow the meat down.


“Ptolemy. The Alexandrians sent an ambassador to Caesar saying that they were fed up with the princess Arsinoe and asked if they could have Ptolemy back. Caesar of course refused the request outright. Then the Alexandrians suggested that if they could have their boy king back, who always spoke highly of Caesar, they may have been able to sue for peace. Caesar was suspicious of their intentions at first but he talked it over with the other Generals and it was agreed that Ptolemy, having no military or leader skills, could be handed over. Cleopatra was only too pleased to be rid of him but how much influence she had over our master at this time is not known. So Ptolemy left the palace crying like a baby because he didn’t want to go, promising to come back with a peace offering. None came though. Then days later as we all waited news reached the palace that Ptolemy had declared Caesar his most mortal enemy. Caesar had expected such treachery and waited knowing the Alexandrians would start fighting amongst themselves. Now our master declared Ptolemy a rebel and kept Queen Cleopatra on the throne. News reached us that the Alexandrian navy was waiting by the mouth of the Nile to attack Roman convoys bringing us aid. Caesar sent the great Tiberius Nero to engage them. Do you remember the Greek mercenary Euphranor?”