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"Oh… Tommy… you hot boy… I just love you… Be sure… to watch for the drawn shade. Don't let anyone see you doing it, though. You must be very careful."

"I'll be careful, Mrs. Devine," I said, straightening up. "And I'll be watching for the shade."

She put her arms about me and kissed me wetly on the mouth. I put my arms about her nudity and kissed her just as wetly. She broke away from me. "You must go quickly now, Tommy, and please… don't make any noise leaving the house; don't slam the door, anything like that."

"Goodbye, Mrs. Devine. Don't worry, I'll be careful and quiet. See you… later, baby." I thought this word "baby" was a masterful stroke – it made me feel as if I were twenty-five or so.

"Goodbye for now, Tommy," she said, and I heard her chuckle again. "Be sure to watch for the drawn shade."

I ran through the rear yards of the houses between hers and ours and emerged on Third Street near our garage. I glanced into our house and saw the light was on in the kitchen. I felt a twinge of guilt when I saw my mom still washing dishes. My mom works an awful lot. My dad does, too, for that matter, and sometimes I feel like a heel for hardly ever doing anything around the house. It doesn't last long, this feeling. I always figure if they want me to do something, they'll tell me.

I entered through the front door, sneaked up the stairs to my room and turned on the lights. I wanted to make sure my clothes were on straight. If I had gone to the kitchen where both Dad and Mom were – I had caught a glimpse of my dad there, too – and my clothes had been on wrong, like having my shirt buttoned unevenly, they would have stared at me and maybe asked me an embarrassing question or two. My parents seem to notice everything, everything that's the least bit out of order, I mean. Man, have they got sharp eyes sometimes.

Well, I looked at my clothing and saw it was okay and grinned at myself in the mirror. I felt pretty good. I had done something this night that all the guys I knew always bragged about doing, but which I knew damned well they hadn't. I had bragged a few times myself. Told lies about my encounters with girls, I mean. That's what they were – lies.

Glancing at the clock on my dresser, I saw it was only eleven o'clock. I swore softly, mildly. I had been cheated out of an entire hour of fun. Damn that guy for banging on the door. I could have busted him one. I shrugged this feeling off and thought about what she had said concerning the drawn shade. I knew I was going to be spending a lot of time from here on in taking peeks at that rear window of hers. Just thinking about it now made me half hard. I grinned and thought about Elly.

I put this thought out of my mind real quick. Thinking like that about Elly while our parents were at home was dangerous stuff and I knew I had better knock it off but quick. Just the same, it would have been nice to…

"Where've you been, Tommy?"

I whirled about and saw Elly standing in the doorway. She had her shorties on and I had to force myself not to look at her legs.

"What's the big idea?" I said angrily. "Sneaking up behind me like that?"

Her eyes got big. "Don't get mad, Tommy. I didn't sneak up behind you."

"Elly, are you upstairs?" I was our mom calling.

Elly ran quietly away from my door and went down the hall. "Are you calling me, Mom?" she asked, I guess for something to say.

"Nothing," our mother called up. "I don't want you. Just wanted to know if you were in bed."

"I'm going to bed after I read a little bit, Mom," Elly said.

"All right, dear. Your dad and I are going to bed. Did I hear Tommy come in?"

"Yes. I mean I guess he's in his room getting ready to go to bed."

"All right, dear. Good night."

"Good night, Mom."

Elly came back to my doorway. "That was Mom," she said as if I were deaf or something. "Wanted to know if you were in yet."

I felt like being flippant. "So what did you tell her?" I asked, grinning.

She smiled. "Come off it, stupid. You heard what I told her." Elly was looking at me funny.

I glanced down at myself quickly but didn't see anything so I glanced up at her again. "What are you looking so funny about?"

She came closer and put her lips to my ear. "Your pants are unzipped, Tommy. You been playing with it? I see you're hard and everything."

I grinned, turned away and zipped up my fool pants. "You shouldn't be noticing so much, kid," I said, imitating Mrs. Devine's tone of voice.

She giggled. "Listen to who's calling me a kid. You're a kid, too, you know, old smarty pants."

I wasn't about to get into any argument with Elly, so I just waved my hand about and smiled. "Too bad," I said softly.

"Too bad about what?" She had come into my room a couple of steps and I could see her cute little titties bobbing up and down. Man, she looked great, but not as great as Mrs. Devine. Well, you know… she looked great but different. It was nice, though, don't get me wrong. Elly was real nice looking.

"Too bad about what?" I asked, mimicking her. "Why, listen, kid, it's too bad…" here I lowered my voice to almost nothing, "… too bad the folks are home. I'd stick the hard, old prong between your little-girl legs and push."

She giggled nervously. "Gee, don't talk like that now. Wait till tomorrow when they've gone to the city."

I puffed out my chest, "I might consider your proposition, girl," I said, "but then again, I may be very busy tomorrow."

She giggled and left the room. I stared after her, wondering what was going on in that quick, little mind of hers? Something was I could tell.


My folks let me sleep late the next morning, for when I finally got up it was ten o'clock and they were gone from the house. When I came downstairs Elly was piddling around in the refrigerator, looking (I guessed) for something to munch on – she likes to munch around on stuff when Mom's not home. I sneaked up in back of her and grabbed her titties and she nearly jumped inside of the refrigerator.

"Darn you, Tommy Gates, don't you ever do that again. You scared me."

I grinned. "How about fixing me some eggs and stuff, woman."

She straightened up and smiled at me. "I will," she said slyly, "if you'll do something for me."

I knew what was coming, of course. "Such as what, woman?"

"You know," she said, a shy look coming over her face now that she actually had to come close to saying it outright.

"You mean, you need a guy, baby?" I said, sticking my chest out.

She giggled. "Honestly, you make me sick sometimes, trying to act like you're twenty. What do you want besides eggs?"

"How about a nice, big steak, baby? Think you could handle a big one?"

She giggled again. "Listen to the big guy yak. Boy, what a man he is when Dad's not around."

I slumped down at the table. "I'm hungry, Elly. What is there besides eggs?"

"How about some cereal?"

"Naw. Hate that junk. Got any bacon?"

"I guess so." She pulled the refrigerator door further open and peered inside. "Yup. Whole pound of it. Nice lean stuff."

"That's what I like, baby. Nice lean stuff."

"Oh, come off it. All this big talk. What's come over you?"

So help me, I almost told her about the night before, but I managed to choke it off in time. "Nothing," I said. "Hurry up, can't you? Man, I'm starved."

"Keep your shirt on, big boy. I'm not your servant. Give me time to get it on the stove."

She fried a couple of eggs and the bacon and I had to admit she did a good job of it. Elly is a darned clever little girl – she can do just about anything and do it pretty good, except play tennis. Man, she stinks when she tries to play tennis, but then all girls do, all the ones I've ever seen. They're so darned awkward they toss the ball up to serve and then swing at it and miss it a foot. I don't know what makes girls so lousy at sports, guess they were never intended to be athletic, except, of course, for some stinking old tomboy, and who likes those so-and-so's? I don't. Anything I can't stand is a tomboy. Blah! Stupid, awful things. They make me sick and they make every guy sick.