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I grinned. "Okay, brat. How's that? You like 'brat' better?"

"No I don't. And stop calling me those names."

"Those aren't names, silly. You are a kid, you know."

She pouted. "I'm getting to be a woman and if you'll give me about five minutes before you come upstairs I'll show you, big boy."

"Okay," I said, and gave her a pat on the butt.

She giggled again and ran up the stairs, looking back at me over her shoulder, all smiles, until she had disappeared from sight.

I waited ten minutes and then went upstairs to her room and pushed open the door. I sucked in my breath.

She looked sexy as could be. She was wearing her black shoes and nylons, garter-belt, no panties, and no bra. Her little-girl tits stood straight up and seemed awfully pretty and hot-looking to me.

"How about that," I murmured. "My kid sister is sexy-looking as hell."

She turned about quickly on one heel, "You like the way I look?"

"Man, Elly, you sure are something else when you dress this way."

She giggled. "Boy, if you could only see your eyes bulging. They're almost as bad as the guy with the beard who came to the door."

"What guy with a beard?" I asked.

"I don't know who he was. He came to the door while you were downtown. I had to put the phone down and go and talk to him. Said he wanted to know if the Smiths lived here. I told him no. Our name was Gates. While he stood there he kept looking me over. My skirt was kind of caught on my leg and he kept looking at my leg like he'd like to eat it up." Elly giggled again. "He was some hot, old guy, I'll bet."

"Funny thing, Elly. I ran into this character in front of the drug store. He grabbed my arm and asked me if my name was Gates."

"You think he's some nut or something?"

I shrugged. "Don't know. He didn't look like a nut. He must have seen me leaving the house, that's why he…"

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing, I forgot what I was going to say. Hell with him. Turn around again. Let me look at you."

She turned around slowly and stopped, facing me. "I feel kind of funny doing this in front of you, Tommy."

I nodded. "I feel kind of funny getting such a bang out of it, too. Maybe we ought to knock it off right now."

A look of alarm came into her eyes. "You think I'm being bad?" She clutched at her throat.

"No. Just being hot, I guess. We mustn't ever let anyone find out about this. You know what would happen, don't you?"

She looked a bit scared. "Yes, I think so. I won't tell anybody. Don't you – not ever."

I scratched my ear. "Maybe you ought to let a boyfriend to do it to you."

"No," she said fiercely. "You let a guy do it and he tells every other guy in town. You won't. That's why I want you."

I could see the intense passion in her blue eyes and I knew she wanted it real bad. "Okay, Elly, want to lie down on the bed?"

She grinned nervously. "Gee, when you say it just like that it kind of scares me."

Suddenly, I didn't want to have any part of doing it to her, not at the moment. I kept thinking about Mrs. Devine and telling myself I was a fag for talking this way to my sister. Then I got a bright idea. She had just told me that my talking to her in a bold way scared her. Why not scare the pants off her, so to speak, and no smart remark intended.

"Elly," I said carefully, "Lie down and I'll fuck your cunt."

Her eyes opened, she moved back a step and looked at me in the strangest way imaginable. "Tommy," she said. "How awful."

I grinned. "What's so awful about it? That's what you want me to do, isn't it? Fuck your cunt? You want me to ram my prick up your box and squirt you full of hot juice. Isn't that right?"

She moved back another step and tried to cover her crevice region. "Tommy, I think you're just awful," she said, her chin trembling.

I had her going now. I wasn't just sure if I wanted to keep on with the talk or not, so I hesitated. Finally, I said, "What's the matter with you? You told me downstairs that you were getting to be a grown woman and the minute I start to talk like a guy does to a grown woman, you back off from it. What's with you?"

Her eyes were very large. "I don't know. You make it sound awful."

"Nothing awful about it. What's the difference between talking frankly and doing it?"

"I don't k-know," she faltered. "Except you scare me when you talk that way."

"Then I guess you're not as grown up as you think, Elly, so we'd better knock it off right now."

She bit her lower lip. "But I'm hot, Tommy. I – I want to. Or I did before you started to talk this way."

"You don't want to now?"

"I – er – I don't know. You made me feel awful funny, talking that way."

"Then – I guess you're not as grown up as you think."

I waved my hand with a breeziness I didn't feel. "Okay, baby. We'll call a halt to it right now. I'm going downstairs and take a bath. See you."

"Tommy, wait."

I had moved to the doorway and now I stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"

"Tommy, I'm awful hot. Every night I dream about that time you came into my room and did it to me. Every night. Honest I do. It's just awful. I mean, it's wonderful! Oh, I don't know. It's some of each. I've been waiting two whole days now for Mom and Dad to be out of the house so I could get you to do it to me. Now you don't want to – you…"

"I thought you didn't want to, Elly," I said harshly. "Make up your mind. Do you or don't you?"

"I don't k-know, Tommy. Like I said, you scared me something awful."

I looked at her and grinned, though I didn't feel much like grinning. I felt like – hell. "I'm gonna take a bath. See you later, kid."

"Wait," she begged, but I shook my head and headed down the hallway to the top of the stairs. She came running after me and I saw her little-girl tits bouncing about. Man they looked good, but I tried not to think about them. I glanced down at the floor, but as my glance traveled downward I didn't fail to take in her legs and cunt. My old dick got hard and I knew I had to get away from her quick.

"Like I said, I'm gonna take a bath."

"You can't. The shower won't work."

"Then I'll take one in the tub. Go back to your room and take off those sexy clothes. A session is out for us."

"Please?" Her eyes were imploring me now. My old dingus let loose and the stuff went down my leg, not too much of it, however, just enough to get me wet. "Nope, I'm taking a bath."

"Tommy, please. I don't mind if you like to talk dirty to me." I glared at her. "I wasn't talking dirty. Get that out of your head. There's a big difference between talking dirty and speaking frankly."

Her jaw went slack and she looked puzzled. "Oh," was all she said.

I nodded to her curtly and went down the stairs and headed for the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and tried the shower. Elly had been right. The thing was on the blink, no water would come out I pushed in the plug in the tub and ran a combination of cold and hot water. I didn't like a lot of water, just a couple of inches. That was plenty. I climbed in and got a bar of soap and a cloth and began to wash my body, taking good care to get it clean because who knew? Maybe that old shade would be pulled down in Mrs. Devine's rear window at any moment and I wanted to be all ready to go – in case it was getting a bit dark outside. I wished I didn't have to wait until dark. That damned waiting was enough to drive a hot guy nuts. What am I talking about? I asked myself. I haven't even seen the shade down yet.

I sat there taking my time about washing my body and thinking about Mrs. Devine and her hot, eager body. My prick came up and I looked at it. Funny thing. Usually, when a guy is in the tub his old joint won't do anything.

I briefly considered touching it, maybe giving it a few thrill rubs, but somehow I resisted the idea. I didn't have to indulge in the sort of business the other guys did – I had me a grown woman to take care of me now.