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I grinned, thinking about Mrs. Devine, and darned if my old whooper didn't become a whopper. It kept getting bigger and taller and harder.

The bathroom door burst open and Elly ran into the room. She didn't have a stitch of clothing on. She looked at my hard joint.

"Tommy," she said.

I flushed a bit. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to cover it with the washcloth.

"Let me – see – it, Tommy," she said.

"If I do, will you go away?"

"Let – me – see – your – prick," she said boldly. I sighed and pulled the cloth away. "All right, see it. Take a good look and beat it."

Instead, she climbed into the tub and before I could push her away, she sat on my lap, her cunt taking in my prick like she was the most experienced woman in the world. She began to pump up and down on me, her eyes tightly closed, while she moaned and groaned and cried out and – well, just about everything. That's what she did, just about everything. Man, was she hot – she was really hot! I finally leaned back against the cold end of the tub and let my kid sister pump me off with her tight, little box.

I don't mind telling you it was terrific.


Our folks called on the phone about six that evening and told us – told Elly, I mean, for she always answers the phone before I can get there – that they wouldn't be able to get home until the next day. The car had blown something. I mean, the thing wouldn't run. I don't know as much about cars as some guys – that's not the kind of thing that fascinates me.

Anyway, Elly and I were to be alone all night and I wondered how many more demands she might make on me. I grinned when she told me and she grinned back. Both of us had got over that stink feeling we'd had upstairs. We were relaxed now and it was a hell of a lot better. Don't let anyone tell you it's better to be "nice and proper" all the time. It's not. People can go nuts in droves when they stick to that deal all the time. That's my opinion and you can take it or leave it, though I don't claim to know all there is to know, but I'm pretty sure I'm right about this.

"Tommy," Elly said. "Just think, we can do anything we want to – all night long."

I remembered about the possibility of the drawn shade, so I was real cautious about replying to her. "I may have a date tonight. That okay?" It was a hell of a thing to ask, but I felt I had to say something.

Her face fell. "Please, Tommy, get out of it. Tell her you can't come."

There was something strange about the way she said this. "Tell who?" I said roughly, thinking she might have seen me come out of Mrs. Devine's house.

Elly looked at me oddly. "Why, your date. Who did you think I was talking about?"

"What date are you talking about?" I asked.

"Your date. You just told me you had one."

I guess I bushed a little. "Oh, that date."

"Yes, that date. Say, what's the matter with you? Why did your face get all red, Tommy?"

"My face is not red," I retorted.

She grinned and turned away. "Okay, so it's not red. I'm not going to fight with you. Not when we can have the whole night for fun."

"Yeah, I know. But like I said, I have this date. I – er – well, you know how it goes…"

She pouted and I had to admit she looked pretty when she pouted. "Tommy, get me a date. I want to go with you. Do you mind? I mean, can you get me a date, too?"

"No," I said. "You're too damned young." A tear came into her eye. "I wish you wouldn't talk to me like that."

I did feel like something of a heel. "Okay, I'll say it again. I'm sorry, only I can't get you a date. These people are a lot older. They – er – wouldn't want…"

"Wouldn't want a kid like me around? Then how come they want a kid like you? And what do you mean by they? How many girls do you have a date with?"

"I didn't mean to say they, Elly. Just slipped out."

She was pouting. "I should think after what I did to you in the tub you could be nice to me, Tommy."

This gripped me. "Now look. You did that because you wanted to. Don't give me that old female stuff about doing a guy a favor. Nuts to that stuff."

She bit her lips and pouted prettily. "Just the same…"

"Just the same, nothing. Don't give me that old crap. I've got a date tonight. Maybe I have, and that's all there is to it."

She turned around and walked to the kitchen. "Okay, for you, Tommy Gates. Just wait till you want me to fix your breakfast. Boy, are you ever gonna get turned down flat. See how you like it."

"I'll be back in a minute," I told her. The truth was, I was dying to go outside and take another look down the street to see if that confounded old shade was down or up. I had been glancing that way all day long and so far it had remained up, which was beginning to bug me. I stepped out of doors, walked to the corner and very casually picked up a stick and threw it out in the street – in the direction of Mrs. Devine's house. I made believe I was watching the stick, but actually I glanced at the window. The shade was – my heart began to jump – the shade was down! I felt like climbing a tree and yelling at anyone passing by, but somehow I got hold of myself and – after taking one more quick look to make sure the shade really was drawn – turned and walked slowly back into the house.

Elly was running the vacuum-sweeper, and if there's any lousy racket I hate more than any other, it's the sound of a vacuum. The noise of those things just flips me. I got out of the house fast, closed the front door so I couldn't hear the sweeper and sat down on one of the chairs on the porch. I sat there and watched the girls in shorts walk by. Some of 'em looked pretty good, but most of them looked awful – they were either fat or skinny. Blah!

I saw one that looked pretty good. I knew her slightly and called out to her. She stopped, smiled and said hello. She looked at me and swung her long-strapped purse around crudely and – seeing that I wasn't too much interested in her, I guess – moved on, giggling quite a bit, but stupidly. Why do some girls giggle cute while others giggle stupid?

I waited until I heard Elly turn off the sweeper and then entered the house as she was putting it away.

"Elly," I said, "I'm kind of hungry. Got anything to eat?"

She turned and locked at me with her blue eyes. "Oh, so now you want a favor? Well, you can just get yourself something to eat. Me, I'm going to change my clothes and go somewhere. You aren't the only one who can go out."

"Don't be mad. I really do have a date – one I can't break."

"Who cares?" she snapped.

I shrugged, waited a few minutes and then went up the stairs after her. I found her in her room, but I hadn't expected she'd be naked. When she saw me her eyes lit up.

"Now don't get any hot ideas. I just wanted to tell you that I don't want you to be mad. I'll be home early and then – we can – well, you know – if you want."

"You can just go to hell. Me, I'm going out and pick me up a boy, one who's older than you. How do you like that?"

"Elly," I said, knowing she was upset, "don't talk like that. If Mom or Dad ever found out they'd raise hell. You know that."

"If they knew you'd screwed me they'd raise hell, too."

I felt cold all over suddenly. "Just a minute, Elly. Don't say it that way. It's true, I did it to you that first time, but when I was in the tub before, well, it was all your idea. Don't forget that, little sister."

"Don't call me little sister, you big ape. I'm just as big for a girl as you are for a boy."

"Okay. I just don't want you to start thinking this thing between us is all my doing. You like it, too."

She seemed to relax. "So what if I do. I'm going out tonight and get me a real guy."

"You can't do that," I said. "You'll get into trouble."

She put her hands on her hips and shot her head forward, her eyes blazing. "All right, then you stay home."