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I thought it was best to pacify her, so I said, "Okay, I'll stay home. I won't go out on my date. I'll just call her up and tell her my sister wants me to stay home with her."

She shot her head forward, her chin shaking with anger. "Don't you dare do that. You just go on your old date, see if I care."

I tried another tact. I grinned. "I can see your cute little box, Elly."

She blushed and put her hands down to cover herself. "You can just take your old eyes away from me and get out of my room."

"Oh, come on. You know you like to hear me say things like that."

"Not any more I don't. I wish you'd get out of my room. After all, I don't have any clothes on."

"That didn't seem to bother you much when I was taking a bath," I observed.

"Well, I had hot pants then. I don't now. So beat it."

"Don't get so tough. I'm only teasing you."

"What makes you think I'm dying to be teased, big shot?"

"I'll bet I could tease the butt off you, kid," I retorted.

"No, you can't and I don't even want you to try."

"Elly," I said, put out a bit by her angry attitude, "I think you have very pretty tits."

"Oh, shut up about my tits!"

"How," I said carefully, "would you like to have a guy suck on them?"

She got a startled look in her eyes. "Huh? What did you say to me Tommy Gates?"

I took a deep breath. "I'll say it again only in a different way. How would you like me to suck on your titties?"

A sly grin crossed her pretty face. "Wow," she said. "What an exciting way to talk. Say it again."

"What's this now. I thought you didn't like that kind of talk."

"Oh, but I do. Say it again, please!"

"Okay," I walked closer to her and touched one of her tits. "How would you like it if I sucked this." I gave her tit a snap with my finger.

She winced and I was immediately sorry I had done this, but I didn't let on to her. "Well?" I said. "Are you going to answer or not?"

"That hurt."

"Didn't hurt much. I asked you a question. Gonna answer?"

"Say it again."

"Good grief, how many times do I have to say it?" I took a deep breath. "Elly, little sister, how would you like it if I sucked your tits?"

She grinned. "I think I'd like it."

"Lie down on the bed and I'll do it," I told her, my cock growing.

"All right. You know something? When talk like that it makes me awful hot."

"Well, that's what I intended to do. Down, kid."

She lay down on the bed, her legs pulled tightly together, and stared up at me in a strange manner. I suppose she thought I was pulling some kind of trick on her. Something like that. I didn't. I just bent over and placed my lips around a tit and sucked it, running my tongue over it until she was moaning and groaning and pulling my hair and all that wild stuff girls do when they get real hot. I left her tits and went down to her stomach, ran my tongue over her belly-button and then, suddenly, before I knew what was happening, she had wrapped both of her slender legs around my neck and was pushing her cunt into my face and pumping her loins in quick little jerking movements as if she thought she could get a cream job that way.

I ran my tongue down into her box and made a fluttering kind of movement with it – just as I had done with Mrs. Devine – and Elly cried out and began to jerk and twist her body around like a girl gone nuts. After a little of this I pulled away from her.

"Cool it, Elly."

"Oh, Tommy, I love that so much. That feels terrific. I think I went off a little. Do it some more, please."

"Would you rather have me put it in?" I asked.

"That, too, but keep on with your tongue. It's wonderful."

"I'll do something even better," I told her, caught up in it now. I mean really caught up in it. "I'll turn around and we can do a thing together."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I turned my body around and lay down on her, my face buried between her young legs. "I mean, I suck, you suck – we both suck. I suck you off; you suck me off. Fair deal?"

She didn't answer me. She just grunted a little and put her warm lips around my joint and I began to suck her and pump the old joint into her at the same time. I guess she liked it pretty well because when I blew off into her, she stiffened and squealed and choked and sputtered and then when I was through blowing she hung onto my legs as if she never wanted to let go of them.

"Hey," I said. "That's it. Show's over. Let go of me."

"Pump off into me again!" she cried eagerly. "I love it!"

I thought about the lush body of Mrs. Devine waiting for me and shook my head. Realizing she couldn't see my head, I pulled it out of her mouth, or tried to, but she hung onto me fiercely. "Let go of me, Elly. Please!" I said. "I have to go."

She released her hold on me. "Why do you have to go? Why don't you pump off into me again?"

"Because," I said, and stopped.

"Because you want to go and see your girl? Is that it?"

I bit my lips. "Yeah. That's it. I've taken care of you and now I want to go and see my girl."

"You mean your other girl, don't you?" she said, looking at me slyly. "You may be my brother, but you're also my guy."

I got off the bed and zipped up my pants. "Elly," I said slowly. "Take it cool with that kind of talk. Don't even think that way. I'm not your guy. I'm your brother and don't forget it."

She began to pout. "You do it to me and then you say you aren't my guy. What is a guy then?"


"I mean, a girl lets a guy do it to her, he's her guy then, right?"

"I'm your brother, damn it, not your guy. What's with you?"

She got up from the bed and ran her hands over her tits. "I liked it," she said, evidently forgetting about the guy stuff for the moment. "Will you do it to me that way again sometime?"

I studied her, not knowing if she had really forgotten the guy stuff or not. "Yeah," I said. "Only don't give me this 'I'm your guy' stuff. I'm not."

"All right, Tommy," she said, grinning slightly. "You go and see your girl. I'll be okay. I'll stay home and watch the tube."

"See you later," I said, and left the room. I walked down the hall, down the stairs and out of doors. I saw it was beginning to grow dark. I'd have to wait a little while. Besides, now I wasn't in too much of a hurry to see Mrs. Devine. That Elly! She had surprised me. I was a bit scared of her now because all that stuff she said bothered me. If she started thinking that way about me I might be in for trouble.

I went back in the house and Elly remained upstairs. I kept glancing at the clock and at the growing darkness out of doors. I was glad she stayed in her room because I was feeling weird about my kid sister at the moment, and I kept getting one hard-on after another each time I recalled the scene that had just taken place.

I smoked three or four of my father's cigarettes before it was real dark out and when it was very dark, I put out the last one and stepped out of the house through the rear door. I went across the neighbor's backyard, across the one next to Mrs. Devine and stood near her garage, staring at the window. There were no lights in her house and it was so dark now I couldn't be sure if the shade was drawn or not, but remembering that I had seen it drawn, I finally went up onto her back porch and knocked.

"Come in, Tommy," she whispered. "Quick. Don't say a word."

I stepped into her kitchen and she closed the door and locked it. I heard her do it and I could see her, of course. I could smell her all right and noted she had some new kind of perfume on. Man, it really turned me on, that perfume. She touched my arm and I quickly slipped my other arm about her waist and pulled her to me. I sought out her mouth and kissed her lips passionately. She gasped and bit me lightly on the lip.

"Hey," she said. "Hot pants already?"