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"Yes," I said, my breath gushing out of me as I spoke. "I really got 'em tonight, Mrs. Devine." This wasn't quite true. Elly had satisfied me pretty good, but then, I was fifteen and being satisfied at fifteen – I found out later – doesn't last long.

"Good," she said. "But we have to wait. There may be someone coming to my door at any moment."

"You mean the guy with the black beard?" I heard myself say.

Her body stiffened and she took a long time in replying. "Yes. How did you know?"

"He stopped me on the street and asked me who I was."

She was silent for a moment. "You mustn't talk to him. Stay away from that man."

"Who is he?"

"A man I used to know."

"Was he your husband?"

"N-No," she said. "Not my husband. My husband is dead."

"Guess you don't want to talk about him, huh?"

"No, I don't," she said. "Except to warn you to stay away from him."

"I'm not around him. I don't know him. All he did was stop me in front of the drug store and ask me if my name was Gates."

"All right, Tommy," she said mysteriously.

I couldn't think of anything to say and besides, who wanted to talk? I just kissed her and she pressed my head down against her, encouraging me, I thought, so I went lower on her and, remembering what I had done to Elly earlier, began to suck on it, running my tongue over her rapidly swelling nipple. This set me up in great shape and I got as hard as a rock. I found her hand and pressed it against my hard-on.

"Tommy," she breathed, "we have to wait a – little – while." She was having trouble with her breathing and this excited me more than ever. "Tommy," she said, her voice almost breaking, "please don't – suck – my breasts – you're getting me all bothered up."

But I paid no attention to her and kept on sucking her tit and a moment later ran my free hand between her legs. I was startled to discover that she was wearing only stockings, no pants, nothing at all over her box. I dipped my forefinger into her crevice and felt the sticky wetness of her cunt. I nearly blew off in my pants and to prevent this I took my prick out and let it press against her hip. She sighed and fumbled around and finally caught hold of me there and began to jack me a little.

"Tommy, I swear I never saw such a hot kid. I believe you could go off a dozen times a day."

"Yeah," I muttered. "I'm hot all right. You make me hot."

I ran my hand up and down over her flat tummy and then over her rounded, firm hips and up her sides to her titties. I rubbed them a bit and dropped my hand to her box again and dipped my finger inside of her cunt.

She was squeezing my arm something awful now and breathing like a dog that's been running in the sun. "Tommy," she squealed, sounding something like Elly. "Tommy – boy – what – are – you – doing – to – me?"

"It ain't what I'm doing," I rasped. "It's what I'm gonna do."

"Oh – Tommy – boy – what are you – going – to do? Tell me? I want – to hear – you say it."

I grabbed her and threw her down to the hard kitchen floor with me on top of her. "I'm going to fuck the living hell out of you, lady," I cried in her ear.

"Tommy," she moaned. "Oh – Tommy – you mustn't – not now."

But I already had my hard prong buried deeply inside of her wet, eager cunt and I began to pump her harder than I ever had pumped before. She fastened her legs about me and held me in a vise-like grip. "Oh – Tommy – boy," she groaned. "Fuck me, honey, fuck me good. Never mind what I said before."

I fucked her. I fucked her like crazy, filling her hot cunt with thick, gray goo.


I don't know how long I kept it going, but it must have been for a long time, because I began to get damned tired after a while. I guess I must have blown off in her at least three times. Young guys like me can do this, you know. We don't have to settle for just one big long blow – we can do repeats over and over. I guess that's why older women like us so much – we give 'em all they can take and then some. It was that way this time, too, because it wasn't long after the third explosion that she was begging me to stop.

"I'm tired out, honey," she gasped. "You've got to stop for a while. You're enough to kill a girl."

"I got one more for you," I grunted.

She slapped me on the back. "No, that's enough for now, Tommy. Mustn't be greedy. Besides, I told you in the first place that we had to wait a while."

"Can't wait. Want to do it to you. I been thinking about you all day."

She slapped me on the back again. "Please, Tommy, take it out of me and let me up. I have to rest a while. This floor is very hard. And besides, I'm afraid you might knock over my movie camera."

I swore a bit and yanked it out of her, it being still as hard as a rock. "Okay," I said crossly. "I thought you were a real hot woman, but I see you're not." I zipped my pants up and started for the rear door, pretending I was mad so she would come and grab me and beg me not to leave. Funny thing. She didn't do this. She didn't grab me, she didn't say anything, so I stopped and looked down at the floor. There was a bit of light streaming in through the window from the street lamp outside the house and I could see her on the floor, her legs spread wide apart, but I couldn't see her clearly.

"Aren't you gonna get up?" I asked.

She got to her feet. "Whew," she said. "You almost killed me, honey boy."

I grinned and started to say something when I heard that same loud banging noise I had heard the other time. Mrs. Devine cried out softly – she must have jumped to her feet – and grabbed me and pushed me out the door.

"Go home, Tommy," she said quickly. "Hurry. That's Basil at the door. He'll beat the hell out of you if he finds you here."

I was out the door and running across the yard in nothing flat.

"Where have you been kid?" I asked casually.

She gritted. "Out."

"Have a good time?"

She stood with her weight on one foot and looked at me oddly. "Pretty good, Tommy."

"Kind of late for you." I closed the book and put it down.

"Kind of."

"What did you do?"

"That would be telling."

"Okay, don't tell me."

"What did you do?" she asked.

"Not much."

"Well, where did you go?"


She giggled. "I had three beers, Tommy."

"Yeah. Where'd you get 'em?"

"Over at a girlfriend's house. She swiped them from her dad. Her folks were out for the evening."

"If our folks ever find that out, they'll slap you down, kiddo."

"If our folks find out – something else, they'll slap us both down, smarty."

I turned on my side, and reaching up for the light chain, said, "I'm going to sleep now. Good night, Elly." I pulled the chain, plunging the room in darkness.

I might have known it. She crawled in bed behind me and started by putting her arm over me and resting the palm of her hand on my stomach, "What are you doing?" I growled. "Go to your own bed. I'm sleepy."

"I'm not," she said, and giggled.

"Go on, beat it. I don't want you fooling around. I'm tired."

"What are you so tired about?"

"None of your business."

"Did you – do it to your girl all evening? Is that why you're tired, Tommy?"

"I'm just tired and I don't want you fooling around, so go to your own room."

"I won't do it. I'm gonna sleep with you, stupid."

I sighed and tried to turn over on my stomach so she couldn't fool around, but she was too quick for me and got her hand under me, grabbing onto my peter and jacking it up and down.

"Knock it off, damn it," I told her, and tried to push her out of bed.

"Tommy," she said, "remember when we sucked each other? Let's do it again. I just love that."

"No thanks. Go to your own bed and leave me alone – please."

She let go of me and moved away and was silent for a moment. Then, "Tommy, I left Jeanie's house about twelve o'clock."