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"Well, he didn't. He didn't hurt me none. Not at all. I liked it."

"Ho boy, you sure are crazy, Elly. Don't you ever do a thing like that again. You're liable to get yourself killed."

"How about you?" she cried angrily. "You go down there and get all the stuff you want. Why can't I?"

She had me there. Sort of. I got off that bit real quick and said, "Listen, Elly, are you sure he didn't stick something else in you besides his finger?"

She was silent once more and now she flopped down on her back, having released her grip on my dingus.

"Are you going to tell me," I persisted. My hands were shaking, for some crazy reason.

"He… tried to, Tommy, but he couldn't."

"You mean he couldn't get… one on?"

"Y-Yes. I mean no, he couldn't get one on."

"But you were gonna let him if he could?"

"I… guess so. I was awful hot."

"Boy, are you stupid!"

"I am not."

"You were gonna let him screw you, weren't you? That's stupid."

She began to pout. "He didn't do nothing to me."

"Only because he couldn't… say… what's wrong with that guy? Why couldn't he?"

"He said it was because he's a benny taker."

"A what?"

"Takes bennies all the time. You know, those pills that Aunt Harriet takes to make her slim."

I had heard something about those pills making a guy high, but I had never tried one for a very good reason. I have never had my hands on one of them. I'd have probably tried it… once. Most guys will try anything once.

"Hey," I said. "Are you sure he didn't do anything to you?"

"I told you. He couldn't. He'd been taking those bennies."

"Well, if he was that way… what did he do?"

She was silent. "Tell me!" I shouted. She bit her lips. "He asked me to suck him, to get it hard for him."

A cold chill ran up my back. This guy Basil was way out of line. I'd have to watch this guy. He sounded like bad trouble. "Listen, Elly, don't you ever go there again, hear?"

"I didn't suck him," she replied, sulking a bit.

"Good thing, kid. Man, the things you do without even thinking. You scare me. You know that?"

"No worse than what you did, I'll bet."

"Well… like I said… that's different. I'm a guy."

"That's what guys always say. What makes you think you're so different?"

"I just am, that's all. So he wanted you to… suck him, did he?"

"I shouldn't have told you hat, I guess."

A wave of excitement hit me all over again. "Elly," I said after a pause, "are you still hot?"

"Not much. Not now. All this bawling out you're giving me… well, how could be hot?"

"Elly, I'm hot," I said.

"Good for you." She turned on her side, her bare butt sticking out from beneath the shortie nightdress. I took my dick in my hand and stuck the head of it in her crack, but she pulled away and rolled over on her back, her legs crossed. "Leave me alone, Tommy Gates. Just leave me alone."

"All right," I said, annoyed at her now, "then get out of here."

"I'm sorry I made you mad, Elly. Honest."

"I'll bet you are. I'll bet you're just awful sorry."

"I am," I told her, and meant it. "I'm awful sorry. Pull your legs apart a bit, can't you?"

"No," she said, spitting the word. "Leave me alone. I'm mad."

"I told you I'm sorry. Turn over on your side, then."

"Leave me alone, Tommy Gates."

"You let that Basil guy stick his finger into you and you let him try to stick his prong into you. Why can't I?"

"Because, Tommy Gates, I'm mad at you."

"All right," I said, annoyed at her now. "Then get out of my bed."

"I won't do it."

"I'll push you out onto the floor if you don't."

"No, you won't push me out."

I saw that she had turned on her side again, her butt sticking out and straight at my old dingus. There was only one thing to do, the thing she had said lots of guys had tried with her.

I did it.

I grabbed her and held her while she yelled and struggled and fought me off. She might as well have saved her strength because I sank the old shaft deep into her cunt – from the rear. Man, did it feel great! She struggled a bit more and then sighed and lay still on her side yet – while I pumped the hard, old dingus into her little-girl cunt.


I drifted off to sleep sometime later with Elly in my arms, for all the world just like she was my girl. It was real strange, this thing we had between us, and I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I figured it was a good thing, in a way, but that it could also turn out to be a very bad thing – in case someone found out about it. Someone like our parents, I mean. Just thinking about them, after I had wakened, made me cold all over. I gently eased Elly off my arm and sat up on the bed and looked out the window. It was still night and I was glad of it because I didn't really want to see Elly right now. I preferred to have it dark in the room.

"Hey, Tommy," she said sleepily. "You awake, too?"

"Yes," I said, wetting my lips. "Are you… still… mad at me?"

She giggled. "No, silly I never was mad at you. Can't you tell when a girl is really mad and when she's just faking it to get a rise out of you?"

"I guess I can't. I never thought much about it."

"Tommy… what's that woman's name?"

I hesitated. "Mrs. Devine," I said at length. She laughed softly. "Boy, what a name. Is she?"

"Is she what?"

"Is she divine?"

I grinned. "Kind of. In a wild sort of way."

"Is she awfully sexy and stuff?"

Again I hesitated.

"Tell me, Tommy. I won't ever tell anyone anything you say to me."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Well, then, yes, she's awful sexy. She's wild and… well, I don't know. Maybe that Basil guy is her boy friend or husband or something. You said he takes those benny pills and can't do nothing, so I suppose this just about drives her nuts. That's probably what makes her so… much the way she is."

"Is he her husband, Tommy?"

"She said her husband was dead, but I don't know whether to believe that or not."

"You think she's a lair, Tommy?"

"Could be. Women do lie sometimes, you know."

"So do guys."

"Sure, I know it. Everybody lies all over the place if it suits them."

"How many times have you fooled around with her?"

"Depends on what you mean. I've been there twice – no, three times including the time I carried out the garbage."

"You know what I mean, Tommy. How many times have you stuck in into that woman?"

"Quite a few times."

"Is she real good – real hot?"

"Y – Yes. Let's talk about something else, huh?"

"What for? I like to talk about stuff like this makes me…"

"Makes you what, Elly?" I knew, but I always liked to hear her put these kinds of things into words.

"Makes me hot all over, talking about all this stuff."

"Say… You ever think about anything but getting hot?"

"What else is there worth talking about, Tommy. Now."

"What do you mean now?"

"Now that you and I are…"

"Are what?"

"Are sort of lovers."

"Wish you wouldn't put it that way, Elly," I said crossly. "I told you to knock off that kind of talk before."

She moved up close to me and placed her hand on my stomach. "It's true, Tommy, you might as well admit it. We are sibling lovers."

"Never heard that word. What's sibling mean?"

"Means brother or sister."

I didn't say anything but flopped over on my side and looked out the window again.



"I wish we weren't brother and sister."

"Yeah, sure."

"Wouldn't it be great if we could… could get married sometime?"