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"I'll get you water." She left the hallway and returned with the water. "Come into this room. Those pills are excellent. Your intense pain will be gone presently."

Funny thing, she was right. In less than five minutes I was feeling fine. I was, in fact, feeling entirely different.

I was feeling wildly lustful. My heart was thumping furiously and I knew I was ready for anything. The crazier, the better.

"Come with me," Mrs. Devine said.

"Where are we going?"

"Into the studio, boy. Elly is waiting to play the scene with you."


I entered the room with her and saw two men operating a camera. They were taking shots of the largest bed I had ever seen. They weren't taking shots of the bed itself, but of Elly, who was lying on the bed. Her eyes looked glazed and I suspected she was doped. More than likely, I was, also, though I scarcely realized this at the moment. They had her wearing black underclothing, black stockings and garter belt – that is, no panties and no bra. She lay on the bed, her legs spread apart while the cameraman took a closeup of her box. The two cameramen seemed unconcerned and I wondered about this until I looked at them more closely and recognized them as being the type of guys known as poppers, or homosexuals. Basil, who was naked, stood in the corner of the room, and when I glanced at him, I saw him smirk slightly.

"Take your clothes off, kid," he barked. "All off."

I didn't want to, but I complied. When I was naked I stole a glance at Elly, who was now sitting up on the bed. She had a terrific look of wild lust in her eyes. She glanced back at me and I saw her wink and grin. She began to wiggle her butt. At the same time she gestured to me to come nearer to her. I didn't move, but looked first at Basil and then at Mrs. Devine.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Devine asked. "Don't you want to make love to your sister for the camera?"

"No," I said, and looked at the floor, not wanting to meet her gaze. I was suddenly afraid or perhaps I should say reluctant to stand naked in front of all these people. If she had given me some kind off pills to remove my self-consciousness, it hadn't worked well enough.

"Come on, boy," Mrs. Devine said, taking my arm. "Lie down on top of your little sister and do it to her. We need a scene that – We insist that you do it, Tommy. We won't allow you to leave till you do. It won't take that long."

"Come on, Tommy," Elly said eagerly. "I'm willing."

"That's the way to talk, Elly girl," Basil said. I had him figured for a popper and somewhere I had gotten hold of the idea that poppers talked in a higher pitch. Funny. I had never noticed if he spoke this way up to now. I guess I hadn't paid much attention to them. "Tommy," Basil went on, "your sister wants you on top of her. Get with it, kid."

"No," I said. A short while ago I had been ready for anything, but this feeling – now that I had seen my sister on the bed with those poppers taking pictures of her – had left me. "No," I repeated. "I won't do it."

Basil came over to me, an ugly look on his bearded face. "If you don't do it to your sister, then you'll have to stand there and watch me take her."

I just stared at him.

Mrs. Devine came up to me and touched my arm. "What's wrong? You don't have a hard-on. Can't you do it in front of us? Is that it?"

"I don't have a hard-on because I don't feel like it," I told her angrily. "Let Elly and me go. We don't want to do this."

"I don't mind," Elly said from the bed.

"Shut up, Elly!" I growled. "Get your clothes on. We'll walk home."

Basil looked furious. He gestured at the cameramen and they grabbed me, tussled me to the floor and one of them tied my feet and brought the cord up to tie my hands behind my back. They picked me up and set me on a chair. I was mad enough to kill one of those perverts, but I had waited too long to put up a fight. Now I was practically helpless – they had done a good job of tying me up.

Basil removed his clothing and I saw him finger himself several times until his john was hard and then he went to the bed and lay down on it and began running his fingers up and down Elly's legs, finally inserting one into her box. Elly, damn her, squealed with delight and this made me even angrier than before. I strained at my bonds, but couldn't get loose.

"Don't do it, Elly," I cried.

She shook her head, her eyes filled with lust. "Nope. I wanna do it to him. He makes me feel hot."

"Zoom in on this, Perry," Basil told one of the cameramen. "Get a close-up of my finger in her cunt."

I saw the camera come closer to the bed and when I did Elly began to move her butt about. I knew damned well they had given her some bennies or something. She wasn't herself.

"Suck me off, Basil," she cried. "Get them to film that. That would be wonderful!"

"I intend to do exactly that, my dear," he said, and glancing over at me, grinned. "How do you like watching this, kid?"

"Go to hell!" I yelled. I must have yelled pretty loud because Mrs. Devine struck me across the face and told me to keep my voice down.

"Doesn't watching this give you a hard-on, kid?" Basil asked.

"Screw you!" I cried, "Wait till I tell my dad about you people."

"You won't do that," Mrs. Devine said, frowning at me. "If you ever mention this to your folks, we'll see to it they know about you and Elly."

She had me there and I knew it. "Damn you," I said bitterly.

"Shut up!" Basil said. "You've let us down badly. If you aren't careful with that mouth of yours, I'll have you horse-whipped." He pointed at a big whip that stood in the corner of the room. "The boys know how to use it, kid, so don't think you won't be hurt."

I scarcely paid any attention to him because Mrs. Devine had taken off her blouse and bra and was leaning over me now. Her mammoth titties hung down and practically touched my face.

"Suck 'em, boy. Maybe it'll make you hard."

I shook my head. "I don't want to."

She frowned. "You're being obstinate." She turned to Basil. "What were those pills you gave me to give him?"

Basil sat up on the bed and glared at his sister. "I didn't tell you to give them to him. They were bennies. No wonder he can't get hard, you fool."

"Don't call me a fool, Basil," Mrs. Devine yelled. "You watch your tongue, mister big."

"You gave him bennies, damn it! That fouls up our whole deal."

"You told me to give them to him. I'm sure you did," she retorted.

"I did not, damn it! Of all the stupid females, you're the worst."

"I told you, Basil, to watch your tongue!" Mrs. Devine cried, her pretty face contorted with anger.

"Crap!" he yelled. "You've screwed the whole film up. Now I'll have to keep my face hidden from the camera and pretend I'm Elly's brother."

"Go ahead and do it then," she yelled at him. "It's about time you did something useful."

"Stupid damned females," he muttered, and turned back to Elly, sticking his finger in her again.

"Suck me, Mr. Basil," Elly begged him. "I want you to suck me."

He shook his head. "I've changed the plan. I'll have to do it to you the other way first. We only have so much film left." He grimaced. "Not that I like doing it that way, but damned stupid female, screwing things up."

"I have an idea," Mrs. Devine said. "Basil, why don't we change the script and have a mother and a son and a father and a daughter. We could change the title of the film, too."

Basil looked up at her and rubbed his beard. "Might be a good idea at that. For a stupid female, you might have something there."

Mrs. Devine drew herself up, looking slightly ridiculous trying to appear dignified and half-naked at the same time. "Please stop calling me stupid. I'm not stupid as you well know."