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"Sure," I said, sulking a bit.

She laughed and pinched my thigh with her fingers. "Want me to play with your dingus, Tommy? Think that's what you called it once."

I was immediately excited all over again, if I had ever stopped, which was doubtful. "Yes," I said. "Play with me, please."

"Take your pants off, boy," she told me. I took them off in nothing flat and sat back down. I still had my trunks on, and when she reached over and felt of me, she laughed again. "Take them all off, boy. Your shorts, too."

"My shoes, too?" I asked stupidly. "Shoes, socks, everything you have on. I like my young boys to be stark naked when suck them off."

My spine seemed to explode and I moistened my lips nervously as I yanked off my trunks and shoes and socks. I had to moisten my lips again.

"Did you hear what I just said, boy?"

"I think so," I said, so excited I could hardly talk.

"Let me say it again, boy. Shall I?"

"Yes, say it again, Mrs. Devine."

She took a deep breath. "When I suck off a young boy's cock, I like to have him naked."

I sucked in air and let it out in a rush. "Man, when you talk that way – I just about go nuts."

She laughed tensely. "Please don't call me 'man'."

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean nothing."

"I know. But I mean something – right now. I mean to suck your hard prick, boy."

"Please, Mrs. Devine. Don't just talk about it. Suck it – suck it good."

"I know my business, boy. I'll make you blow like you never thought possible." She got down on her knees in front of me and between my legs. I put my legs over her soft shoulders and felt her tongue touch the head of my pecker. I shuddered and squirted juice all over her face. She just laughed happily and took all of my thing into her warm, wet mouth.


You think it's not something for a fifteen-year-old boy to have this done to him. Well, man, let me tell you, it is. It's the greatest, ever. That woman nearly drove me smack out of my cotton-pickin' mind, as a cousin of mine from Kentucky always used to say. Man, it was terrific what she did to me then and I'll never forget it, not if I live to be a hundred. I just slumped down on the sofa and let her wail away at me, so to speak. I didn't have to do a damned thing but get my kicks and enjoy it like mad. Lots of guys talk about some chick doing this to them – lots of guys my age, I mean – but I'll bet there aren't many who actually have had it done. I couldn't figure this woman out. Here she had told me that she wanted to go slow, to build the thing up and then all of a sudden she was doing the one thing I probably wanted more than anything else at the moment.

She stopped for a time, long enough to say something. "How you like that, boy?" she asked thickly.

"Wonderful," I breathed. "Don't stop, please."

"Don't intend to. Have to get my breath now and then. Wish you'd hold my tits in your hands, give a good old hard squeeze now and then while I suck you off. I like that."

I reached down, touched her titties and took one in each hand. Boy, did they feel great, all soft and rubbery and hot and – well, hot, that's the word – hot. Man, were they hot. They were so hot they made me even hotter, if that was possible. I pulled on them easily, not wanting to hurt her or anything and she moaned and the next thing I knew was the touch of her hair on my bare thighs. I shivered as I felt those warm lips go about my peter again and I shivered even more when she reached between my legs and tenderly, gently, lifted my balls and held them in her hand. Wow! What a woman she was. I would have given my life for this woman right now. I would have done anything in the world she wanted of me.

"You're very excited, aren't you, boy?" she asked, removing me from her mouth again.

"Y – yes – please don't stop. I'm ready to…"

"You mustn't go off just yet, boy. I'm not ready to receive it. Do you understand?"

"But if you keep – sucking me, how will prevent it, Mrs. Devine?"

"I'll only do it a little at a time. Remember, don't blow till I tell you to. Think you can hold back that much?"

I gasped. What she was asking was just about impossible. "I'll – I'll try, Mrs. Devine – only it feels so good, I don't know if I can hold back."

"You can try, boy, can't you?" She pinched my thigh.

"Ouch!" I cried. "That hurts. But I'll do like you said. I mean, I don't know – but I'll see if I can hold back."

She pinched my flesh again and I winced but didn't cry out. "You're a real nice, young boy, and I like you," she told me. "You just do as I say and we'll get along wonderfully, Tommy."

"Yes," I breathed. "I'll try to do what you want me to."

She didn't pinch me this time but just patted my leg. I felt her hair brushing over my legs again and for the life of me I couldn't help spurting a bit. I guess it must have struck her in the face again, for she laughed tensely and I felt her doing something to her head with her hand, wiping her face probably.

"You're the squirtingest kid I ever saw and, believe me, I've seen quite a few young boys."

"Do you – always pick out guys my age, Mrs. Devine?"

I heard her laugh and it had a nice ring to it. "Whenever I can find a hot one, I do. I can't stand some young boys – they're so Goddamned afraid of Mama and Papa. You don't seem to be that way so much. How about it, Tommy? Are you afraid of your parents?"

"No," I lied. "At least, not too much, kind of, maybe."

"You're smart. It pays to be a bit afraid of them. They're in the driver's seat, you know."

I wasn't too sure I understood her and I wished she would stop all the yakking and get down to business. "Please, Mrs. Devine, can't we…"

"Can't we get on with it? Is that what you were going to say?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I told you not to say that, Tommy. What's the matter with you? Why do you keep saying it? Don't you know I want you to feel equal to me, and if you keep calling me that, I feel – I mean, we'll feel unequal."

"I guess so," I said, not understanding this, either. Not too well, I mean. "I mean I…"

"That's the good boy," she repeated like I was four years old.

"Aren't you gonna do it any more, Mrs. Devine?"

She had gotten to her feet apparently and walked a step or two away. My heart sank and I thought for sure I had made her mad or something, but a moment later I felt her sit down beside me.

"Guess I won't suck you, after all, boy. Guess I'll have you crawl on and stick it into me. How would you like that?"

"I'd like it," I said quickly, and started to crawl on top of her, but she pushed me away.

"Take it easy, kid. I told you before and I'll tell you again. Don't do anything till I say it's okay. Can't you get that through your head?"

"I'm sorry," I said, my heart pounding like mad. "I guess I'm so excited I can't think straight."

"You'd better start thinking straight, boy, or I'll send you packing in a hurry."

"Don't do that," I implored her. "That would drive me nuts."

"I need a drink," she said abruptly. "My nerves are shot."

I didn't say a word, but I knew something had gone wrong, though I hadn't the faintest idea of what it was.

"Too bad you're just a kid," she said harshly. "You could probably use a drink."

"I'll drink a beer," I said quickly.

"You're not getting any beer from me, boy. You go home with beer on your breath and your old man'll want to know who gave it to you. Uhn-uh. No beer for you, Tommy boy."

"Okay," I said, and when she got up from the sofa I tried to grab her. I didn't want her to get up and walk away. I managed to get my arm around one leg and I hung onto it.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing? Let go of my leg. I'll get a drink and be right back."

I had a wild impulse, so I acted on it. Pulling her butt up close to me, I bent my head softly and kissed her there, on the ass. She purred and began to rumple my hair.