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"You like kissing, kid?" she asked, rumpling my hair some more.

"I like everything about you, Mrs. Devine. I'm so hot I could…"

"Yeah, you could what, kid?"

"I could – kiss – you anywhere."

She turned around in the darkness and I felt her press her tummy against my face. "Want to kiss it, boy?" she asked softly. "I mean, my butt?"

"I'll kiss anything you've got," I blurted, my heart pounding furiously again.

She laughed and yanked her leg free of my grasp. "Supposing I said kiss my ass, kid. Would you do that?"

I half-grinned. "I guess so. If you really meant it."

"Just sit there for a moment. I'll be right back, Tommy." Her voice had lost its former harshness and I was glad of it. When she had spoken in that manner, I hadn't liked her as much.

She left the room, or at least I thought she did from the sound of her footsteps. She was gone so long I finally began to hunt for a light switch, though I knew, of course, that she didn't want any light turned on. She had told me twice that the house had to remain dark to make it appear that she wasn't at home. Just the same I was determined to have one quick look at her nudity, even if she bawled the hell out of me for it.

I had to wait possibly ten minutes before I heard her reenter the room, and when I heard her, I gave the switch a flick. She jumped and ran toward me, her mammoth titties bouncing about crazily, but before she arrived at the spot I turned off the light and moved away fast. I heard her bump into something, heard her swear and groan at the same time.

"Are you hurt, Mrs. Devine?" I called to her.

"Damn it, I told you not to turn on that light. What's with you, kid? What if someone saw me running across the room naked? There might be people outside, you know. Besides – well…"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Devine," I said, interrupting her, "but I had to see you just once. You're so pretty I just had to see you."

She was silent for several long moments. "All right, Tommy. You wanted to look at me. It's okay. Don't do it again, however. I'll let you get away with it this time… but no more of that wild impulse stuff. We have to use our heads, you know. Otherwise…"

"Mrs. Devine," I said, "please come over and lie down on your back. If I don't get to stick it into you soon, I don't know what I'll do. Go home, I guess."

"You telling me what to do, kid?"

"No, Mrs. Devine. I came here for… one thing… you know that… but you won't… well, you know what I mean."

"No, I don't know what you mean," she replied. "You tell me what you mean, boy."

"I mean," I said almost angrily, "that I got hot pants. Doesn't that tell you enough?"

"All right, Tommy," she said, and the next thing I knew she had slipped her arm about my waist.

With a savage cry I whirled about and grabbed her fiercely and flung her to the floor. I landed on top of her and was pumping at her with my hard-on before I had rammed it into her. I hit the right spot and shoved like mad. She grunted and spread her legs wide and I shoved hard again, this time feeling my joint slide into her wet box. I pushed it all the way in and then went to work on her. I had had enough of time-wasting and playing around – I had a need, a great, big, fierce, fifteen year-old need.

And I filled it by pumping her full of thick, gray goo. I didn't require much time, I was much too hot for that. I was so hot, in fact, that I began squirting the moment I had entered her crevice. The squirting kept on going for a long time, or at least it seemed like a long time. Mrs. Devine did an awful lot more grunting and moaning and stroking my back and rubbing my butt and pinching my legs and all sorts of wild things that I don't even know how to describe. She liked what I was doing to her, no mistake about that. She not only liked it – she was crazy wild about it. I lay there above her, not moving now – I had drained my dingus into her by this time – and felt her still stroking my butt with her hands.

"Fine little ass you got there, boy. Fine, good-stroking piece of ass meat. Like to keep you around all the time, have you do nothing but squirt in me as you just did. Say, boy… think you could pop it again right away?"

"I can pop three times in a row," I said, bragging a bit.

"Bet you can't pop me twice more, boy." Her voice sounded excited.

"What'll you bet me?"

"Two dollars."

"I don't want to bet with you, Mrs. Devine. Don't want to take your money."

She wriggled her butt about under me. "That's what I figured, Tommy boy. You know you can't do it twice more, so you won't bet."

"The hell I can't," I retorted, and began pumping at her again vigorously. I had no more than started when a loud banging sound came from somewhere. I felt her body stiffen, heard her whispering something to me. I stopped pumping. "What did you say?" I asked.

"Be very quiet, Tommy," she whispered urgently. "There's somebody at the front door. Get off of me and crawl, don't walk, across the room. Go in the same direction your head is facing. Keep going till you come to a door. Go in the room and close the door softly."

"All right," I said, detecting the note of fear in her tone. "What do I have to crawl for?"

"You might stumble in the dark."

I pulled it out of her reluctantly and began to crawl on my hands and knees as she had directed me. I found the doorway after a few moments and crawled into the room and got to my feet. I groped for the doorknob, found it and softly closed the door but not all the way. I stood there in the dark listening. A minute later I heard the sound again, the sound of someone banging on the door. Mrs. Devine apparently was not going to answer the door. I couldn't hear her moving about, couldn't hear anything but the sounds of the door being banged on.

I wondered if it was some guy, maybe a good friend of hers, and knew a few moments of intense jealousy. Funny thing, I was fifteen and she thirty, but I felt like she was my girl friend. Why shouldn't I feel that way. I had just finished making her and that proved something, didn't it?

I didn't know how long I stood there, but it must have been all of ten minutes before I heard her walking stealthily toward the room I was in. The door bumped against my arm and I knew she was pushing it open. She whispered, "I think it's okay now. Whoever that was has gone."

"Can we do it some more now?" I asked eagerly.

"No, Tommy. You have to go home now. Try to find your clothes in the dark, don't turn on a light. Get dressed and slip out the rear door. Do you understand?"

I was vastly disappointed, but I knew I had to do what she said. Her friend might come back at any moment. I decided to ask her. "Mrs. Devine, was that your boy friend?"

She was silent for a brief moment. "Not a boy friend, Tommy. It was just a man."

"You're sure it wasn't your boy friend?"

I heard her chuckle softly. "I'm sure, Tommy. Now get your clothes and put them on. Go home quickly and don't let anyone see you. Cut through the back yards of the houses next to mine."

"All right. I sure had a good time, Mrs. Devine."

"Tell you what you do, Tommy. There's a window right next to the back door. If you find that shade pulled down at any time during the day, that means I want you to come over after dark. Can you remember that? The shade down means it's all right for you to come after dark."

"Okay, I got it. I'll watch for it."

"Don't come here at any time except after dark. Not until I tell you it's okay. Understand?"

"Sure, I understand, Mrs. Devine." I groped my way through the darkness, found my clothes and put them on. This was no trick for me to accomplish. I had often done it. I went to the kitchen with her following along beside me. I had a sudden impulse and acted on it. I bent down quickly and ran my tongue the length of her cunt. She gasped and clutched my shoulders, so I did a repeat job of it.