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“Will I talk to the police tomorrow?” she asked after I’d sat down beside her.

“Yes. After Joe and I meet with Belov, I’m going to get in touch with a prosecutor who has some experience with this sort of case. I’m expecting she’ll be a little more understanding of your fears and safety concerns than others might be.”

“All right.”

“I told my partner to bring your father-in-law out tomorrow morning,” I said. “Is that okay?”

“John? Wow.” She exhaled loudly and closed her eyes. “Yes, it’s okay. I need to see him before we leave.” She opened her eyes again, and there was surprise and recognition in them. “He doesn’t even know we’re alive, does he?”

It’s amazing how some people can lose sight of the things that matter most to others. I shook my head. “No, Julie, he doesn’t.”

For a while we sat in silence, and then she had another question. “You’re very close to Amy, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “Why do you ask?”

“There’s just something in the way you interact with her, that’s all. Both her and your partner . . . you just seem to let your guard down with them. It’s the first time I’ve seen you do that. I figure you must be close with your partner if you were willing to go into business with him, and if you act similarly around Amy, you must be pretty close to her, too.”

I looked out at the dark pond. The water was still covered by a thin layer of ice, and it looked as black and smooth as a freshly paved stretch ofasphalt.

“I’m probably closer to Amy than she realizes,” I said. “Last summer, when I was just drifting along without any purpose, and pretty content to remain miserable, she forced me out of it.”

Julie tilted her head to the side, her face half obscured by the shadows. “Explain.”

I told her about my dismissal from the police department. I hadn’t shared the story with her yet, and she listened with interest.

“After that, I was a little lost,” I said. “Hell, I was very lost. My life had been made up of two parts: work and my fiancée, Karen. Then they were both gone. I used what little money I had to buy a rundown gym on the west side, and I just faded out of my old life. I didn’t keep in contact with anyone from the department except for Joe, who wouldn’t let me avoid him. I worked at the gym during the day, worked out in the evenings, and sat home alone and brooded with the rest of my time. I was listless. Then a guy who went to my gym was murdered, and Amy showed up on my doorstep asking questions and insisting I help her look into it. She was a real pain in the ass, but she was relentless. Eventually, I gave in. Somewhere along the line, I found my way again. Joe saw the change in me, saw how revitalized I was by having a case again, and asked me to go into business with him. I agreed, he retired, and here we are,” I concluded. “Amy played a pretty big part in getting me back on my feet, which is sort of funny, considering I was a stranger to her. And, I have to admit, a bit ofan asshole to her at first.”

“I see,” Julie said. Then, after a pause, “I’m glad I asked that question, Lincoln. I found out a lot more about you.”

“Scary stuff, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s not. And I’m sorry about what happened, about how you lost your job. It sounds like this Karen woman really let you down.” The corner of her mouth twitched in a cold smile. “I know what that feels like.”

“No,” I said, and shook my head. “What happened to me happens to a thousand guys every day. Most of them handle it better, that’s all. What happened to you is an entirely different circumstance. Don’t compare the two.”

“All right.”

I turned to her and moved slightly closer on the wooden bench. “You amaze me,” I said. “You know that? The way you’re facing all of this, it’s incredible. You must be terrified at the idea of leaving your old life behind, but you’re determined to do it because it’s the best thing for Betsy.”

“I am terrified, though,” she said, her voice almost a whisper. “I’m scared to death, Lincoln. And I’ve never been more lonely.”

I put my hand on her arm. “You’re not alone, Julie. As long as I can help you, I’m going to be here trying to do it.”


“I promise.”

She leaned forward and looked into my eyes. Her face was so beautiful that I was almost nervous when she put it that close to mine.

“Then come with us, Lincoln.”

I stared at her. “Come with you?”

She laughed, and her cheeks flushed slightly. “This is an absurd request. There’s no way you can accept it, and I know that, but I’m going to ask anyhow, so you can decline it, and we can move on. Come with us, Lincoln. I’ve got a beautiful, safe place to raise my daughter, and I have plenty of money. I don’t want to have to raise her alone, though. I don’t want to be alone.”

“Julie, you’ve known me for less than three days.”

She nodded. “And yet I’m asking you. Shouldn’t that tell you something?”

Yes, I thought, it should. But what?

I sat stupidly on the hard wooden bench of the picnic table, fumbling for a response. I had to tell her she was crazy, of course. But I didn’t.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I should never have asked such a thing. It’s absurd, and it’s certainly not fair to you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Remember when I told you in the car that what happened in the whirlpool last night was a mistake?”


“Well,” she said, “this was not a mistake.” She leaned in and kissed me softly on the mouth, holding the kiss for a while, and then pulled away. As attracted as I had been to her the previous night, it couldn’t touch what I felt for her then.

After a while we left the picnic table and moved to one of the wooden lounge chairs. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but at least we could lean back in it. Julie curled against me, and I held her as we sat there and let the night pass. It grew later, and the air grew colder, but we didn’t leave the deck, not wanting to give up the night any quicker than we had to.


I WOKE shortly before eight, lunging off the couch and reaching for my gun. I had my hand around the butt of the Glock when I stopped and realized where I was. The little cottage was still and quiet, and there was no cause for alarm. I didn’t remember any violent or frightening dream left behind in the world of sleep, but there I was, reaching for my gun. Dream or no dream, it wasn’t a positive start to the day.

I put the gun away and went into the bathroom, hoping to get a shower in before Julie and Betsy woke. The water heater didn’t approve of my rousing it into action at such an early hour, a point it made clear by refusing to offer more than a tepid stream. I left the shower quickly, dressed in the previous day’s clothes, and returned to the living room. Julie was awake now, sitting at the kitchen table.

“You find some coffee?” I said.

She made a face. “There’s a jar of instant coffee. It’s going to be pretty bad, but it beats no coffee at all.”


“When is your partner going to be here?”


She looked at her watch. “Not much time. I’d better wake Betsy so she’s ready to see John.”

When she returned to the kitchen, she busied herself with the coffee. There was no mention of the night before, or of her request. A few minutes after Betsy joined us in the kitchen, I heard tires on the gravel drive and looked at my watch. Eight o’clock exactly. Joe is nothing if not prompt. I watched from the kitchen window as John Weston pulled in behind Joe, climbed out of his Buick, and walked up the deck steps, using a wooden cane with a brass head to support his balance. He was wearing an olive parka and light blue pants and moving at as fast a clip as he could, although the steps were causing him some difficulty.