She puts her hands over her ears as she says, “La la la! Can’t hear you!”
I start laughing. “You asked.”
“All I wanted to know was if my teaching skills paid off, I didn’t mean I wanted to hear about the seduction of my brother.”
“Definitely paid off!” I wink. “I’m going to go find him now,” I tell her as I leave the kitchen.
Looking for River, I run into a few people along the way. Spotting him, I head his way as Scandalicious plays “Some Nights.” He’s downing another shot at the pool table. He sees me and motions for me to dance with him just as the band moves into “TiK ToK.” The female lead singer sounds similar to Ke$ha, but when Reston chimes in he sounds exactly like P. Diddy. As soon as Reston starts the song with “Hey, what up, girl?” River starts to rock his head from one shoulder to the other in an almost robotic movement and I laugh, knowing we’re going to have a good time. I raise my hands above my head and move my hips to the beat. As they hit the chorus River presses his body flush against mine and grinds his hips into me while dropping a kiss on my neck.
“What the fuck? Don’t tell me you’re just as pussy-whipped as this asshole over here!” yells a guy about ten feet away. Twisting around to see who it is, I can only assume it’s Tom since he has his arm slung over Bell’s shoulder. He’s good-looking and Bell certainly seems to be attracted to him. He’s about my height, his hair is the same light-brown color as River’s but his face is rounder.
My head snaps to the right when I see a taller figure standing beside him. I can’t believe it—and I have what I can only describe as a fan-girl moment. As my mouth drops, so do my hands. I take a step back and just stand in shock. River sees Jake and grins from ear to ear. It’s Jake, Jake Wethers in the flesh! The ultimate bad boy of rock is at my house wearing his trademark black jeans and black T-shirt.
Looking at me suspiciously, River grabs my hand and leads me over to them. I can see Jake’s famous tattoos on his arms and his blue eyes really do look like the ocean in contrast to his black hair. As we approach them, River sticks his hand out to Jake. “Hey man, how are you? Long time no see.”
Jake clasps his hand and shakes it. “Too long, man. I heard you guys are hitting the road soon. Would have been nice to have joined up again. Who knows?—the Mighty Storm might be opening for you one day.”
River chuckles then swings his arm over my shoulder and says, “This is my girl, Dahlia. Dahlia, you know Jake. I’m pretty sure you told me you follow his career.”
I shoot River an I-just-might-kill-you look. I can’t believe he essentially just introduced me as a groupie.
“Nice to meet you, Dahlia,” Jake says and I can’t help but smile.
“And this is my Tru,” Jake says but continues draping his arm over the shoulder of the girl next to him.
River reaches out his hand and as she shakes it she says, “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard all about you and the band. Jake only has nice things to say about you.”
River says hello and graciously accepts the compliment.
Tru and I then shake hands and exchange niceties. I can’t help but notice how beautiful she is.
Tom sticks his hand out to River and says, “Hey man, good to see you, but am I the only one with a dick around here?”
He nods to me and says, “Hello, gorgeous.”
Jake punches him in the arm. “Paws to yourself.”
Tom rolls his eyes and turns, grabbing Bell by the ass. I guess Bell knows everyone already and she’s skipping the introductions since Tom now has his tongue down her throat.
“Don’t mind Tom, he likes to think he’s hot shit,” Tru says and I can’t help but laugh.
Tru and I then start talking about life on the road. She has been on tour with Jake so I have a ton of questions for her.
At some point I notice Bell and Tom have disappeared, but the rest of the party is in full swing. Everyone is singing along with the band, drinking, dancing, and having a great time. When Scandalicious takes a break, all the guys gather around River and start pouring shots of tequila.
I drag Tru to the kitchen with me and leave River with the guys. We need to do the cake because if we don’t sing “Happy Birthday” soon, I’m not sure River will be able to blow out the candles. After giving Tru a brief tour of the house, we walk into the kitchen and I see Bell.
“Bell, I think it’s time . . .” I trail off when I see she’s on the phone with her head down and her hand over her free ear. I turn back to Tru and see Jake in the kitchen doorway.
“Sweetheart, we have to go,” he says to Tru.
“Baby, they haven’t even had the cake yet.”
“Fucking Tom’s already in the car,” he mutters to her.
She rolls her eyes. “Tell me again why we rode with him?”
“No fucking idea, baby.”
We say our goodbyes and I walk them to the door. Looking outside I can see Tom sitting in his car on the phone and another car behind him, which I can only guess holds the security team.
After they leave, I make my way back to the kitchen and see Bell step into the other room, still on the phone and seemingly arguing. I’m sure she’s talking to Tom and I wonder if they broke up already. As I’m putting the candles on the cake, Caleb walks in and looks around before waving me over.
I walk over as he heads my way and we meet in the living room. “Hey Caleb, what’s going on?”
“Sorry Dahlia, didn’t know you were having a party. I tried calling you and River, but neither one of you answered.”
“Oh, sorry. I’m throwing a surprise party for River. It’s his birthday.”
“Again, sorry to intrude, but I got a call that your security system is down, and I thought I should check it out.”
“I have no idea what’s going on with the security system but it seems to be causing you a lot of trouble.”
“Dahlia, it’s no trouble. It’s my job.”
“I know, but it’s still nice of you.”
He drops his head. “I won’t be long, I just want to check the main fuse box.”
“Okay, you know where it is.”
He heads downstairs and I’m wondering if I should talk to him about Ben or ask him to stay for a drink, when the front door swings open, and Ben walks into my house. He closes the door behind him and I stand there, staring. When he starts to walk into the living room I hastily move to stop him. “What do you think you’re doing here?”
His eyes flash down my body and back up as he fingers the flower of my pearl necklace. “You added a necklace to your collection? It’s beautiful, just like you.”
I lean back and he drops his hand. “Ben, what are you doing? You shouldn’t be here.”
“Dahl, I’m with Caleb. We were out together when he got the call about the house. I was waiting in the car for him and I heard a lot of noise so I wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
I stare at him in disbelief. “Really, Ben. Well, you’ve made sure now and everything is fine. So you can leave.”
“Since I’m here, I want to talk to you. I’ve been trying to talk to you. Why won’t you answer my calls?”
Holding back my agitation, I try to keep calm. “Ben, this is not the time or the place.”
“Dahl, you won’t give me the time or the place.”
“Because I have nothing else to say to you.”
His eyes seem to have been taking in the room since he arrived and when they settle on the large black-and-white picture of River and his band hung over the sofa he asks, “Why him? Is it because he’s famous?”
I narrow my eyes and look at him. “Fuck you, Ben Covington. Get the hell out of my house!”
Ignoring me, he motions around the house. “I need to know. Did you know him while we were together?”