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I rubbed my jaw. "What happens after you get the library?"

"Miranda will take charge of the excavation. I imagine Rigoberta and Pacho will assume control of daily operations. Regardless, I've agreed to fully fund the dig for eighteen months. I'll still be involved of course, but only on a limited basis."

The distant sky, dark and swirling, caught my attention. Nearby, I heard soft snoring noises as Alonzo and Yohl Ik’nal napped in the grass. It was late. I needed to make a decision, one way or the other.

"Thanks for the offer." I extended my hand. "But I'm going to have to pass. Good luck to you."

"I'll tell you what. If you're successful, I'll throw in a bonus. I'll completely outfit your team with brand new equipment." Her gaze flitted to Graham. He continued to toil over Eve. "Think of all the artifacts you could save."

"I don't need new equipment." I took a deep breath. "This is my last day in the field. I'm retiring."

She stared into my eyes, watching me, reading me. I had the eerie sense she could see into my soul. "You're not ready to quit."

"Excuse me?"

"I made a few phone calls before I agreed to let Miranda hire you. Until four months ago, you were considered archaeology's most infamous outcast. People described you as a treasure hunter who sought artifacts with almost reckless abandon. You broke rules, flouted the law, and generally did the impossible. Then you locked horns with Votan. Two people died. Understandably, the incident left a bad taste in your mouth. You told everyone you were retiring, settling down to a normal life." Her eyes glinted. "And yet, you came here."

"This is a one-time thing."

"If that was the case, you wouldn't have accepted my offer to stay a few extra hours." She studied my visage. "No, I think you're still trying to figure out if you want to be a treasure hunter."

I frowned.

"So, come with me. Help me find the Library of the Mayas. Once you set eyes on those gold plates, I guarantee you'll know if treasure hunting is truly your calling."

I narrowed my gaze. Her pixie features were innocent, yet deceiving. She was clever, conniving. And she was manipulating the hell out of me.

But that didn't mean she wasn't right.

"Okay, " I said at last. "You've got a deal."


Ball Lightning

Chapter 22

Emily's helicopter looked luxurious on the outside. But the inside was a whole different story.

The chopper dipped and swung to the side. I shifted uneasily in my seat. Tried my best to get comfortable. But it didn't work.

The cabin was gigantic, heavily metallic, and completely free of opulence. Oval-shaped windows lined either side of it. Their acrylic surfaces were heavily stained, making it difficult to see through them. Just beneath the windows, two long benches sprouted from the walls. Their metal legs were welded to the floor. They'd looked stiff from a distance. But sitting in them for an extended period of time had proven to be sheer torture.

Dr. Qiang Wu was piloting the chopper. The rest of us sat in the cabin. We'd self-segregated into three areas. Beverly, Graham, and I sat in the front with Emily and Crowley. Miranda and Tum occupied the middle. Meanwhile, the Maneros had situated themselves in the rear of the chopper.

Our luggage and equipment were lashed down throughout the cabin, stuffed between boxes, crates, and cases. The items were just a small percentage of the overall cargo. I'd noticed several large externally slung crates prior to entering the chopper.

I wiped a mask of sweat off my brow. Several weeks had passed since I'd seen Emily. Until her call, I'd started to wonder if she'd forgotten about our arrangement. Part of me had hoped that was the case.

My mind flashed back to the Maya Mountains. I recalled Votan's helicopter descending out of the dark clouds. His men had fired almost immediately. Two workers, a man and a woman, had crumpled to the ground without a word. Their blood had seeped onto the rocks.

I'd felt tremendous sorrow. However, I hadn't felt guilt. I knew Votan and his army were responsible for their deaths. Still, something changed inside me as I'd raced for cover. At that exact moment, I knew my days of treasure hunting had come to an end.

Or at least, I thought they'd come to an end.

My throat felt parched. More sweat beaded up on my brow. Uneasily, I shifted my beat-up canvas satchel, trying in vain to get comfortable. Finally, I shrugged it off. As the excess weight left my body, I felt slightly better.

But only for a few seconds.

I shifted again, feeling even less comfortable than before. I was too wired to sleep, too exhausted to concentrate.

Crossing my arms, I leaned back. My skull touched a window. The surface felt cool and damp against my head. I forced myself to relax. My eyes closed over. My mind drifted away.

Then the helicopter jostled.

My head smacked against the acrylic glass. Searing pain ripped through my skull.

So much for sleeping.

Opening my eyes, I looked around. Beverly sat on my left, headphones clamped over her ears. Her eyes were closed and her head leaned on my shoulder. Graham sat on my other side. His torso was twisted toward me. His cheek was firmly pressed against a window and I caught a sly smile on his face. From the look of it, he was having a dream.

A hell of a dream.

"Can't sleep?" Emily's soft voice carried into my ears.

I looked across the aisle. Her nose was buried in an old tome. She flipped pages with one hand and used the other to take notes on a legal pad.

Crowley sat on her left, facing Graham. He caught me looking in his direction and frowned.

"I'd like to," I replied. "Unfortunately, Dr. Wu isn't much of a pilot."

"It's not his fault. The air's choppy."

"I've been meaning to ask you something. What happened to the sarcophagus?"

"Miranda placed one of her other assistants in charge of it. He's going to conduct a full-fledged excavation of the tomb over the next six months."

I studied the book in Emily's lap. It appeared to be a collection of old documents, letters, photos, scrawled sections of text, and occasional sketches. "Is that Hope's diary?" I asked.

"No," she replied. "It's a history book."

"What kind of history?"

"Personal history. Let's just say genealogy is a passion of mine." With a dull thud, she closed the book. "So, are you ready?"

I nodded.

"You might not have to do much. With any luck, Rigoberta and Pacho have already secured the library."

"I can't believe you let them go in alone."

"It's not like we dropped them off to fend for themselves. They've got supplies and their dogs for company."

"When was the last time you heard from them?"

"Forty-eight hours ago." She shrugged. "I'm sure it's just a problem with the satphone."

Emily had taken secrecy to a whole other level. In lieu of a normal satphone, she'd equipped Rigoberta and Pacho with a parental-controlled unit. That allowed her to block all incoming or outgoing calls that didn't involve her.

"What did the pyramid look like?" I asked after a minute.

A dazed look came over her face. "It's beautiful, truly the most impressive building I've ever seen. I don't want to say more lest I spoil it for you. But trust me. You're in for a treat."

"I'm surprised you didn't search it already."

"I tried. Let's just say it wasn't as simple as I expected." She sighed. "I hated to leave it behind. I haven't been able to think about anything else for the last two weeks."

"Why'd you plan two separate trips anyway?"

"It was Miranda's idea. She wanted to give Rigoberta and Pacho ample time to set up camp and survey the site. Plus, the tractor took up too much cargo space."