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I cleared my throat. "We have to leave Rigoberta here. If we can, we'll come back for her."

Heads bobbed.

"There's a staircase on the other side of the hallway," I said quietly. "I felt a breeze coming out of it. So, there's a decent chance it leads back to the surface, possibly somewhere outside this crater."

"What's the catch?" Emily asked.

"I can't be sure it connects to an actual exit." I paused. "Also, if radiation really killed Rigoberta, its source could lie on the other end of the staircase."

"Those are big catches."

"I know." I nodded at Beverly. "She's going to blow up the entrance to buy us time. So, if you want to come with me, stay here. If you want to take your chances in the jungle, now is the time to leave."

The others shared glances. Then they looked back at me.

"Okay," I said. "Follow me."

I ran to the staircase and pointed my flashlight down the steps. The darkness swallowed my beam. I took a deep breath and tested the first stair. It felt firm. I gave the others an encouraging nod. Then I turned around.

And descended into Xibalba.

Chapter 89

Votan wasn't just Renau's secret identity. It was, for all intents and purposes, his only identity.

Over the last six years, he'd raided sixteen separate dig sites throughout Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. He'd confiscated thousands of priceless artifacts. He'd murdered over one hundred people, including full-time archaeologists as well as local laborers. But his campaign had produced more than terror and bloodshed.

It had preserved the heritage of the Maya tribes.

"I can't believe she was willing to kill us." Dora knelt next to Miranda's corpse. "I guess we never really knew her."

"She never knew us either," Votan replied. "Or me for that matter. She actually thought I was going to melt down the Library of the Mayas."

"It seems you've developed a reputation as an incredibly stupid treasure hunter." Dora grinned wickedly. "Somehow it fits you."

"You're right. How smart can I be if I've got you for a wife?"

Dora giggled. A broad smile crossed Votan's face. He loved needling her. It was the greatest pleasure in his life. The only thing that came close was recovering ancient Maya artifacts.

For centuries, the Mayas had been ripped off by the outside world. Conquistadors had stolen their land and resources. Archaeologists had looted their artifacts. Now, corporations like Arclyon were robbing them of their jungles and medical knowledge.

For years, Votan — using his given name of Renau — had attempted to utilize the legal process to keep ancient artifacts in the hands of the Mayas. But since he was unable to buy them off, bureaucrats and politicians had shut him down at every turn.

Frustrated by the endless defeats, Votan began to raid isolated and vulnerable dig sites. With Dora's help, he'd killed the thieves and taken back the history of his people. Someday he hoped to share that history with his fellow Mayas. But in the meantime, he was content to preserve it.

"Itzamna Squad, find them," Votan called out. "Yum Kaax Squad, stay here and guard the helicopter."

Eight individuals quickly fanned out and headed for the jungle. The other eight individuals spread out around the chopper.

A sense of satisfaction stirred deep within Votan. Back in 2012, Miranda and Emily had struck a deal to recover the library. Votan had been furious about the arrangement. He didn't care that Emily had offered to donate part of her profits to the various Maya tribes. All he cared about was keeping the Library of the Mayas out of foreign hands.

One day, Miranda had secretly reached out to his private line. He'd quickly returned her call, using a digital modifier to disguise his voice. She'd asked him to help her steal the Library of the Mayas. At first, he thought he'd found a kindred spirit. But she hadn't wanted to preserve the library for the Maya tribes. Instead, she'd wanted to melt it down.

He shouldn't have been surprised. Miranda had never cared about her heritage. As far as he was concerned, she was a traitor to her people. So, when the time had come to kill her, he hadn't hesitated.

"Are you ready?" Votan asked.

"I see you're as patient as always." Dora glanced at the pyramid. "But personally, I think we should—"

A booming noise rang out. The ground rumbled and Dora lost her balance. She smashed into the mud and slid a couple of feet forward.

The rain picked up speed as she struggled to her knees. The noise had been massive, like a sonic boom experienced close-up. And the trembling ground had all the force of a giant earthquake.

Votan helped Dora to her feet. Then he checked her skin. Large abrasions and welts coated her limbs and chest. Fortunately, she wasn't bleeding.

"What was that?" Dora asked.

Votan saw clouds of smoke rising into the sky. "They must've ducked inside the pyramid and used semtex to blow up the entrance."

"We have to get in there."

"Agreed," he said slowly. "But keep your gun handy. If you see anyone, shoot to kill."

"What about Tum?"

"Spare no one."

Chapter 90

The distant explosion echoed in my ears. Ignoring it, I continued to walk down the staircase. The darkness grew thicker. The curving steps got narrower. The natural rock walls closed in on all sides. I began to lose track of how far I'd ventured into the earth. Fifty feet? One hundred feet? Less? Maybe more?

The darkness thickened until it practically smothered me. Before long I could only see five feet in front of my face. Then four feet.

Then three feet.

My boots splashed into water. I held up a hand. "Hang on a second."

Footsteps paused behind me. A soft chatter died out.

I flashed my beam at the ground. It melted the darkness and illuminated a large pool of water. "Well, how about that? It's a cenote."

Emily followed me into the natural pool. "The Xibalbans probably used it for drinking water."

I felt a breeze and twisted toward it. The limestone walls looked creepy under my beam. It was almost as if they were moving, as if they were alive.

"I see a tunnel." I aimed my beam across the cenote. "Over there."

I took off my boots and socks. I shoved them into my satchel along with my pistol and held the bag over my head. Then I waded into the water.

It was icy cold and felt almost greasy to the touch. Gritting my teeth, I worked my way forward. The water deepened. I kicked my legs and began to swim, using my free hand to pull me forward.

Gradually, the water became shallower. My feet touched some sharp rocks. I tiptoed over them until I found a more comfortable footing. Then I walked to a small ledge directly in front of the tunnel.

"Stop." Beverly said.

My hand froze inches from the ledge. "What's wrong?"

She lifted her beam. I saw small creatures crawling all over the ledge.

"Scorpions." I exhaled a long breath. "Thousands of them."

Chapter 91

"Yes, I recognize a few of them." Tum frowned. "They're mostly from the Centruroides genus. And pretty much all of them are highly venomous."

Emily winced. "Are you sure?"

"I run into scorpions all the time in the jungle. You don't last long unless you know which species can kill you."

Beverly pointed her beam into the cenote. "How do they do in water?"

"They usually stay away from it, except for the occasional drink," he replied. "But they can hold their breath for up to six days if necessary."

"So, they could be crawling around our feet?"


"I kind of wish you hadn't told me that."