More large waves crashed into the boat. I rose to my knees. But the canoe quaked violently, forcing me to sprawl out again.
Mounds of icy water careened inside the boat, soaking my clothes and freezing my burnt skin. I rose up. Cupped my hands together and frantically scooped water out of the canoe. But a roaring noise, even louder than the wall of water, caused me to freeze. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my flashlight from my pocket.
Rock walls rose on either side of me, stretching well over twenty feet in height. They hemmed in the mighty river, forcing its raging waters into a narrow fifty-foot channel. It was a magnificent waterway, yet far more treacherous than anything I'd ever seen.
How the hell am I going to survive that?
Chapter 122
A wave burst forth from the angry rapids. It caught me square in the face and I felt myself slipping, sliding out of the canoe.
Another wave rocked the ancient watercraft. I skidded to the other end of the hull. Then the canoe jerked in the foamy surf and I felt my legs slip over the side.
An even larger wave crashed into the canoe at an angle, catching me in the ear. My sense of balance vanished. I was helpless, a slave to the river's whims.
And then I toppled out of the canoe.
I extended my hands as I crashed into the river. My fingers closed over splintered wood. Tightening my grip, I held on for dear life.
The boat shot into a whirlpool. My body slowly lifted out of the water, propelled along by the tremendous force, until I was perfectly perpendicular to the old canoe. Powerful gusts of wind stabbed at my face. Waves of cold water splashed me again and again.
My muscles strained. Bit by bit, I dragged my body closer to the boat.
The wind howled. The river erupted with rage. The current quickened and shifted directions continuously.
I shoved my right elbow inside the hull and braced myself against the frame. The canoe shot to the right. It swept up against some partially submerged stalagmites. My body jolted. Waves of water splashed over me.
Blinking away the moisture, I stuck my left elbow inside the hull. With one final heave, I yanked my body out of the river.
I tumbled into the boat like a ragdoll. The canoe banged into another stalagmite. A loud, screeching noise filled my ears.
Multiple waterfalls appeared on either side of me, dumping their foamy contents into the river. The water crashed against the choppy surf, giving rise to a deafening roar. A thick white mist floated overhead.
I squinted. Just ahead, a couple of stalagmites jutted out of the river, impervious to the relentless currents. Then a beam of light swept over me. I ducked my head as bullets hurtled through the air.
A solitary raft, filled with four of Votan's men, trailed me by fifty feet. Its engine, tipped sideways, looked busted. Two of them used their hands to paddle, in what seemed to be a fruitless attempt to control the craft. The other two men sat in the middle of the raft. They clutched pistols. Fortunately, the swift current kept them from drawing a bead on me.
I heard a faint rustle. Whirling to the side, I saw the second raft slide next to my canoe. Not wasting any time, a heavily muscled man dove at me.
I lashed out with my boot. It slammed into his shoulder. The man screamed and jerked backward. He crashed into the water. Before he could get his bearings, he smashed face first into a stalagmite.
I grabbed my pistol from my holster. But my canoe veered and I reeled to the side. The gun dropped into my boat, splashing into a pool of water. I lunged for it but it squirted just out of my reach.
Looking ahead, I saw more giant stalagmites. Desperately, I slammed my body against the canoe's left side, trying to redirect its path.
The canoe rocked as a second man jumped into it. He didn't bother trying to gain his balance. Instead, he lunged at me. I grunted as his fist hammered into my belly.
The man reared back for a second punch. I twisted my neck. His knuckles grazed the side of my face, narrowly missing my cheek.
I snuck another glimpse at the stalagmites. They were getting close. In the dim light, I could make out angry waves pounding against them.
I aimed a kick at the man.
But he parried the blow.
The canoe spun to the side. I held on tight as it whipped across a whirlpool, barely missing the jagged stalagmites.
The man fell to the bottom of the hull. Above the din, I heard more splashes. Tilting my head, I saw the second raft pull alongside me. Another man crouched in its hull, ready to leap.
My canoe spun in a half-circle. I sprawled onto the bottom of the boat. With a fierce glare, the first man rose to his knees.
A heavy fist crunched into my jaw. My ears popped. My head flew backward and I sagged into the hull. The man reached down and picked me up by the shirt. I blinked a few times, clearing my blurry vision.
I heard more splashing noises. Twisting my head, I saw the first raft skirt across the rocky waves, regaining position behind me. The two gunmen rose to their knees and lifted their pistols.
I chopped at the man's neck. He let go of my shirt. I pushed him backward and ducked down.
Bullets careened into the man. He hovered for a moment. Then he slumped on top of me, his body riddled with holes.
I felt water splashing inside the canoe. The boat had held up remarkably well so far, but I knew it couldn't take much more.
The canoe trembled as the second man crossed into it. His arm snaked forward. He tried to steady a pistol.
I dipped behind the first man's corpse. Pushing with all my might, I thrust it toward the second man. The canoe shifted. The second man's eyes opened wide. He lost his balance and stumbled backward. I heard a soft yelp as he vanished into the rapids.
The canoe reeled to the left. Bloodcurdling screams erupted from the second raft as my boat ploughed into it. The raft veered out of control and collided with the rock wall. It flipped over, spilling its remaining occupant into the stormy waters.
One down. One to go.
Abruptly, the first raft shot out from behind my boat. It headed toward the right and then crept forward until I could almost touch it. Pistols swung in my direction, ready to fire.
I hoisted the corpse out of the hull. Shoved it into the water.
The two navigators widened their eyes. Thrusting their arms into the river, they desperately tried to redirect their raft. But they were too late. The raft smacked into the dead body and spun away from me.
I quickly retrieved my pistol. Lifting it, I took careful aim. The gun recoiled with a loud blast. A hissing noise sounded out. I took two more shots. Then the raft started to deflate.
The passengers screamed. The raft spun violently, pitching them into a whirlpool. I waited for the last one to disappear beneath the waves. Then I turned around and faced front. I was exhausted, but my adrenaline was pumping like crazy.
I was amazed to see my flashlight was still rolling around inside the hull. I retrieved it. The beam poured into the ancient cavern, marking the first time it had seen light in centuries. As if on cue, the current softened. My canoe slipped out of the rapids and entered a slightly calmer section of the river.
I closed my eyes and pictured my friends. I saw Beverly and Graham. Dr. Wu as well.
Another image thrust its way into my brain. I tried to ignore it, to shove it out of my mind. But Votan wasn't easy to forget.
The ground trembled. The canoe quaked. Chunks of rock slipped from the ceiling and splashed into the water.
The ground trembled again, this time a little fiercer. I realized the exploding georeactors had caused massive stress to the maze of caverns. Now, the caverns were starting to crack and crumble.