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"Oh," Diana said. "Yes, I remember." She stood a moment in confusion, then retreated a step, letting go of the doorknob.

Abruptly she realized her nightie was still open. She closed it hurriedly. Her cheeks reddened.

The manager laughed. "You're very pretty when you blush," he said. Then, as if it was an afterthought, he added, "Mrs. Burden."

"Thank you," Diana said uncertainly. She was still dazzled by the morning sunlight that flooded in the door. But she felt that the man was grinning at her in amusement – or was it more than that? He kicked the door shut with his heel, and Diana began to feel uncertain about letting him in. He had a perfect right to come in – after all, he was the manager – but still.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Traynor?" she asked. Her voice betrayed only a hint of the nervousness she felt.

"Call me Eric, please," the man said. He smoothed back his hair. "Just have to check things out."

He looked around the room, nodded. "Everything seems to be in order," he said. He turned his head to look at Diana. She gathered her nightie more closely about her. She thought she saw something in his curious blue eyes she most definitely did not like.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," she said, walking purposefully toward the door. He stepped in front of her. He sniffed and bared his teeth in an openly lustful grin.

"Mr. Traynor…" Diana began shakily.

"Eric," he corrected. His eyes flicked down. "Your nipples get hard when you're nervous, did you know that?"

Diana stepped back. Fear waned with outrage within her. "Mr. Traynor, Eric, whatever you call yourself – I must ask you to get the hell out of my room!"

"And I must respectfully decline," the man said.

"After all, I am the manager!"

Diana bit her knuckle. She back-pedaled, unsure of where to go, only knowing she had to get away from the man who wanted to be called Eric. There was no mistaking the look on his face – or the bulge in his pants!

"I'll scream!"

"Go ahead. No one will hear you. The other guests are all on the other side of the court." He came for her, reaching out hands with surprisingly dainty-looking fingers.

Diana whirled and ran for the bathroom. Eric ran after her. She dashed into the bathroom a step ahead of him and slammed the door in his face.

The man grunted as the door hit him in the nose and knee, but he got his arms inside and kept the terrified newlywed from shutting it completely. "Damn you," he snarled. He leaned hard against the door.

Diana threw her weight against the bathroom door. It was a losing battle. Inch by inch Eric forced it open. Then with a sudden heave he pushed her back. The door flew open. Diana fell back hard, her nightie flapping up around her hips so that her bare butt flattened on the closed toilet-lid.

The plastic lid felt cool on Diana's ass. She raised her hands to fend Eric off. He grabbed her wrists, and hauled her up and out of the bathroom. "Goddamn bitch," he snarled, his almost-elegant manners forgotten. "You nearly broke my nose with that cute little trick."

He threw her down on the carpet. "You'll wish you hadn't tried that," Eric said. Diana tried to get up. He bent down and ripped the nightie off her cringing body. Then he slapped her.

She was on the floor, naked jugs bouncing. Before she could recover Eric had seized her hands again and was wrapping her wrists in thick black electrician's tape. When he was finished her arms were bound before her, held more securely by the tape than they would have been by any ropes.

Diana's cheek stung where he'd slapped her, and tears streamed down it. "What do you want?" she cried. "Why are you doing this to me?"

Some of Eric's suaveness had returned. "What I want should be obvious," he said dryly. He unfastened his belt and began to thread it out through the loops of his pants. "As to why I'm doing what I'm about to do – that's so you'll know what happens if you try to resist!"

Diana shook her head, not understanding. Eric swung his arm. His belt lashed out and flattened her boobs with a stinging blow.

"Ahhhh!" shrieked Diana. She fell over backwards, auburn hair swirling, legs flying up to expose her pussy and saucy butt to the man's lust-maddened gaze.

Instinctively the naked woman brought up her bound arms to shield her tits. Her tits blazed with pain. The belt had landed across them, hitting the still-swollen nipples that crowned the mountainous jugs.

Her tits and especially the nipples were very sensitive, as the many screaming orgasms she'd gotten from Mike's lips and tongue working on her tits could attest. Now she found out something else about those lovely, nerve-rich tits of hers.

They were every bit as sensitive to pain as they were to pleasure!

"Don't hit me!" she moaned, rolling from side to side. "Please don't hit me again!"

Eric laughed and swung the belt. It landed across the tops of her thighs – and squarely atop the dark-furred mound of her pussy. She howled and flopped onto her belly as her cunt exploded into an agony as fierce as that that ate at her tits.

In her pain-filled frenzy it never occurred to the captive that her assflesh, jutting invitingly into the air, would present a perfect target for the sadistic motel manager.

Eric brought the belt whistling down to a brutal impact on her naked ass. A wicked red line appeared crossing the crack of her tightly-clamped butt, to match the scarlet lines glowing on her tits and her crotch.

"Eeeeee-AAAIIIII!" Diana's nude body jackknifed into the air. Eric slashed her ass with the belt again as she rose up. She fell back screaming.

"No! Nooooo – stoopppp!" Diana's frenzied cries were in vain. Eric's rage at having the door slammed in his face had abated, but in its place was an uncontrollable torture lust – a mad desire to watch that perfect ass turn fiery red, to see and know the impact of the belt on his victim's ringing, naked flesh, to listen to her useless, pleading cries as he taught her who was slave and who was master!

Blow after blow landed on Diana's vulnerable ass. She flopped around as though the carpet was a red-hot oven. She thrashed on the floor in unbearable pain. Her agonized kicking did as much good as her appeals for mercy.

Eric knew no mercy. All he knew was the matchless delight of whipping succulent young female flesh, and hearing Diana's rich contralto breaking into hideous wailing screams, in counterpoint to the smack of leather on bare assflesh.

To Diana it felt as though a blowtorch was being taken to her ass. Each stroke of the belt, hard-driven by all the might of Eric's wiry arms, doubled the agony in her ass. Her already-sore tits were rubbed raw on the carpet, but the pain in her whipped jugs was nothing compared to the torment as Eric's belt licked avidly at her ass.

Sweat flew from Eric's long face as he lashed furiously at Diana's shapely rump. Her ass was no longer pure snowy white. Broad crimson welts covered her butt in a criss-cross pattern, making her ass look like a deranged Scotsman's tartan. She groveled on the floor, her body writhing like a long pale eel.

He brought the whip singing down right along the crack of his captive's ass. Diana's asscheeks were tightly clenched against the pain, and so her asshole was protected from the cruel stroke. All the same, the strap bit deeply into the tender assflesh.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Eric tossed the belt away and began to undress, savoring the sound of his captive's last hoarse, protracted cry of pain.

Diana's ass pulsated with agony. As she lay, limp and exhausted on the carpet. Her whipped and abraded jugs ached in pain. She was enveloped in a terrible totality of pain. Her face was soaked in tears.

What's happened? Diana wondered. How could something like this be? She knew some people got their kicks out of tying up and whipping naked women, but she'd never expected to meet one in real life.

Especially not on the first day of her honeymoon!