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"Fuuuuck me, look at that!" Jack yelled as he whipped Sammy and her body twisted and heaved in the frame. "The cunt's coming, look at her!"

There was no doubt about it, even to Amanda's tear-clouded eyes. Sammy was heaving on the bonds like a woman gone berserk. Her guttural screams burst out with each lash of the whip and her legs strained to open more as the leather crashed into her helpless body.

"Stop, stop!" she screamed as her thighs pulsed to the beat of the whip, her tits heaving in a passion. "Ohhhh, stop! Ohhhh, you, I'll whip the shit outa you when I get hold of you! Ohhhh, shit, shit, shit!" Sammy had no idea what was happening.

Each time the whip landed on her pussy the explosion of pain and lust almost sent her out of her mind. It was as if all her hatred of men was gathered into her pussy and the whip beat it out into the open.

"Beg me to fuck you!" Jack shouted, but Sammy was too far gone to hear anything. She hung on the ropes, twisting and writhing to the song of the whip.

"Oh God!" Amanda moaned as slowly the heaving power of Ken's come subsided. He stayed, his cock deep in her cunt as he gave her a last lash across her ass-cheeks and let his hips slowly stop fucking the bound blonde.

"Not bad," he said. "But then, we haven't put you to the test, yet."


Ken took the clips off Sammy's nipples, and untied her ankles. Then he undid her wrists and tossed the unconscious woman over his shoulder and onto the sofa. She lay there, breathing heavily and murmuring to herself. Ken sat in a chair and waited, watching Amanda as Jack ran his hands over her tight ass-cheeks.

The young blonde trembled as his fingers reached deep into the crack of her ass.

"Look at you," said Jack, "cum all over your thighs, go and wash off."

"Yes, yes, I will!" Amanda gasped, getting to her feet as fast as she could. "There's a bathroom…"

"Yes, over there," said Jack with a grin, "Ken told me."

Amanda struggled across the floor and into the bathroom, holding the chain up away from her feet. Once inside, she closed the door and leaned back against it, sobbing. The shame and humiliation she was going through were almost too appalling to think about.

Amanda slowly levered herself off the door and went over to the washbasin. Mechanically she ran the faucet, and splashed water over her thighs and up into her sore pussy, washing all the traces of cum away. It was all the fault of that terrible Uncle George of theirs. When Amanda and Sammy were teenagers, they had gone for the summer to his home in the country. For a long while he stayed away from them, but then there was that night when he had come into their bedroom drunk, tied them both up and raped them. Both of them, several times before he let them go.

That had done it for Sammy. Never would she let a man touch her after that, and all her life was spent trying to get even for that night.

Amanda turned and looked at her whipped ass in the mirror. Her tight ass-cheeks were a mass of dull red flesh, and the lines of the cane streaked across her wonderful tits. She would truly do anything to avoid that again.

When she came out, both men were standing by the sofa, waiting for her. Sammy was still out cold.

"Well, now, sister," said Ken with a grin. "This little whore looks as if she'll be out for a while, so we'll have some fun with you and leave her until she wakes up. Come here."

Amanda shook with fear.

"Put this up you," said Jack with a grin, handing the terrified girl a huge vibrator.

It was nine or so, inches long and curved like an enormous cock. On the end with the controls were a set of straps, and Amanda knew them all too well. They had rammed this vibrator up the asses of many of their wimps, whipping them until they begged for mercy. Now it was her turn, and her stomach twisted in deadly fear.

"Oh, please, not this!" she whispered. "I'll let you fuck me, but not…"

"Open your legs!" snapped Ken, pulling out the cat.

"Oh, no, I'll do it, I didn't mean…"

"Open your legs! I'm gonna teach you to obey at once if I have to whip your ass to shreds!"

"No, please!" Amanda gasped, tears running down her cheeks as she stared at the terrible whip. "I'll suck you off, honest I will!"

"You bet you will," said Ken, "now open your legs."

"No, oh please, please!" Amanda moaned, fear rising in her like a tide.

Jack strode behind her and grabbed her elbows. The vibrator dropped to the floor and she found herself staring at Ken, her arms pulled tight behind her back. She could feel Jack's hard cock pressing into the crack of her ass as he lifted her slightly off the floor.

"Open your legs!" said Ken, and the whip sang through the air and cracked across Amanda's heaving tits.

"Ohhhh God!" she moaned, falling back against Jack in her agony. Her tits burned like hot coals as the whip lashed at them again, adding countless tiny red marks to the general crimson glow on her tits.

"Open your legs!" snapped Ken, whipping her again.

As fast as she could, Amanda slid her feet apart.

"Close them again!" Ken shouted, his face a mask of fury as he whipped her helpless tits.

"Ohhhh God, ohhhhh!" Amanda wept.

She twisted in Jack's hard grasp, but there was nowhere to go. As the whip cut into her pussy-flesh with another terrifying jolt of pain, she slowly spread her legs, gasping as the whip landed with no respite and her tits ached from the dreadful punishment.

"Slowly, that's better!" snarled Ken as the whip slashed Amanda's heaving tit-globes. His cock was standing out, a massive pillar that Amanda knew was going to rape her very soon.

Jack lowered the blonde the inch or so until she could stand. Her legs were wide-open, to the point that her pussy-lips were pulled apart, just enough to show a hint of her hard little clit bud beneath.

"Now we have to make sure you know to obey every time," said Ken, and the whip cut upwards, as it had done into Sammy's cunt.

"Uuuuurgggghhh!" Amanda screamed as the bunched and knotted leather cut into her wide open pussy. Her legs trembled and her hips twitched at the awful beating. "I'll do anything for you, anything if you'll stop whipping me!"

Her body rolled and heaved under the assault, but Jack had her in a grip of steel and she was held utterly helpless. With a final flourish, Ken slashed the whip between her trembling inner thighs and stopped.

"Ohhh, thank you, thank you!" Amanda gasped.

She almost fell as Jack let go of her elbows. Her thighs and pussy felt as if red-hot coals had been rubbed all over them, but there was also a strange sensation with the pain, an awful kind of deep burning lust that Amanda had never felt before.

"Now, shove that up you," said Ken, and this time Amanda bent down as fast as she could to grab the vibrator and run it to the entrance of her spasming pussy. "And remember to please us!"

Amanda gasped. Slowly, she ran the huge fuck pole over her trembling pussy-lips. With a sudden inspiration, she walked a couple of steps and leaned against the back of the sofa on which Sammy was still asleep. There she spread her legs wider and leaned back, giving the two of them an even better view of her open pussy.

"Is this right?" she asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"Not bad," Ken conceded. "Now fuck yourself with it, slowly."

Gasping as the massive head of the vibrator slid over her pussy-lips, Amanda tried to force it into her cunt. There was some lubrication left from the cum still deep in her pussy, but it was hard work. The smooth shiny skin of the vibrator scraped over her pussy-walls, rasping at her delicate flesh.