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“I’ve wanted to do this for hours too.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips and urged him into a tight hug. He melted into her.

“I liked having you here with me today,” he said. “The guys didn’t seem to mind either. I thought they’d give me hell for bringing you along, but they seemed to like the idea.”

She turned her face into his neck and inhaled. Mmm. What was it about this man that drove her to distraction?

“I know we haven’t known each other long,” he said.

“That’s true,” she murmured.

“But you fit here somehow. You fit with me.”

She went still, anticipating words she was not ready to hear.

“So anytime you want to come hang out with us, you’re welcome.”

Was that all? She snuggled closer to him again.

“Because I really like you and I’d hate to think we wouldn’t get to see each other again.”

“I’d hate that too,” she admitted.

“You could come with us tonight to Beaumont,” he said. “And then after that we’re in New Orleans. I could take you to another sex club, if you like. There’s an interesting one there.”

Her lips brushed his throat. “Too soon, Owen,” she said. She didn’t want to say no, but she did need him to slow down. He was like a bullet train, and she was only prepared for freight.

“Oh,” he said, the disappointment in his voice perceptible.

“I’m not saying I don’t want to be with you,” she whispered in his ear. “I just have a lot of responsibilities, and I need to take things slowly.” She leaned back and cupped his face in both hands. “I’m not rejecting you.” She knew that was what he really feared.

“Feels like it,” he said.

Her heart gave a little pang for hurting him. She understood why he had rules for his entanglements with women; he got his feelings hurt much too easily to expose his heart. But he’d exposed it to her, so she was going to have to be careful with it.

“Why don’t you try kissing me into oblivion, Owen?” she said huskily. “I seem to agree to your crazy plans when I’m not thinking straight.”

He grinned and tugged her closer. “Now there’s an idea.”

She was halfway to oblivion when someone marched up the steps. Owen drew away and stared into her eyes for a long moment before turning his attention to the man waiting for him to finish his business. As far as Caitlyn was concerned, Owen’s business wouldn’t be finished until his cock was inside her and she was shattering in one of those fantastic orgasms he gave her, but apparently this guy had other ideas.

“Can I help you, Jordan?” Owen asked.

“Uh, sorry to interrupt,” Jordan said, as if he was sorry he was no longer watching Owen make out with Caitlyn. “You’re needed for sound check.”

“I figured,” he said. “I’ll be there in a minute.”


Jordan watched him expectantly until Owen said, “I don’t need an escort, Jordan.”

“Okay.” Jordan stared at them for one more uncomfortable moment and then turned to leave the bus.

“Nice kid,” Owen said, “but he’s a little slow on the uptake.”

“I think he’s overwhelmed with idol worship,” Caitlyn said. She rubbed her breasts against Owen’s hard chest, in no way ready to release him to his job.

“I think he was dropped on his head as an infant.”

Her hand moved between their bodies to cup his crotch. His cock jerked against her palm.

“Do we have time for a quickie?” she asked. “It’s been several hours since my last orgasm, and I think I’m developing an addiction to the feel of you inside me.”

He groaned. “That makes two of us.” He kissed her deeply and then pulled away. “But we’re going to have to wait until after sound check.”

“I hope it’s one of those things that only takes a few minutes.”

“Doubtful. Do you want to come backstage and watch or stay here on the bus?”

If he had to ask, he didn’t know how curious she was to learn how things worked. All things. But he’d learn that about her soon enough.

“I’d love to come backstage and watch you work.”

“Okay,” he said, “but it will cost you a blowjob.”

She knew he was just trying to get a rise out of her, but she played along. “Great. I gave you one of those this morning, so I’m all set.”

“Another blowjob,” he hurriedly remedied.

“You can’t change the rules after you state your condition,” she said.

“Of course I can. I’m a rock star.”

“It’s a good thing I don’t care about that. You’ll have to find someone else to be in awe of your fame. I’m just in awe of your skill in bed.”

“Well, that’s something, I suppose,” he said, and he helped her down from the table.

He took her hand and led her off the bus and into chaos.

Chapter Eleven

Caitlyn was overwhelmed by the amount of activity going on backstage. She could never do Owen’s job; frayed nerves would be a constant for her.

“Once sound check is over, we can find someplace a bit calmer,” Owen said in her ear. “Get in that quickie.”

“So you can tell I’m out of my element?”

“You look just a little freaked out,” Owen said.

“She looks entirely spooked,” Gabe said.

Her eyes widened when she glanced at him. He’d been wearing a baseball cap all day, but he wasn’t wearing one now. He had a mohawk spiked at least eight inches in the air. It was black near his scalp and scarlet at the tips, but what really set her jaw on the floor were the dragon tattoos inked on his scalp.

You’re scaring her,” Owen said, and covered her eyes with one hand. “Don’t look directly at it or you’ll turn to stone.”

She laughed and elbowed Owen in the ribs. She was grateful he’d given her a moment to collect her wits. Gawking at Gabe’s head was a pretty crappy thing to do to him, especially since she knew what a great guy he was. She adored his quick wit and intelligence, even if she couldn’t stomach his ruthlessness on the opposite side of a backgammon board. And she didn’t hold his ink-work against him; she’d just been stunned, was all. She’d had no idea he had dragons tattooed on both sides of his head.

“Sorry for staring,” she said, forcing her eyes not to wander to the flames and the scaly hide inked on his scalp. “I just didn’t realize…”

“If he didn’t want people to stare, he wouldn’t style his hair like that,” Owen said.

“It’s not the hair, it’s the…” Caitlyn reached up and grabbed Gabe’s head between her palms and forced him to bend over so she could inspect the tattoos. “Damn, Gabe, didn’t that hurt? It looks damned painful!”

“Yeah, it hurt,” he said. “I swear I saw God that day. But the tattoo artist assured me that the unexplained sparks and the tunneling in my vision were due to the pain, not a higher power.”

“I bet it hurt worse than when Owen had his cock pier—” Caitlyn slapped a hand over her mouth. She couldn’t believe what she’d almost said to Gabe.

Gabe snorted and burst out laughing. “You know what I like about you, Caitlyn?”

“My dashing smile?” She smiled so wide, her cheeks hurt.

“That is special,” he said, “but no. You have a naughty mind. You might try to censor it, but I know it’s there.”

“I like that about her too.” Owen pried her hands off Gabe’s head. “Here, hold on to this.”

Owen wrapped Caitlyn’s arms around his waist and placed her hands on his ass.

“Oh yes,” she said, giving Owen’s firm ass cheeks a squeeze. “This is much more fun to hold on to than Gabe’s head.”

When it was time for Owen to work with his instrument, Caitlyn reluctantly released her hold on his firm backside. She noticed the bulge in his jeans before he shifted his bass guitar in front of it. So she wasn’t the only one in need of a quickie. A long, drawn-out lovemaking session would work too. She was game for anything with Owen.