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The hyena looked at the thin-skinned spot in the upper throat right under Gamu’s jaw. Griz’nik knew if he suddenly bit down--hard--and then ran away quick, Gamu would bleed to death before he could catch him. Griz’nik squirmed close, his belly to the ground, his eyes fixed on Gamu's throat. From time to time he glanced up, and the great eyes were closed. Now was the moment of his destiny, the moment he took charge of his own life once again. The eyes were still closed. Gamu’s breath was even and slow. He crept closer, every movement designed for stealth and accuracy. One last time he looked up--the eyes were slitted...watching him. He froze.

Gamu said, "Come here," and patted with his paw on the ground. “Lay down, old friend.”

The hyena crawled next to him, exposing his neck in submission. The lion, with a razor-sharp claw stuck out, said, "You know something......" He drew the claw lightly over Griz's throat and abdomen. “Claws are a wonderful thing. A mother tends her little cub. It glides through his fur and gets out the mats very gently, very tenderly. Then that evening she puts her little cub in a safe place. ‘Now don't you move--Mommy is going to get you dinner....’ Then she goes out on the hunt, and Mommy becomes a huntress.”

The claw tightened on his skin. “She stalks the gazelle like a ghost...then, suddenly, springs! Those claws become very different!”

Gamu swiped quickly down Griz’nik’s soft underside. The hyena looked down in panic, expecting to see blood and entrails. Whimpering and shrieking, he examined his abdomen. There was nothing--Gamu’s claws had been tucked in.

Gamu laughed. "But you're my FRIEND, Griz’nik! I wouldn't hurt a FRIEND, would I?” He shoved the hyena away and stalked off, leaving Griznik to stare after him, rubbing his belly and shivering.


Early the next morning Gamu came to Elanna. “Good morning, my dear.”

“Oh, hello Gamu.”

He stared at her sensual curves, his jaw hanging slack as he thought of those curves pressed against his body. “You are really very beautiful, Elanna dear.”

Kubali was away, and Elanna was not very comfortable being alone with Gamu. But she nodded and said, “Thanks.”

Your face is kind and gentle. Your eyes are like twin sisters of the stars. Yes, my dear, Kubali is lucky.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she said, laughing nervously. “I’m sure someday you’ll find someone who can make you very happy.”

“And those strong huntress shoulders which can be so soft. Sleek sides that ripple with each step, and hips like Minshasa’s.” He kept looking further back.

Elanna felt naked and ashamed, and she made a subconscious effort her clamp her tail firmly against her backside.

“Kubali will be back soon, Gamu. Oh look, there he is now!”

Kubali had returned from the watering hole. “That was refreshing.” He looked at Gamu who smiled innocently and at Elanna who was supremely uncomfortable.

Elanna glanced at Gamu. “Why don’t you drink now?” She wanted to speak alone with Kubali, and she was hoping he would leave.

“No, go on, Elanna. I’m willing to wait for what I want.”

She reluctantly left the two of them alone. And while she was gone, Gamu saw Kubali’s good mood and twitched his tail. “Think you’re hot stuff, huh?”

“And I suppose you are??” Kubali reared up and flailed at Gamu, laughing. Gamu seized him around the neck with his forelegs and began to wrestle with him.

“I guess you think you’ll win,” Gamu grunted in the height of his exertions. He tried to shift his weight and throw Kubali.

“I always do,” Kubali grunted, compensating with a hind limb and pushing hard.

“You won’t win this time!” Gamu broke away, then started flailing out with his paws.

“You’re quick,” Kubali said, sparring with him. “But you’re not quick enough for me!” With a sudden jab, he had Gamu on his side and bore his great weight down on him. “Beg for mercy!”


“Beg for mercy!” Kubali rubbed the back of his paw against the fold of Gamu’s hind leg, making it kick.

“Stop tickling me!”

“Beg for mercy!” Kubali laughed and nudged his thigh again. Gamu’s face tightened into a mask of misery as he struggled to keep his composure. “I can stay here all day, Gamu!”

“OK, MERCY! Get OFF me!”

Gamu struggled out from under the laughing lion. “You win--this time.” He looked at Kubali from narrowed eyes. “But be careful not to let success go to you head. It makes you careless, and that’s a big mistake while I’m around.”

Kubali laughed at what he thought was a joke, and he rubbed against Gamu, nuzzling him. “I used to think you didn’t like me.”

I can hardly wait to show you how true my friendship really is.” Gamu nuzzled him back. “Someday, you’ll look back on this talk and remember what we said.”

“Yeah, buddy.” Kubali looked in the distance. “She’s back. Go for it, Gamu. There’s a long hot day ahead.”


Gamu was gone a very short period of time. He had something to do, and it had to be done quickly. He was gleeful when Kubali thought he heard a strange noise and went to check it out. “You pulled it off, Griz’nik,” Gamu thought. “You’re totally unprincipled and ruthless. If you weren’t so irritating, we could be quite a pair.”

Gamu used his moment alone with Elanna to fullest advantage. He watched Kubali leave, very intently. So intently that it got her curiosity. She was afraid that he was about to try and force himself on her. She mentally prepared herself for the struggle ahead, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. The fur on her neck and back began to rise and her ears went back.

“Elanna, we need to talk.”

“Oh??” She backed back a step.

“When I first saw you two together, I felt like it was a match made by Aiheu himself. You seemed so happy.”

“However??” She backed back another step. “You think it’s not working out??”

“You’ve noticed too? I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

“I bet you do.”

He looked into her belligerent stare. “I realize this is all my fault. I should have never come back. I’m so sorry.”

Her ears flicked forward. “Sorry? For what??”

“You don’t know?? I thought he’d discussed it with you. I could understand him not wanting to. Maybe I should just leave.”

She pressed the point. “Gamu, you say you’ve repented of your crimes. That you want to be good and start over. It would be a big step if you'd put my mind to rest. Be honest with me. He’s jealous of you. He thinks you’re trying to cut in on me. You are, aren’t you?”

“Not exactly.”

“We must be honest with each other. I will not tolerate lies from you. I’ve been very understanding, Gamu. I’ve given you the benefit of the doubt, but I must be able to trust you.”

He tried to meet her glance, but could not.

“If you would consent, I’d be on your back in a moment, girl. But you won’t and I understand. It’s not a crime to want someone, especially when they are so beautiful and charming. My one great crime was not my fault. I was given my mantlement because of Kubali.”

“Are you blaming your crimes on him?”

“What crime??” he asked impatiently. “Aiheu’s mane, Kubali loved me! Why would I want to hurt him??”

“So he loved you. But you must have done SOMETHING.”