The buzzards smiled. “Awwww....”
“I’m so grateful, my friends.” Kubali touched Markaaagh with his paw, something he’d never done before. “How did you know? It was a miracle!”
“Maybe you’re right.” Markaaagh bowed, then took off, followed shortly by the others.
After Gamu left, the next few weeks passed in a deep river of joy. Rosy dawns nuzzled golden days. Golden days fondled purple evenings. Purple evenings kissed silver stars. Moonlit nights died on the breast of rosy dawns. Day by day, moment by moment, Kubali and Elanna felt their love grow and deepen in breathless beauty. His large paw would gently caress her cheek and turn her deep, soft eyes to face his, and he would draw close and nuzzle her. Times were lean for the two rouges, but safe in the embrace of their love no hint of their low status could intrude on their perfect happiness. Elanna lay with her head on Kubali’s soft mane and closed her eyes. There she would have been content to stay forever with his strong arm about her shoulder.
Then one night a lioness came and complicated their private dream.
She appeared through the grass one night as the two were bedded together. Instantly, their heads rose up in surprise to look at the visitor.
“Kubali, is that you?”
“Well, uh, yes. Should I know you?”
The lioness just smiled, “Don’t you remember the one who gave you milk?”
Kubali stared at her. “Debara?”
The lioness nodded and smiled, moving towards him, “It’s been a while, Honey Tree.”
Kubali rose up and nuzzled his old nurse. But he looked into her eyes, concerned. “What are you doing out here far from home? Have you left my father?”
Debara shook her head. “Your father sent me to look for you.” Tears formed in her eyes. “Honey Tree, I have some bad news.”
“Dad’s not dying is he??” Kubali lifted her drooping chin gently with his paw. “Nursie, surely not Dad??”
“Not your Dad. It’s your brother. He’s dead.”
Kubali took a step backward and sat with a plop, stunned. “Oh my gods!”
Elanna came and sat next to him, rubbing her cheek against his, kissing away his tears. “Poor darling!”
“How did it happen, Debbie?”
“He was hunting with the lionesses. Your father begged him not to go, but you know your brother--he felt more at ease hunting than learning to rule.”
Kubali looked down. “At least he died doing something he enjoyed.” He half-closed his eyes as Elanna nuzzled him and turned to paw her cheek.
Debara sighed softly. “Kubali, you’re our only hope. Could you forget the past and come back with me?”
“Well sure. But what about the lionesses? Aren’t they still angry?”
Debara stroked his mane gently. “You are our only hope of keeping the must come back. The others have accepted this.” She smiled softly, “My daughter can’t wait to see you.”
“Penzi wants me back?”
Debara chuckled. “She is your betrothed....and you were never that much of a trouble maker...” She bated him gently, “just a normal little brat.”
“That bad, huh? Well I’ve mellowed out somewhat.”
He could feel Elanna’s tenseness. “Yeah, about that betrothal. Debara, this is Elanna. If I am to come back, she must join me. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Time and trials change people. Debara, Lannie and I have--well--shared our comforts. I love her. I can make no plans for the future that don’t include her--you do understand, don’t you?”
Debara nodded. “You never led Penzi on. You never told her that you loved her. But Honey Tree, she DOES love you, and she HAS told you. If you love me at all, be gentle with her.”
“I DO love you.”
“I know.” Debara nuzzled him softly. “The King will be pleased to see you, and I’m sure he’ll understand. Don’t worry yourself, dear. It’s better if you let me speak to Penzi before you announce.”
Kubali nuzzled Elanna softly, “Come on love. We are going home. You will be my queen and together we will rule the land. You will be my Ka, my conscience.”
Elanna whispered to him softly, “What about Penzi? Can you face her?”
“She will understand.”
“Are you sure they will accept me?” Elanna looked genuinely fearful. “I’ve been alone before--a stranger surrounded by crowds. I don’t know if I could end my life that way.”
“Lannie, we either come or go as a pair. I love my father and I want to help him, but some things are more important than titles and power. Things like love and decency.”
Debara looked at Elanna and kissed her cheek. “Honey Tree, you are good for him. I grieve for my daughter’s loss, but I can’t help liking you.”
The three of them walked most of the day. Debara led the way, with Kubali behind her, and Elanna bringing up the tail. Elanna thought of her new future with Kubali. The horrible secret of her torn body played on her mind. She couldn’t give him a son, so if she did become his queen, the line would end with him. She had been afraid of telling him her secret, worried that he might leave her. Now she was depriving more than a husband. She was risking the future of a pride.
She looked up, watching the two catch up on the missing months. She sighed softly, unheard. How could she admit to him that the light would never shine in her eyes?
Almost without warning, Debara was next to her. Elanna’s head raised up to look at her. “What’s the matter, Elanna?”
Elanna just shook her head, “Nothing, just...things...thoughts running through my head.”
Debara nuzzled her shoulder gently, something that made Elanna jump back slightly. It had been so long since she had felt the affection of another lioness. “We are pride sisters now, Elanna. We’ll help each other. Don’t be afraid.” She batted at Elanna’s shoulder gently. “Don’t think just because you are the future queen, that you have to stay apart from of us.”
Elanna looked at her, her smile becoming wider at the thought of actually being a part of a pride. She rubbed Debara back and murmured, “You really don’t know how much that means to me.”
Debara chuckled, “A word of advice, just keep your distance from my daughter for a few days. She is bound to be slightly disappointed.”
Elanna nodded, “Will she be mad at me?”
“Most likely, but don’t you worry none, I will keep her under control. She is my daughter after all. Now, let’s hear more about you. I hear you taught this little brat to respect lionesses?”
Elanna just shrugged. “We met after my old mate was killed and my old pride drove me out. Though we’ve had a few problems, Kubali has shown me unconditional love, and together we made it through.” She smiled softly to Debara. “I thought my life was over. Kubali showed me that I had more to live for, and more to love for.”
Debara laughed softly, “It’s funny how time heals these wounds. Bless you, Elanna. You saved our pride. You don’t know what it’s like to see everything you love crumbling around you.”
“Yes I do, Honey Tree.”
Elanna was about ready to continue to tell Debara more about the time she had spent with Kubali, but soon it was interrupted by a roar of a lioness. Debara returned the roar and looked to the two, “Come on, they have just hunted. If we are quick, we can make it before the meal is gone.”
With that, the group picked up there pace and, coming into a clearing, ran into the pride, gathered around a kill. Elanna looked over the group, subconsciously moving closer to Kubali. Kubali nuzzled her softly and smiled to the group. Debara looked to the group, “I have brought back the son of our king.” She smiled to the group, “and a new member to our pride.” She motioned to Elanna, “This is Elanna, the lioness who taught our prince some humility.”