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Because the other rogues had to share the same corridors, he would also chat with them briefly. He wanted to join a coalition that would end his solitude. But most of the rogues had a brother or another friend already. They were quite content to keep their infrequent kills or carcasses to themselves.

By and large, the most companionship he’d known was the flock of buzzards that collect at every kill. He had negotiated an arrangement with them--in a real sense they were his buzzards. They would spot prey, and rather than watch it go to the hyenas and quickly vanish, they let a lion friend have his fill, then he would guard them while they took the remnants. It was a great system, and because this rogue was alone, they were assured of a large share.

The rogue saw the distinctive signs of a meal ahead. The buzzards were flying in circles. So the lion hurried ahead and saw their target. It was a wounded antelope with a broken leg. It staggered along in the oppressive heat on three legs, a look of desperation on its face.

The antelope spotted him and tried to run, but could only hobble quickly. Soon the lion overtook it and pushed it over, pinning it to the ground with a paw.

“No, don’t! Don’t!”

“It’s over. Just relax,” the lion said softly. “Don’t struggle and it won’t hurt much.” He gripped the antelope by the throat, pressing firmly but not causing unnecessary pain. The antelope hardly moved. It pawed at him almost gently with a hoof, vainly gasping for a breath. Then it quickly felt the need to breathe slip away and relaxed, falling into a last sleep.

The buzzards landed not far away. “Now that’s right nice, Fuzzy,” said the leader said. “I hope when it’s my time I go that well.”

“Thanks,” the rogue said, quickly ripping the carcass and availing himself of a long-awaited meal. “I could have been an antelope--he could have been a lion. That’s what my father used to say.”

“Go easy on him, Fuzzy,” the buzzard warned. “Remember, make it worth our while and we’ll help you out. Fair and square all around. That’s what MY father used to say.”

“You’ll get yours, Markaaagh.”

“You learned to say it properly, I’ll grant you. Maybe you have some vulture in your blood.”

“Maybe,” the rogue said with a laugh. “Any hyenas around?”


The lion could have easily finished it off himself, but he left plenty for the small crew of buzzards to eat their fill. He watched them eat with some satisfaction. They were in a sense his pride.

“So what’s up, guys?”

“Nothing much,” Markaaagh said. “Things have been kind of dead lately. Har har!”

The lion’s nose wrinkled at the terrible buzzard breath. “Dead lately. Good one.” He looked around. “You have a new one today.”

“Count us, did you? Which one is new?”

The lion looked around and quickly pointed. “Her.”

“Haaaargh! True enough. Most carnies say we all look alike! That’s my new mate, Ohyeghegh.”

“Interesting name. Congratulations.”

Moments later, they had picked what was left of the Antelope clean and with a quickly mumbled good bye, they headed away like leaves in the wind. He looked after them longingly. As poor company as they were, he felt his loneliness close around him tighter still. He was alone once again. At least he thought he was.

He was being watched and followed by another rogue. The strange lion crept along, watching him from the bushes and through the blades of golden grass. Beside him was a hyena....


Elanna had given up hope. She was waiting for death by her husband’s side, no longer clinging to the fiction that everything would turn out all right. But a small group of hyenas told her Rafiki had the answer to her prayers.

They led her out of the cave by great stealth and smuggled her away from Pride Rock without being seen by Taka. And Elanna cooperated, stealthily slinking on her huntress feet near several lionesses without a sound. Had she known what awaited her, she would have cried out and the hyenas would have been quietly dispatched. However, by the time she knew it was a trick, it was too late to call for help. Death was about to claim her, when suddenly in the distance she heard a loud shriek in hyannic. A lion roared--and it was not Taka. Her would-be executioners abandoned her and ran back to Pride Rock. The battle for Pride Rock had begun.

Elanna stood in shock for a moment. She thought of taking her chances with the beasts, but the better part of her took control and she hurried away from the hyenas into the cover of some nearby trees. Suddenly, the sky filled with light and the heavens shook. Elanna had to focus a bit to where the light came from, and saw the telltale faint orange and curls of smoke rise from the dry grass near pride rock.

Fixed by her fear, she stood and watched as the long-predicted battle raged on. Her thoughts moved back to her husband, and the fight that he must be in right now. How desperately she wanted to be by his side, but she knew that she couldn’t risk herself going back right now. She knew that her husband would never want to see her hurt. She did not know if she would be perceived as friend or foe. This was evident in how she had never been allowed to hunt. With a small sigh, she stayed among the trees.

“Help him, Aiheu! Please! He has not been perfect--who has? But he suffers so! Help him, God! If he must face exile, send him to me! I’ll take care of him, but don’t let him die!”

Suddenly...the sounds of hyenas filled the air near her. Turning her head quickly, she spotted the defeated bands moving toward her position. Quickly, she huddled closer to the ground and trees, trying to stay out of sight. “Please Aiheu...”

The hyenas passed her without incident, but another sound filled the air. This time, the roar of the lion. She looked down and quietly wept for her husband, suspecting that this lion sent Taka to be with Aiheu. Along with the roar of the new male, she heard the roaring of her pride sisters. She sighed, thinking how happy they must be now that they are rid of him. Still she didn’t leave her cover. Her hopes continued that somehow, some way Aiheu guided him out of the fight alive.

Time passed and the night continued with no sight of her love. Finally she saw movement in the grasses. Without thinking she jumped from her cover in the hope it would be him. She was horrified to find a hyena that has fallen behind of his friends. Quickly she adopted a defensive stance, looking at the beast.

The hyena caught sight the lioness as soon as she jumped out. “Well, Lannie-poo! You thought you were so much better than us! But you know what? My mate survived the battle, and yours is lying in three separate pieces! Ripped! He was ripped like a gazelle!” The hyena laughed demonically.

Elanna’s mind had been prepared to hear this but her heart was caught by surprise. Suddenly she could feel her insides crumble. She struggled not to give the hyena the satisfaction of seeing her grief.

The hyena added, “And you know what? If you go back, you’ll be next! Your husband confessed to killing his brother to get the throne. I heard the new king saying that anyone that gave your husband comfort would be killed on the spot.” He grinned evilly as his lie took its toll on her already fragile nerves and she began to sob.

A tearful Elanna watched the hyena slink away. She considered her options. She could go back to her home to embrace death first, then embrace her husband. Then the thought of how she would die came to mind. Would she be choked like prey or would the new king rip her abdomen and leave her to gasp out her last breaths like Gur’mekh?