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She let her hand fall back to her lap and took another sip of coffee. “I’m fine.” How inane. They were acting as if they were total strangers, not lovers who’d just spent an amazing time together at a secluded retreat.

“About our relationship,” she began.

John shook his head. “No need to talk about it now. There will be plenty of time when we get back to the city.”

Topaz frowned. Didn’t he want to discuss their future? She’d made up her mind what she wanted to do and now she wanted to talk about it. She opened her mouth to speak again, but he reached out and turned on the radio, cranking the volume up loud.

She had no idea what was wrong with John, but she decided to let it be for now. Maybe he was as exhausted as she was from their long night of lovemaking. It struck her that she didn’t automatically think he’d changed his mind. With any other man she might have jumped to the conclusion that he’d changed his mind now that he’d gotten a couple days of hot sex. But that never occurred to her. Not with John.

He wasn’t the type of man who would change his mind about such a thing. He’d stated he wanted a relationship with her and she believed him. Whatever was bothering him this morning, she’d give him the time and space to work it out. Sipping her coffee, she settled back against the seat and watched the scenery roll by, absently tapping her foot to the music.

John was sweating bullets as the radio played a bluesy song. He didn’t want Topaz talking about their relationship, not after last night. He’d been on her like a rutting bull all night long, barely giving her time to rest in between bouts of lovemaking. He hadn’t missed the way she gingerly walked this morning, or the way she flinched when he’d accidentally grazed her breasts when she was in the bathtub.

She had to be sore and exhausted. Not exactly the mood he wanted her in when she was making any kind of decision about their future together. He needed to make a strategic retreat. That meant getting her home before she got a chance to kick him out of her life.

He couldn’t believe he’d turned into such a primitive caveman last night, wanting to fuck her and mark her, claiming her as his. Yeah, as if that would work. Shit, could he get any more stupid when it came to Topaz? He’d wanted to romance her, make her relax and have a good time, not fuck her into a state of exhaustion.

He glanced her way and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw she’d fallen asleep. He plucked her coffee mug out of her hand and placed it back in the slot on the console. With any luck she’d sleep until they were back in the city. He’d take her home and make plans to take her to dinner, maybe a movie. He’d romance her in the way she deserved, even if it killed him.

That meant no more lovemaking for a while. He lost all control the minute her clothing came off, and there was too much at stake here for him to mess this up any further. His dick jerked in disagreement, but he ignored his smaller head. Time to think with the big brain. Besides, he’d had enough sex last night to hold him for a while.

And he was lying to himself. He wanted her again. Now. This minute. His fingers tightened around the wheel. It was going to be a long few weeks.

John turned his attention to the traffic as it grew thicker, but in the back of his mind, he was trying to come up with ways to make Topaz fall in love with him.

Chapter Ten

“Enough is enough,” Topaz muttered as she stormed into of her apartment and tossed her purse and keys onto the table just inside the front door.

John was driving her crazy.

Ever since they’d come home from his cabin he’d been distant. Oh, he’d taken her out to dinner and the theater several times and he called her every day. But they never spent any time together alone. There were no more nights snuggled up on her sofa watching movies as if they used to do when he was her bodyguard. There were no more heated kisses and certainly no lovemaking.

It was enough to make a woman take drastic measures.

Sapphire had moved into her own place a few days ago, citing her need to have her own space now that the threat to their family was over and the media frenzy had dissipated. Topaz was happy for her sister, glad to support her no matter what she wanted, but it felt weird to have her own apartment, to not be sharing it with one of her sisters. It was a big space for just one person.

Thankfully, her sister had only moved two blocks away. As much as she missed being roommates with Sapphire, right now having her gone fit in perfectly with Topaz’s plans.

John had avoided her for the last time. Just when she’d decided she wanted to give their relationship a chance, that she loved the big lug, he started keeping her at arm’s length. She couldn’t figure it out.

If she weren’t sure that John still wanted her—and there was no mistaking the burning lust in his gaze—she would have been really hurt and confused. As it was, she was pissed off.

It was time for her to take control of their relationship. She had no idea what was going on in John’s mind, but whatever it was, it was time for it to change.

Right on cue on phone rang. She dug it out of her purse and checked the readout. It was Sapphire. “Hey.”

“Are you home?”

“Just got here.” She’d told both her sisters everything that had happened between her and John, holding nothing back. She’d had to talk to someone or go crazy. Emerald encouraged her to just go for it, but her sister was newly married and in love and wanted the entire world to feel the same way she did. Sapphire understood the situation better as she was struggling with her own feelings for the other Knight brother. In the end, they all agreed she had no choice but to take matters into her own hands. And that’s what she was going to do. Tonight.

“He doesn’t stand a chance against you. You know that, right?” Sapphire’s pep talk helped chase away some of the butterflies rushing around her stomach.

“I hope you’re right,” she muttered as she strode into her bedroom and kicked off her shoes. She started to leave them there, paused and went back, cursing at her need for order. She placed her sexy Manolo Blahniks in their proper cubby in her walk-in closet.

“Of course, I’m right,” Sapphire replied. “Your plan can’t fail. I’ve never met a man who would refuse a naked woman.” Topaz had discussed her idea for seducing John with Sapphire and they agreed it was time to get sneaky. God knows that all the hints she dropped in the past two weeks had fallen on deaf ears.

“Listen, I’ve got to go and get ready.” She glanced at her watch and then took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

“Call me in the morning,” Sapphire ordered. “I want details.” Her sister hung up and Topaz tossed her phone on top of her built-in accessory dresser.

“I hope there’s something to report in the morning,” she muttered. No, she had to think positive thoughts. This would work. She whipped off her dress and stuffed it in the dry-cleaning bag, and removed her jewelry before heading off to the bathroom.

Sexual frustration wasn’t healthy. She’d felt totally wound up and tense for the past two weeks with no relief in sight. All she had to do was lay eyes on the man and she was horny.

Well, no more. This ended tonight.

Topaz turned on the shower and slid out of her underwear while the water heated and steam began to form. The moment she stepped under the spray, water pummeled her sensitive skin, making her moan. Determined to ignore the low-grade arousal that never seemed to diminish, she grabbed her shower gel and puff and began to wash.

Her physical and emotional state might be precarious, but on the positive side, Sisters’ Jewels Boutique was doing better than ever. The spring line was out, the fall and holiday ones were in production and Topaz was caught up on all her paperwork. Most women ate when they were upset. She worked. And she’d done a lot of it these past weeks.