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I’ve never met someone who I had to work for. Hell, I’ve never wanted to.

Until now.

Until Katie.

There’s just something about her. As vague and stupid as that sounds, there is. Of course I want to kiss her and peel her prim clothes off to see every inch of her satin skin. Who wouldn’t? But I find myself in the unusual place of wanting to get inside her head, too. To find out what scares her and to protect her from it, to do everything I can to take away that wary, distrustful look she carries around so often.

But to do that, I’ll have to go at her pace, which is slower than any snail in the history of time.

I glance at my watch again. Maybe she’ll show up at my door in another hour or so to rehearse again tonight. I left the invitation open. And if she doesn’t, then I’m going to find her. Slow is one thing, but I have to see her tonight. I have to.

Frustrated and full of restless energy, I head back to the pool for more swimming. I have to stay busy or else I’ll be on my bike, heading across town, and I damn well know it.

I’m not sure how much time has passed when I’m sitting on the edge of the pool letting my shorts dry. That’s when I hear the doorbell.

My smile is immediate. She came.

I leap up and head back through the house, calling out to Kurt in case he heard it, too. “I got it!”

No answer. He’s probably wearing his headset, gaming with someone online. Even better. He can stay the hell in there all night. That would suit me just fine. I want Katie all to myself.

I yank open the door without even looking through the glass on either side of the big double wooden panel. I’m not at all pleasantly surprised when I find Rayelle standing in front of me, looking hot in a tank dress that reveals a crazy amount of cleavage and barely covers her ass at the bottom. Yeah, she looks good, but I much prefer Katie’s natural, relaxed beauty to this.

My smile is bland. “Rayelle. What are you doing here?”

Her lips curve in a gesture a hungry lioness would be proud of. “I came to help you with your lines. Tony wanted you to rehearse, and who better to help with that than me?”

Likely story. I don’t have to ask what she’s really doing here. I know. I can see it in the eyes that are eating up my mostly naked form.

She came for me. Plain and simple.

I grin at her. “That’s awfully nice of you, but I’ve got plans for tonight. In fact, someone is coming over to read lines with me, but thanks for the offer.”

Obviously not one with whom subtlety is effective, Rayelle takes a step toward me, leans in to smash her tits up against my chest and plants her mouth onto mine. Her tongue is working its way between my lips at the same time that her hands are skimming their way down my bare stomach to the waistband of my shorts. I don’t push her away. I wait until she breaks the kiss. This is going to be awkward enough as it is.

I look down into her smoky eyes as she reaches inside my shorts. That’s when I take her wrist to stop her hand.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not in the script,” I tell her lightly.

“Not yet. But you know it’s coming. Why not get a little practice in? You know, for the love of the craft. Make it as convincing as possible.” Her smile is sexy and feline as hell. She’s all but purring and rubbing herself on me like a damn cat. “I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

“As, uh, tempting as that sounds, it’s just not a good time.”

The heat in her eyes fades just enough that I know she’s finally getting the hint. “Is this about Victoria? Are you two back together?” She steps away. No one wants to be on the receiving end of Victoria’s claws.

“No, it’s not Victoria.”

Now she just looks confused. I’m sure a girl like this can’t fathom any other explanation for being turned down. I doubt rejection is something she even considered when she was driving over here.

Her eyes narrow and then widen, like she just thought of the only possible reason I might not want a no-strings-attached bang. “Are you gay?”

I would laugh if it weren’t so pathetic. She’d rather chalk it up to me being gay than just not being interested. “Hell no, I’m not gay.”

“Then, what?”

“I’ve got other plans tonight. With someone else,” I say gently, trying my best to protect her ego. I don’t need any more claws pointed in my direction. Damn, these divas are complicated!

That only makes me appreciate Katie that much more. Only Katie’s not here. And my guess is that she’s not coming.

I’m relieved when my phone rings, interrupting what is becoming an increasingly uncomfortable situation. It gives me an excuse to get rid of Rayelle, which I do immediately.

“Thanks for coming, Rayelle, but I need to get this.” Without further explanation, I close the door in her shocked face and tap the ANSWER button. I don’t really give a shit who it is, but I want to thank the caller with an expensive bottle of scotch.

Until I hear the voice. And then I want to thank her with a long, hot kiss and three hours of worshipping her body.

It’s Katie. I put my number in her phone last night. I’d hoped she’d use it. Or better yet just show up. At least she’s doing one.

“Rogan?” she asks, uncertain.

“Damn, am I glad to hear your voice,” I tell her honestly.

Her laugh is light and pleased. “Why is that?”

“Besides the fact that it sounds like warm honey in my ear, you just saved me from getting devoured.”


“Yeah. Surprise visit from Rayelle. Unexpected and not at all welcome.”

“Poor you. What a chore it must be to fend off the advances of beautiful women.”

“It is when there’s only one beautiful woman that I’m interested in. Are you coming over?”

Shit, bro, could you be any more anxious?

“No, that’s why I’m calling. Mona needs me to run some errands for her. It’s important. I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it.”

“You can come after. Sunset over the pool would look amazing on your skin.”

“Uhhh, thank you, but I’d better not.”

“I assume there’s nothing I can say to change your mind.”

I’m disappointed. Very disappointed. I wanted to see her again. Hell, right now it feels like I needed to see her again.

“No, I’m afraid not.”

I don’t push Katie and I certainly don’t tell her my plan, but I will be seeing her tonight. I just need to get ahold of Mona to find out where she’ll be.



I’d already been nervous about agreeing to see Rogan again today, so when my phone rang, I was relieved that it was Mona. I wasn’t really looking for an excuse to back out of my date tonight, but when my friend practically handed me one, gift-wrapped, I jumped on it.

“White had me arrange a party for some of the cast on his boat. He wanted to spend the day out here and then take them all to that little private island for the rest of the night. The problem is, the liquor for the bar hasn’t arrived. Ronnie is on the island now, setting up sound and some of the other stuff White wanted. He said the bar is still empty, though, and I’m freakin’! I mean, what’s a Hollywood party without alcohol?” she’d explained. There was panic in her voice, which is the biggest reason I agreed immediately.

“Okay, just calm down. What is it that you need me to do?”