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Terrorist Believed Dead After Aerial Assault on Cruise Ship.

Skip Wiley had been right. The wild saga of the Nordic Princessappeared in sixty-point type across the front page of the Miami Sunthe next morning. Cab Mulcahy had been left with no choice, for Wiley had shrewdly selected the day of the week with the most anemic competition for news space—the President was giving a speech on abortion, a bus filled with pilgrims crashed in India, and a trained chimpanzee named Jake upchucked in the space shuttle. The sensational story of Las Nochesgot big play all over the country, and wound up on the front pages of the Washington Post,the Atlanta Journaland Constitution,the Los Angeles Times,the Chicago Tribuneand the Philadelphia Inquirer.The version that appeared in the Miami Sunwas the most detailed by far, though it made no mention of Wiley's role; Mulcahy was still trying to reach Al Garcia to tell him.

Only one other newspaper devoted as much space to the Nordic Princessstory as did the Sun,and that was the Tulsa Express.(Old Mack Dane had outdone himself, dictating thirty-eight breathtaking inches of copy to the national desk over a Coast Guardsman's marine-band radio.) As for the broadcast media, NEC had capitalized on its extra Orange Bowl manpower and diverted camera crews to the Port of Miami, Coast Guard headquarters, and Flagler Memorial Hospital. Heroes, victims, witnesses, and distant relatives flocked to the bright television lights, hoping to be interviewed by Jane Pauley or someone equally glamorous. By Sunday noon, much of the United States had heard or seen the story about killer snakes from the sky and the gang of South Florida crazies known as the Nights of December.

The chairman of the Orange Bowl Committee didn't know whether to laugh or blow his brains out. In the space of forty-eight hours at the apogee of the tourist season, homicidal lunatics had detonated a newspaper reporter and launched an aerial attack against a domestic ocean liner. That was the bad news. The good news was: the bastards were dead. The parade was saved.

At 8:30 A.M. on Sunday, December 30, a press conference was staged at the office of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, in the hallowed room with the table shaped like a giant navel orange. Sitting around the table's upper hemisphere were the chairman of the Orange Bowl Committee (at the stem), then Sergeant Al Garcia, Sparky Harper's successor at the Chamber of Commerce, the mayors of Miami and Dade County, the police chiefs of Miami and Dade County, and an officer from the Coast Guard, who wished he were someplace else. The lower half of the table was occupied by reporters and cameramen, including a crew from the CBS Morning News.

The Orange Bowl chairman stood up and spoke nervously into a microphone at a portable podium. He read from a prepared statement:

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming on such short notice. At approximately 9:16 last night, the cruise ship SS Nordic Princesswas accosted by an unmarked, unidentified helicopter off the coast of Miami Beach, Florida. At the time of the attack, the cruise ship was under lease to the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce as part of the Orange Bowl Jamboree festivities. As a result of hostile actions undertaken by occupants of the helicopter, more than three hundred persons were forced to abandon the ocean liner in an emergency Mayday. I am happy to report that all those passengers, including myself and several others in this room, were safely rescued. All of us wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to Commander Bob Smythe and the United States Coast Guard for their quick and decisive action."

Commander Bob Smythe smiled wanly as a half-dozen motor-drive Nikons went off in his face. He couldn't wait for his transfer to Charleston to come through.

"Shortly after the incident involving the Nordic Princess''the Orange Bowl man continued reading, "the suspect helicopter flew away from the cruise ship in an easterly direction. At approximately 9:21 P.M., the aircraft experienced engine trouble and apparently went down at sea. No radio contact was ever made with the helicopter, so the nature of its distress may never be known."

The Orange Bowl chairman paused for a drink of water. He was unhappy with the tone of the press release, which had been composed hastily by a high-priced public-relations man. The PR man was a former Washington magazine editor who was reputed to be the model of glibness in crisis situations, but the Orange Bowl chairman was unimpressed. The press release sounded stiff and tedious, like it had come out of the Pentagon. The Orange Bowl chairman didn't know much about good writing, but he knew "Tropical Tranquillity" when he saw it—and this wasn't it. He wondered why it was so hard to find a good cheap hack.

"At approximately 6:07 this morning, a commercial fishing vessel discovered fuel residue and evidence of helicopter wreckage approximately six miles off Miami Beach. Navy and Coast Guard personnel searched the area thoroughly and found no signs of survivors. Because of the preponderance of carnivorous deep-water marine species, it is highly unlikely that any human remains will be recovered.

''However, one item found in the debris has been conclusively identified as the property of Daniel Wilson, age thirty-six, a former professional football player who had been sought as a suspect in several recent kidnappings."

The Orange Bowl chairman reached into a brown grocery bag and pulled out the dark-stained Miami Dolphins jersey belonging to Viceroy Wilson. At the sight of the number 31, the photographers became frenzied.

"According to Sergeant Al Garcia of the Metro-Dade police, Mr. Wilson was an active member of a small terrorist group known as Las Noches de Diciembre.This organization, also known as the Nights of December, has claimed credit for several recent kidnappings, homicides, and bombings in the Miami area, including the so-called Trifecta Massacre at the Hibiscus Kennel Club. The Nights of December also are prime suspects in a bombing incident two days ago in which a local journalist was seriously injured. We have strong reason to believe it was Mr. Wilson and three other members of this radical cell who carried out last night's attack on the Nordic Princess,and who died in the subsequent helicopter crash. While every effort is being made to verify this information, we feel confident that a sinister and senseless threat to our community has been removed, and that the people of South Florida can celebrate the new year—and the Orange Bowl festival—without fear or worry. Thank you all very much."

The Orange Bowl chairman sat down and wiped the back of his neck with a crisp white handkerchief. He had no intention of uttering another word, or doing anything to ruin his slick job of delivering the press release. He'd even improvised a bit, changing the distasteful and tourist-repellent phrase "oil slick" to "fuel residue" in the third paragraph.

As soon as the reporters began firing questions, the Orange Bowl chairman motioned Al Garcia to the podium.

The detective approached the long-necked microphone with extreme caution, as if it were a flame-thrower.

"What about Jesus Bernal?" a TV reporter shouted.

"No comment," Garcia said. He felt like having a cigarette, but the chief had ordered him not to smoke in front of the cameras.

"Where did all the snakes come from?" someone asked.

"I've got no idea," said Al Garcia. The sound of two dozen scribbling felt-tip pens clawed at his nerves.

"What about the banner?" a radio reporter said. "Did you find the banner?"