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“I’ve got two good friends in Grace and Karen, neither of whom believes in God. That’s not unusual, but there are moments in people’s lives when the topic comes back to the surface, and this is one of those times for both of them. I’m floundering, Marie. I’m not ready for what is coming. Would you please pray for me? And them?”

The woman’s expression softened. “You know I will, Ann. I understand the weight you feel. I’ve got two sons who believe and one who does not. I love all three, but I admit a special place in my heart for Will and his struggle with faith.”

Ann hesitated. “Would you mind if Will married someone who also didn’t believe?”

“If you’re talking about Karen, the answer is no. I’d have two people to pray for then. He softens when she’s around, and that’s a good thing. God loves my son, and He loves Karen. I’ve come to accept the fact that God understands better than I ever will how to seek and save Will. Getting married would be good for him-I have no hesitation on that.”

“Things are going to get difficult in the coming days-for him, for all your sons,” Ann said, choosing her words with care. “Will is going to find himself in some deep waters. And Josh is going to be asked to carry a very hard thing. They’ll need family during this time.”

Marie smiled. “A nice way to say they’re going to need their mother.”

“I wish I could explain further right now, but it’s not my place. I just wanted you to know the need was going to be there, and to let you know how much I would appreciate and covet your prayers these next few days. For me and for them.”

Marie nodded. “Karen matters to Will today. I can also say that Grace matters to Josh; that might be mostly in the past, but it will hold for the present too.”

Ann appreciated Marie’s calm and confidence. “I’m grateful for your prayers. It’s been a lot of years since I carried something so heavy as these matters. I don’t want your family to be hurt with what unfolds.”

Marie’s hand covered hers. “You know us well enough to realize we’re tight as a family, thus your desire to speak with me. Let go of some of that concern you’re carrying, Ann. You’ll do with care what you’ve come here to deal with. I recognize a cop doing her job. You might be retired, but it’s still part of you. I’ve had a sheriff as a husband, now a sheriff as a son, and a soldier who’s come back from multiple tours and not ready to discuss matters. I’m the glue of the Thane family for a reason. My sons will be fine.”

“I’m glad they have you.”

Marie laughed softly. “You’ll come to Thanksgiving dinner should you be in town, you and your husband. You’ll join the family for the day. We’d be delighted to have you.”

“Should we be here, Marie, we’d be honored to join you. Paul would certainly appreciate your cooking over mine.”

Marie laughed again as she rose. “You just haven’t cared with a passion about food the way you do about people. Now quit fretting, Ann. You’ve done the important first part. You’ve told me enough that I can pray. God and I have plenty of history regarding praying for my sons and the women-or lack of them-in their lives. You’ll tell me should there be specifics you want mentioned, and I’ll make sure God hears it from me that you need extra strength and wisdom for what is coming.”

Ann rose too and hugged the woman. “Thank you,” she whispered. There was comfort just in talking with the lady she had come to think of as one of her spiritual mothers.

Marie studied her face. “Close your eyes for a moment, Ann.”

She did as asked and then felt Marie’s hands come up to cradle her face. Marie said softly, “Jesus, no one understands a heavy load better than you. No one has ever borne heavier. Bear up under this one with Ann, so she will know her only purpose here is to help others, love expansively, and be your hands and feet, your words of advice and wisdom when opportunities present themselves for her to help Grace and Karen. And yes, Josh and Will and Gabriel. Do whatever is necessary for Ann’s success in the days ahead. Show your love to my friend and comfort her by your Spirit. Amen.”

Ann didn’t bother to wipe her eyes. “The Thane sons have a really great mom,” she said shakily.

“Thank you. Enjoy that soup and the bread with Evie. You’ll be fine, Ann. In the days ahead, my sons are going to come looking for my counsel, and I’ll pray over them and tell them the same as I’ve told you. It’s the mother in me.”

Ann walked with Marie to the door and said goodbye, lighter in heart than she’d been for a while. The Thane sons were in good hands-their mother’s and the Heavenly Father’s.

“God, give me so much of your wisdom it leaks out of me,” she whispered. Will and Josh would have difficult weeks ahead, but it was Gabriel she worried about the most. She would do what had to be done-a lifetime of history for her as a cop had her accepting this. But the reality of what that meant never got easier.


Gabriel Thane

Gabriel finished his mowing in the rain, came inside shaking water off his jacket, resigned to the fact that if the rain turned heavy it would overflow the gutters he hadn’t had time to clear. He turned on the kitchen television, settling on ESPN’s Saturday-night football game for diversion as he put together a simple meal and sat down at the table to eat. November’s on-again off-again weather would last a few weeks, then December’s grip of winter and blast of arctic air would arrive with a vengeance. Any of his job outdoors would get rather miserable for a few months.

The fireplace, opening both to the kitchen and living room, had been sufficient to warm the main level the night before. Gabriel stirred the remaining wood, added kindling, new logs, and set a match to it in preparation for Ann’s visit. He had stopped to pick up chocolate chip ice cream, her favorite. He started coffee brewing and sorted through the mail while he waited. He also mentally shuffled work schedules for the coming week to free up time to help on the two cold cases. He was finishing up invoice payments when he heard a car pulling into the drive. He met Ann at the front door. “Evie asleep?” he asked.

“She’s settled and grateful for the pain pills,” Ann replied as she stepped inside. “I doubt she moves before morning, and even then I’ll encourage her to sleep in. She asked me to pick up saltine crackers, 7-Up, and more Tylenol, so she’s already thinking about dealing with day-after aches and pains-it’s not the first time she’s had a day like this.”

“I can handle those items with what I’ve got around here. She’s been banged up before?”

“She took a bad fall a few years back. While chasing a suspect into a tear-down, the floor gave way and dropped her into the basement. And a few years before that, she walked away from a helicopter crash.”

He winced at the images. “Well, I guess this one gets on the list as another close call.” Gabriel motioned back to the kitchen. “You want to join me for some coffee or would you prefer hot chocolate?”

“Coffee is fine.”

Ann settled into a chair at the kitchen table, holding her hands near the fire. He fixed a mug for her, filled his own, took a seat on the other side.

“A long day,” she said over the mug’s rim.

He nodded. “I’m thinking we’re both going to have longer ones over the next weeks. This morning my plans were to mow, clean the gutters, have dinner with Will, look at blueprints for his new barn. One phone call and it all turned into something very different. But I already like your Evie Blackwell. In principle I even like the idea for the new task force. The honor of being the first county chosen, though… I would have been more comfortable being fourth or fifth.”

“I suggested this one be first for personal reasons,” Ann confessed. “Evie was planning on going north for her vacation and starting with Bridgewood County, just outside Chicago, with its five cases that fit the profile. But Evie’s got a guy up that way, and he’s in the ‘What do you think about marriage?’ stage of the relationship. She’s not on that page and needed a break from the drama. So we came south instead.”