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Although Pamie was unaware of her exposure, her father was extremely aware of it. He felt the stirrings of sexual desire in his groin, and he turned from her quickly, gulping the last of his drink.

"I'm ready, Mister Harrison," Pamie said sweetly, still unknowing of the passion she had created in her father.

"Then," he choked down his lust with difficulty, "Let us go, Miss Harrison."

She took his arm and Sean led his daughter to the waiting car. He opened the door for her with a flourish, and giggling, Pamie slid into the seat. As she did so, a wide expanse of her smooth, creamy thigh became exposed as the skirt rode high. Troubled, Sean slammed the door and walked around the car. Settling himself beneath the wheel, he started the engine. "I've made reservations at the best place in town. Nothing is too good for my girl – not on her birthday!"

"Oh, I'm so happy!" she cried, sliding over on the seat to be near him. She was unaware of the tremble in his body as her left thigh pressed against his. "It's like a real date, Daddy! Only with a man, this time."

"You mean your boyfriends aren't men?" he teased, trying to rid himself of the passion that continued to rumble in his groin.

"They're just children!" Pamie said, tossing her auburn hair scornfully. "All they know is a hamburger and Coke, or a drive-in movie."

With car in motion now, Sean chuckled at his daughter's pretended adult ways. He listened to her excited chatter as they drove across town to the expensive restaurant. He listened, but his mind wasn't on what she was saying. The image of her wispy panties below the swirling skirt; the expanse of smooth thigh-flesh, burned in his brain. His penis was semi-erect by the time he pulled the car into the parking area, refusing the attendant permission to park the car. Turning off the motor, he turned toward his chattering daughter.

"I have a bottle in the compartment, pet," he said. "Hand it to me, will you please?"

Obediently, Pamie opened the glove compartment and pulled out a half pint of bourbon. Handing it to him, she said, "I didn't know you kept whiskey in the car, Daddy. Does Mother know about this?"

"Hey now," he said, patting her on the knee, and quickly jerked his hand away. He didn't know if it was simply his imagination or not, but he was certain she had pressed the knee against him harder. "A man's got to have some secrets, doesn't he? Besides, your mother is too occupied with other things to concern herself with what I do."

Pamie watched him twist the cap from the neck of the bottle and take a long pull at the amber liquid. Holding the bottle, he looked quizzically at his daughter for a long moment. Then, making up his mind, he offered the bottle to her. "Here, you might as well celebrate right. Have a drink."

Pamie took the bottle, holding it up and peering doubtfully at the contents. "I don't know, Daddy," she said. "I've never drank this stuff before."

"Oh, go ahead," he urged. "It isn't everyday a lovely girl becomes seventeen, is it? Go on, it won't hurt you."

Slowly Pamie brought the neck of the bottle to her lips. She tilted it and tasted the fiery liquid gush into her mouth. It burned her throat as it rolled past, causing tears to come into her large eyes. Gasping, she handed it back to him. "That's terrible stuff, Daddy!" she wheezed, patting her breasts in an effort to halt the burning sensation. "How can you drink it?"

Sean chuckled and capped the bottle. Pamie replaced it in the glove compartment and they continued toward the restaurant. Before they were half way there, Pamie felt the whiskey explode inside her stomach. Immediately a warm glow enveloped her and she felt better.

Sean had made reservations for a booth in the rear of the restaurant, and Pamie ordered a large steak. "How about a large bottle of champagne," Sean said to the wine waiter. "My daughter is celebrating tonight."

"Of course, sir," the waiter said and moved off.

"Champagne! Oh, Daddy… should we?" Her eyes shined brightly at him in the dim room. "I mean will they serve me? Am I old enough to drink champagne?"

"Tonight, baby," he said expansively, "you're old enough to do anything you want!"

Squealing happily, Pamie hugged his arm tightly to her breasts, and immediately set up the unwanted reaction of intense desire in her father.

The steaks were devoured eagerly and hungrily, then Sean poured champagne for his daughter. He toasted her on becoming seventeen and they drank. Pamie wrinkled her nose cutely as the bubbles tickled her, and again erupted into childish giggles. Four glasses later, she was feeling warm and full of love for this wonderful father of hers who was treating her like a grown-up girl instead of a child.

Sean was drinking heavily – more than he had in a long time – and the more cozy Pamie became with him, the more he lusted for her. He began to wonder if she was aware of the teasing she was doing, and once when she pressed her thigh tight against his, he returned the pressure. This started a game between them of leg movements. First she would press at his leg, then he would do the same with her. She did not seem aware of the intense gazing her father was doing at the milky part of her swelling breasts. She was happy – happier than she could ever remember – and it was all in fun. Father and daughter had never been so close before, and they were making the most of it.

Finally the celebration ended, and they left the dimly lit restaurant. Pamie held her father's arm and skipped childishly as the champagne flowed through her veins. She glowed with youthful vitality, and when they arrived home, Sean parked the car inside the garage. The automatic lights came on soon as the door banged down. He got out of the car and automatically started toward the door leading into the house.

"You forgot me!" Pamie squealed, opening her door and slipping a slender thigh to the garage floor. In her somewhat intoxicated state, she was unaware of the exposure she presented to her father, who turned and stared at her. The wispy band of her panty-crotch was fully exposed to him, and for a long moment he stared at it, his penis growing into stiff erection. Pamie waited, looking at him, and suddenly she noticed the bulging object inside his pants. Her eyes widened as she looked back at him; father looking at her open crotch, she staring at the throbbing erection. Electrical sparks seemed to flicker from one to the other, and Pamie was the first to recover. A flush tinged her smooth cheeks as she realized at last what was causing his erection. Quickly she slid her other leg from the car and father and daughter walked into the house without speaking.

Sean went directly to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a stiff drink. Pamie watched him gulp it down swiftly, then pour another. "Can…" she said in a stilted voice, "May I have one… Daddy?"

With a strained voice, Sean turned to his daughter. He saw the loveliness of her face, the rounded, swelling contours of her slender body. "Why not, baby?"

Pamie sipped the drink he mixed for her, then flopped down onto the couch. "I didn't want it to end," she said sadly.

"What?" he turned to face his daughter. "What was that, baby?"

"I hate for it to end, Daddy," she said, enjoying the soft glow that filled her body.

"Okay," he said, moving to the stereo, "it won't end yet. You and I will have a dance or two, how's that?"

The sadness left her pretty face, and she quickly stood up. The soft music filled the room as she drifted into her father's arms. Pressing tightly against him, they moved about the room in a dreamy waltz. "A little different from what you kids call dancing today, isn't it?"

Pamie sighed and lifted her head from his wide chest to look up at his face. "Yes… but this is nice, Daddy." Then she snuggled up against him again, feeling his thigh work between hers as they slowly moved around the room. She was aware of the pressure of his groin of the throbbing coming from his genitals. She was also aware now that it was her that caused this erection. She did not dwell on the moral aspects of this she simply relaxed and enjoyed the dance and the pressure of his body against hers. She began to feel the warming tremors of her own sensual being come into play, and almost of its own volition, her hips pressed back to him. The huge organ of her father shoved tight against her stomach, and Pamie felt a shiver of delicious sensation race up and down her spine.