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"No, silly," she giggled. "You're the first one. All I've ever done in the past was jack them off."

For some reason, Sean was relieved to hear this from his daughter. He knew he was no longer in a position to criticize what she did with her boyfriends, whether she gave them blow jobs or even let them fuck her. In a single night, his relationship had taken a turn he wasn't certain he liked. His conscience bothered him for the rest of the night and he was unable to concentrate on his work at the factory.

It was two-thirty when he decided he was useless at his office. He knew Pamie would be home from school in half an hour, and he decided to meet her at home and thrash this new relationship out with her. He was afraid of the mental anguish his young daughter might be going through from the incestuous oral relations, and that was the thing he did not want to happen. His own guilt was enough of a burden for him at the present time.

"Hi, Daddy," Pamie said, surprised to see her father enter the door of their home. "Not working today?"

Silently, Sean mixed himself a drink at the bar, Sean turned to look at his lovely daughter sprawled across the couch. She stared back at him, understanding coming to her as she read the guilt in his eyes. She got to her feet and walked to him, her bare thighs flashing beneath the miniskirt. Stopping close in front of him, she smiled up into his worried face. "Are you ashamed, Daddy?" she questioned. "Don't be, please. I'm not. I liked what we did."

"Oh, Christ," Sean said, slamming his glass down on the bar. "We can't go on with it, you know?"

"Why not?" she said, frowning slightly. "You liked the way I sucked your cock, didn't you? Didn't I do it right, Daddy?"

Sean stared at his daughter with a pained expression. "That's not it, Pamie," he said. "That's not it at all."

"Daddy!" she stamped a small foot angrily, her fist on her rounded hips. She looked scornfully into his face. "Daddy! Aren't I your baby anymore?"

His face softened as he saw her anger. He loved her more than anything in the world… there was nothing he would not do for her, but this… this…

"Well, either I am or I'm not! Which is it?" she demanded.

"You are, baby," he said. "You'll always be my baby, just as I said last night."

Suddenly Pamie smiled, then giggled childishly. "I know why you came home, Daddy," she said gleefully. "You wanted me to suck your prick again… and you couldn't wait for tonight. Isn't that right?" She reached out a hand and cupped his penis and testicles beneath his pants. "Okay, Daddy. I'm sort of hungry for it again myself. Here, let's take it out."

Pamie dropped to her knees before him, her fingers fumbling eagerly at the zipper of his fly. She pulled it down, her hand darting inside the opened clothing to clutch the semi erect member. Pulling it free, she kissed the flesh of him, then rolled the warm skin about her face as she stared up at him. "I love your cock, Daddy! I love it so much!" She began smothering the growing organ with little kisses, now and then licking at the sides and lifting it up to whip her tongue along the huge vein underneath. She held it out and stuck her tongue outward, fucking into the little hole. She placed the head on the flat surface of her tongue and bounced the organ up and down childishly.

Despite his guilt feelings, Sean could not bring himself to make her stop. He gazed down at her lovely face as she played and fondled his organ, watching her eyes light up happily. He patted the top of her head with fatherly love as Pamie parted her lips and sucked his penis deeply into her mouth. She felt it grow to full hardness inside her oral cavity, then she removed it. Quickly getting to her feet, she began to remove her clothing.

"Hurry, Daddy," she urged him, letting her skirt and blouse pool at her feet. She reached behind her back and unhooked the bra straps. This article fell to the floor, and she ran her hands into the elastic waistband of her panties. Sean watched his daughter lift a slim thigh, then the other. The wisp of nylon puddled onto the top of her other clothing, and she stood in naked proudness for his hungry eyes.

Sean was lost in a fog of passion, and his trembling fingers began to work at his own clothing. Soon, he too was naked, his enormous penis waving about obscenely in the air before his hairy groin. Pamie reached for him and began to masturbate his penis with tender, loving strokes. Sean ran his arms about the naked girl and cupped her buttocks in both hands. He squeezed and kneaded the firm, resilient flesh of her bottom, thrilling to the way she worked at his organ.

"I've been thinking, Daddy," Pamie whispered against his hairy chest. "You won't fuck me, will you?"

"You know I won't, baby," he replied, digging his fingers between the cheeks of her buttocks. "But you'd like to, right?"

"Yes, I would."

"If I let a boy fuck me first, then would you do it?"

"That's not it, baby. I'd rather you didn't let some kid put his prick up your pussy… hang onto your virginity like I said."

Pamie thought about this. Her idea was shot now. There was only one other possibility left to her, and she wasn't entirely certain she would enjoy that at all.

"Well…" she said hesitantly. "We could…"

"I know." Sean understood what his daughter was about to say.

"There's two ways we can look at this, Daddy," she said, her voice low. "We can continue eating each other – me sucking you and you licking my cunt – or we can…"

"You want me to fuck you in your ass? Is that it, baby?"

"Y-Yes," her voice quivered. "I've thought about that. I know you want so much to fuck me – someplace but I'm afraid it will hurt."

"Then we won't do it, baby. I'd certainly hurt you that way."

"Would…" she stammered. "Would you be gentle with me?"

"You know I would!"

"Then," Pamie pulled her hand from his thick organ and ran toward the couch, "let's try it. If you are gentle and take it slow with me, I know I can do it, Daddy."

He watched her firm, compact buttocks as she ran toward the couch, and his senses reeled with the desire to penetrate her sweet bottom. As he watched, Pamie lay down on the cushions, pressing her breasts into the softness, her rounded buttocks swelling up deliciously in readiness. Sean walked toward his willing daughter, his penis swaying heavily from side to side. He dropped to his knees at her side, his hands moved for the smooth flesh of the deliciously enticing mound lowered his face to them and kissed each in turn, forcing her quiver in anticipation of what was going to happen. He ran his tongue out and licked at the smooth skin, tasting the sweetness of her buttocks and inhaling the exotic perfume she wore.

"You have a lovely ass, baby," he said huskily. "So smooth… so round… so firm… so beautiful…"

"For you, Daddy," she answered, squirming her bottom against his lips. "For you to kiss and fuck, if you want."

"God yes!" he exclaimed, caressing her inner thighs and probing delicately at the hair-fringed lips of her vagina. "I want to fuck you here, baby! I want to fuck you in your asshole!"

"Please, Daddy!" Pamie was squirming in lust now, arching her buttocks up in open invitation. "Fuck me fuck me in my… asshole! Hurry and do it!"

Pamie parted her thighs, letting one leg hang over the couch cushions. Sean stood up, gazing down at the ready, young teen-aged girl. "We've got to use something… oil or…"

"No!" Pamie almost shouted. "Nothing! Don't use anything, Daddy! I want you to hurt me… a little at least. I want to feel your cock go into my ass without anything on it! I can take it… you'll see! Fuck me, Daddy… fuck me in my ass!"

To emphasize her eagerness, Pamie slipped both hands behind her and gripped the smooth cheeks of her buttocks. She pulled them apart to expose the pink pucker of her rectum. Sean could swear the tiny opening was winking lewdly at him, and his penis jerked in anticipation of penetrating this never-before used hole. Eager now to accomplish sodomy upon his daughter's willing body, Sean crawled onto the couch between her parted thighs. Holding his hard penis in one hand, he lowered himself down until the swollen tip was aimed directly at the extremely small hole. He rubbed the head of his weapon up and down the crack of her buttocks, pressuring it at the portals of her bowels.