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Choosing her nightgown for the night, Pamie stripped naked and threw a robe over her shoulders. Crossing the hall to the bathroom, she closed the door, carefully making sure it did not lock. Then, turning the shower on full force, she removed her robe and sat down on the edge of the tub, waiting. She did not have to wait long, because her father had seen her meaningful glance just as she left the living room. "We're taking a hell of a chance, baby," he said in a low voice as he slipped into the bathroom.

"I don't care, Daddy," Pamie said, getting to her feet and reaching quickly for him. "I can't wait another second! I've got to have it… I've got to get fucked!"

"I know, baby… I know," Sean unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor. Pamie eagerly grabbed his penis and jerked it into full erection quickly. An animal like moan escaped her throat as she dropped to her knees before him, her lips and tongue working up and down the thick shaft. She lapped delicately at the small slit on the swollen head, taking the organ into her mouth. She sucked on him for a few moments, then stood up.

"Now, Daddy! Now!" She turned and presented her swelling buttocks to him, leaning on the commode, her breasts swaying below. Her bottom wriggled at him in white lewdness. Sean quickly reached out and pulled the resilient cheeks apart, peering at the wiggling rectum she eagerly arched upwards. "Fuck me in my asshole… I've got to get fucked… now!"

Without hesitation, Sean grasped his swinging penis and shoved his hips forward, pressuring the swollen knob of his member tightly against the resisting pucker of her tender anus. As she felt the warm, moist contact on her bottom, Pamie squealed delightedly and shoved her buttocks back to meet the assault she wanted so terribly much. She groaned as the instrument penetrated her rectum slowly, her mind burning with the boiling, swirling mist of lust-fog that reeled inside. Squealing again, she rammed her rounded buttocks back hard, thrilling to the thick insertion of that wonderful cudgel. She slammed her bottom into his groin, her hand reaching between her widespread thighs to grip at the swinging, hairy testicles that slapped at her moist vaginal lips.

In rapid thrusts, Sean began to plunge his member in and out of her tightly clenching rectum, his hands holding the full moons of her quivering bottom. He stared down at the hard flesh as it lunged in and out of the tight orifice, seeing the flesh hold him as he withdrew, then sinking inward as he wildly drove farther and farther into the dark recesses of her bowels. Each time he pounded against her greedy rectum, Pamie would squeal like a trapped animal, her eyes dulled by the lust flowing throughout her young, naked body.

So involved in what they were doing – what was happening to their bodies – they did not notice the door swing open.

Joan stood there, her eyes wide in shock. She clutched at her neck in the total degradation she was witnessing, her breath caught in her throat. For a long time she stared at the twisting, writhing bodies of her husband and daughter, frozen to the floor, unable to flee this horrible scene before her eyes.

"Sean! Pamie!" she finally gasped, her voice loud in the steam filled room.

Sean and Pamie looked up quickly, still deeply connected together. For a long moment they, too, were unable to move. Staring at her mother who stood looking back at her, Pamie was rooted to the floor, her hands on the commode and breasts still jiggling from the efforts she had been applying seconds before. Then her face flushed in shame.

Sean, frightened out of his wits, still gripped the quivering buttocks of his daughter, his penis pressed tightly into her clenching, unclenching rectum. All three stared at one another for what seemed an eternity. Sean recovered first, quickly pulling his inflated organ from the clasping anus of his daughter. Feeling the emptiness of her rectum now, Pamie sank to the cool floor and lay her head on the commode, tears of humiliation flowing from her eyes. She no longer looked at her mother, too ashamed to see the shocked expression that glared in terror at her.

"Joan," Sean said, his voice quaking with fear. "Joan…"

His wife turned and left the bathroom without a word. Sean quickly pulled his pants on and hurried after her, his mind trying to find some excuse… some reason… to explain his incestuous conduct. Pamie, sobbing in absolute shame, fled to her bedroom, locking the door behind her.

Joan, horrified beyond comprehension at what she had seen, refused to listen to the pleas of her husband. She pulled her luggage from the closet and began packing.

"Please, Joan…" he started, pacing nervously up and down the room. "I… Pamie and I… we… well, Goddamn it! We couldn't help it. It just happened. Can't you understand?"

Joan ignored his words, keeping her back toward him.

"Goddamn you!" Sean shouted, staring at her back. "You frigid bitch! You keep your fucking legs closed to me and still expect me to stay a man? I have to get sex somehow, don't I? A man can't simply wither away because his wife decides she don't want anything more to do with him, can he?"

Joan turned to face her husband, her eyes blazing in anger, "Don't you curse at me, you… you sodomist! Your own daughter! How could you, Sean? If you needed sex so terribly much, why didn't you get one of those saucy little girls that work for you? Why Pamie?"

"I told you," Sean growled. "It just happened. We couldn't… help ourselves."

"Animals! That's what you are… the both of you!"

The argument continued throughout the night, with Joan finally agreeing not to leave immediately – provided Sean would not attempt to copulate with his own daughter again… ever.

Pamie refused to face her mother and father the next morning. She stayed in her room until long after her father had gone to work. She did not answer the hesitant rap on her still locked door. Her usually white, bright eyes were streaked with red from lack of sleep and the considerable amount of tears she had shed.

Around noon her mother tried again to get the tortured girl to answer her knocking. "Pamie, please…" she pleaded through the door. "Sean… your father has explained what happened. I'm sorry, darling. I'm sorry it had to happen to you… I don't understand any of it, but I realize you couldn't help it. Please, darling, open the door and let me talk to you."

"Go away, Mother," Pamie sobbed into her pillow. "Please… leave me alone!"

"Darling," Joan said, leaning against the door. "I understand… I understand why you did it. I understand why your father did… what he did. I've been a fool, darling, a terrible fool. Please, let me in."

Realizing she could not remain locked inside her bedroom forever, Pamie sat up on the bed. Sniffling, she walked toward her door, ready to face the accusing face of her mother. She snapped open the latch and returned to her bed. She lay face down, her face again buried into the pillows.

Joan shoved the door open and stepped into the room. She looked at the smooth back of her sobbing daughter, seeing how slender and defenseless she appeared. Her heart went out to the young girl, and she moved on quick feet to the bed. Sitting down, she reached and lovingly caressed the smooth, bare back. "I love you, darling," Joan said in a soft voice, her eyes misting with tears of her own. "I realize how much you mean to me… and your father. I admit I was horrified… last night. Who… what mother wouldn't be? After all, a man certainly doesn't do those things to his very own daughter every day!"

She rubbed at the small of Pamie's back tenderly, tracing her finger up and down the spine. She began to explain how she had stopped enjoying the sex act years ago… and the frustration her husband must have gone through. She related every detail of their life together for the past few years; the arguments and pleadings Sean had put forth in an effort to convince his wife of his need for sexual relations. She told her daughter of her own reason for stopping such activity, of how she failed to achieve a climax and therefore felt it was unimportant, even to her husband.