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As her voice droned on, Pamie thought of the secrets being revealed to her, and her humiliation turned to sorrow for her mother. In her young mind, she began to understand her mother, and she rolled onto her back to look up at the tears rolling down Joan's cheeks.

"I… I'm sorry, too, Mother," she whispered, wiping her own tears away with the back of her hand like a small child. "But Daddy's right… it just happened."

"I know, darling… I know," Joan said, forcing a smile to her lips. "Don't talk about it, don't say any more. It's over with… and I forgive you and your father."

Mother and daughter looked at each other, understanding in both pairs of eyes. Pamie lay still, her arms at her sides now, no longer crying. Her pert breasts rose softly as she breathed, the rosy nipples in their constant state of erectness. Unable to help herself, Joan let her eyes wander from the pretty face of her daughter, down the slim neck. She saw the wide-spaced breasts with cherry-tipped peaks, the soft curving of them. She saw the narrow waist with the flat abdomen. Her eyes traced the rounded hips, down over the smoothness of Pamie's long, slender thighs. Then, of their own volition, the eyes moved to the soft triangle of curling, shining pubic hair. For a long time Joan stared at this lovely, swelling sensuous mound of her daughter. Suddenly she became aware of the appeal Pamie held for her husband. For the first time she realized how seductive – how sensual – her daughter was.

A low moan rumbled up from Joan's chest, and she could not understand the thoughts that rippled inside her brain. They were alien thoughts… horrible thoughts, and she tried to erase them from her mind. Her body seemed to become heated, and for the first time in her life she felt the stirrings of desire in her lower body.

"No… no…" she whispered, her eyes filming over with the intense sensations that erupted in her body. "God, no! No! No!"

"What, Mother?" Pamie said, her eyes questioning the strange expression that now covered her mother's face. "What's wrong? What's…"

Pamie did not finish her question.

To Joan's horror, she watched her own hand lift up move out toward her daughter. She was amazed at her lack of control as the hand gently cupped one of the swelling breasts of the young girl. While her mind rebelled at what she was doing, her hand began to knead the resilient flesh, squeezing it with delicate pressure.

Pamie stared at her mother, then lowered her eyes to the hand that was caressing the jutting mound. Unable to understand the thing that had taken control of her mother, Pamie lay unmoving, afraid to resist for long moments, Joan fondled the breasts of her daughter, her eyes blazing with the growing passion she had not felt in many, many years. Suddenly she groaned loudly, her face dropping swiftly until she was kissing and sucking at an erect nipple. Uncontrollably, Joan sucked as much of the smooth flesh as possible into her mouth, her tongue fluttering across the sensitive nipple. Her lips nibbled in moist lewdness, her hand working the other breasts.

Not understanding what was happening to her mother, Pamie lay in frightened stillness, unable to stop this incestuous lesbian act. The more her mother sucked and licked at her breasts, the hotter Pamie became. It was not long before she was squirming and wriggling beneath the oral assault, and she gripped her mother's head in both hands, holding the face down tight against her trembling breasts. She began to moan her lust softly, her eyes closed.

Finally, Joan lifted her face and stared down at the writhing, naked body of her daughter. Pamie's passion was out of control now, and she parted her smooth thighs as her hips began to arch up and down in simulated fornication. Her groans came deep and lustful as she twisted her head about, her body tossing in heat.

"I didn't… realize," Joan whispered in wonderment, looking at her writhing daughter, "you were so so… sensual!" Unable to keep from doing so, not understanding what was happening to herself, Joan's eyes lowered to the pumping and tossing hips of her daughter. The hair-lined pinkness of the moist vaginal lips seemed to quiver visibly and beads of moisture formed on the sleek flesh. "God, what is happening to us? What's wrong with us? Are we all insane?"

Pamie's eyes gazed up at her mother as she squeezed her own breasts painfully, no longer ashamed of her passion… of what had happened between her father and her. The only thing she knew at the moment was the intense flame that roared out of control in the pit of her lower stomach.

Joan, to her horror, felt her own vagina become wet with the oozing of her fluids. The band of her panty crotch grew sticky with the seeping liquid, and she was unconsciously squirming her own buttocks on the bed as she watched her daughter writhe in passion. Her eyes feasted on the hair-fringed slit, and the tip of her tongue smoothed over her dry lips. Her chest felt ready to burst, and she was breathing with difficulty. A cry of despair bubbled from her mouth, and she fell atop her daughter's squirming body. Immediately, Pamie grasped the sides of her mother's face and moved the kissing and licking tongue where she wanted it. Lower and lower she shoved the sucking mouth, her belly quivering at the moist contact.

Joan felt the silken hairs of Pamie's pubic mound brush across her chin, then her cheeks… and her lips were pressing against the exposed bud of Pamie's throbbing clitoris. Not understanding – indeed, not caring – Joan began to slobber and mouth at the delicious bit of flesh Pamie offered up to her with jutting pelvis. She sucked the clitoris into her mouth and chewed with delicate care as her tongue flickered instinctively over the sensitive tip. She dropped to the floor, on her knees now, and gripped the tossing hips of Pamie with both hands. Her tongue sought the slippery lips of the hair-lined orifice, licking and tasting the moisture that seeped continuously from the hot opening. A high pitched wail came from her as she dipped her tongue deep inside the pulsating passage, working in and out with swift strokes. Her fingers slid around the warm hips to clutch in lewd abandon the trembling buttocks of the young girl.

Time and again she lapped into the open lips, drawing more nectar from her daughter's vagina, swallowing and going for more. Her tongue flickered up and down the hot lips, then fluttered about the inflamed and extended little clitoris that almost screamed for attention. Pamie gripped the top of her mother's head and held her face tightly to the now exploding genitals, gyrating her buttocks up and down, round and round. The series of small orgasms grew in power, and soon Pamie was climaxing with every nerve of her being.

"God, oh God! Lick me… lick my twat… suck my snatch… eat my cunt… Oooohhh… Oooohhh Moootthhheerrrrr!" Pamie screamed, unable to hold the sound in. She jerked her crotch upward, her vaginal muscles working like a milking machine at the plunging tongue. Dropping her hands from her mother's head, she fingered her palpitating slit open, wanting more and more of the intense pleasure that wonderful tongue was giving her. From head to toe, Pamie was going through a series of the most exquisite orgasm ever. Her body shook so violently, the bed springs were protesting in high squeaks.

Finally she was drained – there was not another climax in her lithe body.

Even then Joan kept her mouth glued to the no longer dripping vagina, not wanting to lose the newfound excitement. Her eyes stared up the length of the exhausted body of Pamie, and Pamie stared back down between her wide-spaced breasts at her mother's eyes. A slow smile spread over her lips as she fell in limp heaviness across the bed.

"Mmmmmmm…" Joan's voice came in muffled sound. "God… Oh, Jesus! Darling… darling… I don't know what… came over me. I've… I've never done anything like… that… before!"

"Oh, Mother… Mother…" Pamie moaned, happy beyond all her dreams. She had never desired another woman before – nor had she desired her father until that first night – but now she found herself wanting the experience again… and again.