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That afternoon, Pamie and her mother argued the thing that had happened. Pamie pointed out that it had been the same with her and her father – it was something that had just happened. Joan saw how it could have been that way, since she had been unable to control her own emotions and actions. She was fearful of being a lesbian, but Pamie, in her instinctive wisdom, convinced her mother she was not one of those tortured souls. Giving in to the argument so forcefully put, Joan sighed her agreement. Now that she understood, at least some of it, she and Pamie began to make plans for the evening. Joan was ashamed of the way she had treated her husband these past few years, and now that she had become "awakened" to the pleasures of sex, she agreed to try an experiment with her daughter.

Sean came home late from his factory, not knowing what sort of reception he would receive in his own home. Joan and Pamie were in the living room, sitting on the couch and chattering like a couple of school girls. He took one glance at them, and finding himself ignored, mixed a drink and sat down at the small bar with his back to them.

"But do you think we should, Pamie?" Joan asked her daughter, knowing her husband was listening.

"I know we should, Mother," Pamie answered. "You'll see, Daddy will love it!"

Sean, hearing them speak with each other as if nothing had ever happened to create a crisis in his family, turned and watched them. Mother and daughter pretended he was not there in the same room, and continued their conversation, making certain he could hear every word.

"I don't know, Pamie," Joan said. "I've never done anything like that before. It might make me sick."

"No it won't, Mother," Pamie said. "I thought so too, at first. But now I want to all the time! It's delicious absolutely delicious!"

"But… to put that thing in my mouth!" Joan shuddered with distaste. "It wouldn't be the same as… as…"

Pamie giggled, glancing from the corner of her eye to see how her father was taking this conversation. He sat and stared wide-eyed at them, not fully comprehending what was going on. What he didn't know, was Joan and Pamie had discussed exactly what they would say and do… and they wanted it to be a total surprise for the man they both loved very dearly.

"Didn't it feel strange?" Joan asked.

"Sure… at first," Pamie said. "But after the initial taste, it was wonderful! And when he squirted. Aaaaahhhhh!"

"I'm not sure I can… suck it," Joan said, peeking from the corners of her eyes at her amazed husband. "After all, a… a… cock… isn't the same as… as…"

"Cocksucking is great!" Pamie said, almost laughing now at the way her father stared at them. "It's the greatest thing ever… except getting fucked up the asshole!"

"Well…" Joan said, frowning slightly, but glancing now and them at Sean to see how he was taking this. "I've never tried eating a man's prick, darling, nor have I ever been fucked in my ass, but…"

Sean sat his glass down on the bar top and stood up. "What's going on, Joan?" he said. "I've never heard you use such language… such words…"

"Oh, shut up, Sean," Joan said, finally pretending to recognize him. "Pamie and I have something very important to discuss."

"Ready, Mother?" Pamie asked.

"Ready," Joan answered, smiling broadly.

Both females stood up as one, turning toward the bewildered man. They began to advance on him slowly. Sean, completely confused by what was happening, drew back. This was certainly not the household he had left that morning. His angry wife was no longer angry, and the expression on her face was one he had never seen before. Both females looked like hungry cats, ready to pounce on an unwary creature. Holding his hands up in front of him as if to ward off a danger he did not understand, he backed himself into the bar.

"Now!" Pamie shouted, and both mother and daughter pounced on the helpless man. Eager hands began to fumble at his clothing, dropping each article to the floor as it was removed.

As each garment was taken from him, one or the other females would kiss and lick at the exposed flesh. Sean, still bewildered by his wife's strange actions, stood motionless as he became naked. He didn't know if their minds had suddenly snapped or not, but he wasn't taking any chances on making them angry.

Now two pairs of hands were pulling at his belt, then his zipper, and his pants puddled at his feet. Four hands eagerly stripped him of his shorts, and mother and daughter, now on their knees before him, stared at his exposed genitals.

"You want to do it first, Mother?" Pamie asked, her hand cuddling his hairy testicles in her palm.

"Why not?" Joan said, her hand gripping his flaccid organ and stretching it out painfully. "Your father's poked this thing in me enough times… now I can have things my way for a change."

Sean, believing his wife had went over the deep end, watched as she leaned forward and began to kiss the limp, dangling penis. He could not believe it was Joan doing this… a woman who denied him even the so called "normal" aspects of sex. He knew the passion of his daughter, but this was a new woman now who was licking a long, pink tongue up and down his slowly erecting organ.

"I don't understand what's happening," he said, "but I like it!"

"Ummmm…" Joan murmured, stroking her tongue up and down the smooth head of his member. Pamie squeezed his testicles lovingly, watching her mother work her lips and tongue around the circumference of her father's penis. "Let's do the rest of it now, Mother."

Immediately, Joan stopped mouthing the now erect organ, and both stood up to face the naked man. They began to undress, letting their clothing fall to mingle with his. Soon, Sean found himself facing two naked, lovely females – his wife and daughter. Both stood proudly, hands on hips, breasts swaying in gentle rhythm as they arched their triangled pelvis outward, rotating their buttocks in open invitation.

"Lie down, darling," Joan said as seductively as she could, taking his hand and pulling him to the center of the floor. "Lie down and enjoy it. You are about to witness the most thrilling experience of your life!"


"Participate would be a better word, Daddy," Pamie said, pulling at his other hand. "Come on… do what Mother said. Lie down on the floor."

Mother and daughter shoved him down, and Sean sprawled on his back, his monstrous penis jutting high in the air. He looked up at his two girls, seeing the twin triangles at the apex of white, slim thighs.

Dropping to her knees at his side, Joan said, "Now, my darling husband… you asshole-fucking prick… you are going to get sucked off by me for the first time. You've wanted me to do this for years, so you just lay there and enjoy it. Pamie and I are going to thrill the hell out of you!"

Sean watched down his naked body as his wife lowered her face to his upstanding organ. She held it at the base and kissed the wet tip with a loud smacking sound. She grinned obscenely at him as Pamie crawled between his open thighs and began to caress his testicles in both hands.

"Let's get on with it, Mother," Pamie said, lowering her face to the hairy orbs. "There's no sense in teasing him. He might go off before you get to blow him."

Joan agreed and quickly wrapped her lips about the swollen head. She fluttered her tongue across the sensitive tip as her daughter had told her to do, then she began to suck more and more of his thick length into her mouth. She gagged slightly as it entered the rear of her mouth, but recovered quickly. Unable to take as much of his organ into her mouth as Pamie, she began to suck up and down on half of it, working her tongue in swirling motions as her cheeks sunk inward.

Pamie, watching her mother suck hard on the immense penis, began to lick her tongue through the wiry strands that covered his testicles. She licked at the wrinkled sac until her saliva covered it in shining wetness. Opening her lips, she sucked first one ball into her mouth and chewed tenderly. As her mother moaned her pleasure at this new sensation of having a male member in her mouth, Pamie went from one testicle to the other, sucking and licking at the quivering orbs. From her position between the spread thighs of Sean, she stared up at her mother's working lips, seeing her saliva run in rivulets down the throbbing shaft.