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Sean was in the most pleasurable state of his life. Having two women suck and lick at his genitals was the most exquisite torture he had ever experienced, and the happiest thing of all was his wife doing it for the first time – and not only doing it, but wanting to fellate him!

His penis began to jerk insanely inside the warm cavern of Joan's mouth, and he knew it would be soon. Pamie, after only her two weeks, experience, also recognized the signs of his building ejaculation. She opened her mouth wide and sucked in both testicles. Her tongue flickered about the sensitive sac, her lips and cheeks sucking furiously. Joan was bobbing her head up and down, aware of the spewing fountain she held tightly between her lips. It was enough to cause her body to tremble as her own dormant passion began to rumble deep inside her body. As the rumbling in creased, so did her sucking motions. Her head moving faster now, she was moaning insanely as she strived mightily to pull forth the alien fluids from her husband's testicles. Her hips, off the floor now, were waving and gyrating as if she had suddenly been perpetrated by some unknown and unseen lover.

Suddenly, she tasted the first spurt of the ejaculating semen that flowed in thick, sticky globs from the tip of her husband's penis. As the milky juice rolled around in her mouth before slipping down her throat, Joan's lust bubbled over. A muffled moan came from her as she worked to swallow time and again the jetting sperm from the jerking hose. Her vagina convulsed and the explosion struck. She felt the eruption of the volcano inside her body, knowing she was climaxing simply from sucking on this delightful, hard, squirting thing inside her hungry mouth. Wailing with glee, she sucked harder than ever and swallowed each eruption that came to her. Her rounded bottom was jerking in wanton spasms of a thrilling orgasm, her own juices spilling from the hair-fringed lips of her vagina and running hotly down the smooth inner surface of her thighs.

Pamie tried hard to make this dual sucking the best ever for her father. She sucked and licked and chewed on his testicles as she watched her mother accept happily the offering from her father's penis. His genitals became coated with saliva and his flowing liquid, but neither of the females cared. They were too hungry too greedy – for whatever they could get.

"No more!" Sean cried out, trying to pull his abused organs from the still-sucking mouths of his wife and daughter. "Please… stop… no more… I can't come… anymore! That's enough… please…"

Joan reluctantly allowed his deflated penis to slip from her mouth. She watched it plop in exhaustion across his stomach, then she sat back on her heels and smiled happily as Pamie lifted up from the empty testicles. "You were right, Pamie," she said, licking her lips in feline satisfaction. "Sucking cock is the most… most delicious ever!"

Pamie flipped her father's penis with her hand, kissed it once and sat up. "Now," she said. "You two are not angry with each other anymore. We are a happy family again."

Throughout that night – dinner forgotten – the three continued with their incestuous relationship. Sean penetrated his daughter's rectum twice during the night, and Joan fellated him once more. That was the most sex Sean had ever enjoyed in one night during his entire life, and he became so exhausted he was unable to erect for a fourth time. Yet, that did not stop Joan and Pamie from continuing. He was not shocked when he witnessed his wife perform cunnilingus on his willing daughter, nor was he shocked when Pamie sucked and licked her mother's breasts. What amazed him most was to understand that his wife was extremely enthusiastic about oral relations. A discussion among the three brought to light Joan was an orally oriented person who had denied this portion of her nature for so long, but now that it had been brought out and she was experiencing orgasms, Joan readily agreed to any and all proposals placed before her.

The three-way incestuous relationship continued for a few weeks, each happy in their own way. Joan and Pamie were content to let things remain as they were, but Sean, now that his period of dormant sexual frustration was over, began to look around him. What he saw was a covey of young and beautiful girls who seemed quite willing to indulge their sensuality with others.

In his own office he found a pretty young thing who seemed willing to play sexual games with him. And not only was she willing to play, but her husky boy friend also wanted in on the action. Once this information was brought to Sean, he began to think of the possibilities of pagan orgies – orgies whereby the participants would be doing weird and wonderful things with each other.

Inviting the girl to lunch with him, he questioned her in subtle ways about her sexual habits. The girl, amused by his means of conversation, immediately saw what he was getting at.

"Why, Mr. Harrison," she said coyly. "I do believe you are trying to seduce me!"

"Ah, no… no," he stammered. "It's just that I… well, I'm interested in my employees, that's all."

"Yeah, you sure are," she leaned close to him. "Interested in getting in my panties!"

"Well… uh…"

"That's good, Mr. Harrison," she smiled seductively at him. "Because I have the type of panties that are easy to get into. When and where?"

"But, you don't understand, my dear," he said, becoming bold now. "It's not just me, but…"

"Oh, I get it," she said, leering at him in open lewdness. "You have this wife who loves to watch you make it, right?"

"No. Joan likes to make it, too."

"Well, that's just fine, Mr. Harrison," she grinned widely, becoming interested now. "I didn't know didn't dream, you were swappers."

"We aren't," he admitted. "This would be the first time for us."

"You'll love it, darling," the girl said, sliding her palm down over his thigh beneath the concealment of the table. "You and your wife will simply love it."

He jumped as her hand cupped his genitals, glancing around the small restaurant guiltily. Her hand cupped him and began a slow massage on his penis and testicles. "Well, there's someone else, too…"

"Oh? Anyone I know, darling," the girl was becoming aggressive with her hand now, gently rubbing up and down on his swelling member.

"Well, it's… it's… my daughter."

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean… no, you can't mean that luscious little thing I've seen around her now and then?"

"Yes, that's Pamie."

"Uuummmm…" the girl licked her lips. "That cute piece of ass is real eating pussy, Mr. Harrison."

"Uh… yes, she is," he removed her hand and, afraid his erection would be apparent, paid the bill.

That evening, Sean explained what he wanted to do to Joan and Pamie. Once he outlined his desires, mother and daughter became excited with the prospect of being involved with others, Joan stipulating that she would participate only if she were allowed full freedom of oral intercourse. Sean arranged a time and spoke to his employee.

Saturday night, the night of the Harrison's initiation into sexual swapping, found the family nervous as they waited for the arrival of the girl and her boyfriend. When the doorbell rang, they all jumped as if startled. Sean answered the door, and brought the husky man and the lovely female into the living room to meet his family. Although Joan and Pamie were nervous about this encounter, the young employee was not. She had been introduced as Marsha, and immediately she took things into her own hands, her boyfriend, Bob, was the silent type, not uttering twenty words during the entire evening.