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As the group sat around, Joan and Pamie fussing with their hands, trying not to appear like blushing virgins, Marsha simply started playing with Bob's penis. Joan and Pamie stared at this action, each moistening dry lips with pointed, pink tongues.

"I know this is your first time," Marsha said to the other girls, "but you shouldn't be nervous about it. Sex is simply too enjoyable to worry about other things. Bob has a nice cock, and he loves to have it sucked off especially by a beautiful teen-aged girl like you, Pamie. Oh, but he loves older women, Joan. He says they're so much more experienced at sucking cock. Are you very good at it?"

"Well, I… I…" Joan stammered.

"Don't be bashful. Here…" she unzipped the fly of Bob's pants and hauled out a huge, throbbing length of penis. "See. Bob's got a very nice prick." Marsha stroked it lovingly for a moment, then glanced up at Sean. "Oh, I mustn't forget you, darling." She stood up and moved to where he was standing near the bar. Dropping to her knees before him, she pulled his swelling organ free and immediately began to suck on it.

Suddenly, as if someone had pressed the correct button, clothing began to fly helter-skelter. The five people became naked in a matter of seconds, and although she was the most hesitant, Joan knelt between the thighs of Bob and began to suck on his huge penis furiously. Pamie, unable to find a male partner for herself, stared at the naked, shining buttocks of her mother. She found an uncontrollable desire come over her, and rising to her feet, she advanced to kneel behind Joan as she bobbed her head up and down in frenzied attempts to bring forth the bubbling, boiling sperm the young man had stored in his hairy testicles. Slowly at first, Pamie began to caress and feel her mother's bottom, thrilling to the smoothness of the flesh, the small dimples on each side of her spine, the under curving surface where they met slim thighs. Her fingers traced a hot line up the crevice, moving between the inner smoothness of her mother's legs to caress gently the silken hair that framed the moist lips of her vagina. Pamie inserted her forefinger into the wet, slippery orifice and began to work it in and out. Joan responded by arching her buttocks back, parting her thighs to give greater freedom to the pleasure-giving hand of her daughter.

Pamie, feeling of her mother's vagina, them warm drippings of her secretions running over her hand, became excited with what she was about to do. Her own lovely hair-fringed vagina began to ooze its sticky substance and she began to fondle the extended clitoris that peeked wantonly from the hidden folds of heated flesh. Her lips pressed against Joan's back, tracing a wet line down… down… until she was kissing at the apex of the swelling buttocks. Her tongue darted out to taste the delicious skin, running up one quivering buttock and then the other. Lowering herself to the floor further yet, she shoved her face close to the arching bottom and dug her tongue between the hot cheeks. Unable to reach her target, she removed her hand from the boiling opening of her mother's vagina and tugged apart the cheeks. Peering between them, she saw the tiny brownish pucker of Joan's rectum. A low moan of intense desire escaped her throat, and she shoved her face between the parted butt-cheeks. Her tongue darted out and pressed at the rear opening. Immediately her action was answered by the backward shove by her mother. Pamie flicked her tongue up and down the anus, pressuring it against the structure. Sean, standing near the bar with Marsha on her knees before him, sucking wantonly at his jutting organ, watched as his wife mouthed and mewled over the huge penis of Bob. He was delighted to see his daughter now lingually caressing her mother's buttocks. The very image of obscene sensuality caused him to suddenly shoot out his scalding sperm into the willing mouth of the lovely girl. She drank it down greedily, then pulled her face from the deflating organ, wiping the back of her hand across her lips.

She turned and saw the three-way action going on nearby, giggling childishly. "Oooooooh…" she cooed. "Look at that! Cock sucking and asshole licking! That's tremendous!"

"Want to try it?" Sean asked.

"Oh, let's!" she squealed.

Marsha lay on her back, arching her body like a bow, legs in the air. "Come on! Both of us can do it this way."

Sean unhesitatingly sat across her face, gripping her buttocks in both hands. Marsha darted her tongue out and began a frenzied licking around his buttocks. He felt her tongue-tip press at his tightly constricted anus and he relaxed the muscles. Her tongue darted hotly into the dark cavity, reaching far into his rectum. Squatting as he was, holding her buttocks up, he was staring down at her wet vaginal lips and the tiny winking hole of her anus. Positioned in such a way so he could still observe the lewd action of his wife and daughter, Sean licked about the smooth flesh of Marsha's buttocks, circling the pink anus in teasing lapping motions.

Marsha, eager to have him start, cried out in a muffled voice, "Hurry up! Lick my ass… suck on my asshole… eat me out… tongue my asshole… all the way inside…"

As her words trailed away into a muffled moan of passion, Marsha dived her own tongue deeply into his rectum, lapping with furious strokes at the sensitive inner membranes. Sean, his excitement growing by the second, stopped teasing the eager girl and shoved his tongue down hard against her quivering anus. Marsha, being experienced in the ways of sex, immediately relaxed the small muscles of her rectum, and Sean found his tongue buried deeply into the warm cavern of her butt. His chin pressed into the folds of her wet vagina, the soft hair creating a moist beard. He worked his tongue in and out like a miniature phallus, tasting the exotic aroma that came from Marsha's bottom. His senses reeled with what he was doing… what he was seeing… and what was being performed on his own rectum. His penis, although he had ejaculated moments before, was throbbing into full erection again, thumping up and down on the girl's jutting breasts. His eyes wide open, he watched his wife's lips stretch tightly about the thick member of Bob, her head moving up and down in swift hunger. His daughter's face could not be seen, buried between the trembling buttocks of her mother, but he knew she was tonguing the small rectum hidden there just as he was doing the one below his own face. He was not repelled by seeing his daughter masturbate herself while performing analingus on her mother – he was overjoyed by the lewd sight.

Joan was moaning loudly now, her head twirling about as she sucked on the hard penis. Her tongue delved around the small slit on the swollen head, striving to reach inside and bring forth the frothy liquid she knew was there. Her hands gripped the large, hairy testicles that dangled between the young man's thighs, pulling and rolling them about in her hand. She squirmed her buttocks into the face of her daughter, feeling a finger searching inside her dripping channel of lust. She felt the throbbing jerk of the man's penis, and her mouth became filled with the thick, sticky liquid that spewed forth. Her tongue danced up and down on the flowing slit, tasting the sperm as it flew into her mouth in a never-ending stream. Her throat worked to swallow every drop, and that which she was unable to swallow was stored between her white teeth and inner cheeks for later ingestion. Her own climax struck like a thunder-clap, and her buttocks gyrated like a whirlwind of lust into her daughter's sucking face.

Pamie, hearing the satisfied moans of her mother, knew she had sucked the young man dry of his fluids. Also, if the warm rivers of juice running down her hand was any indication, she knew her mother had climaxed again from performing orally on someone. She pulled her face from the distended rectum and leaned back. Her hair-lined vagina spread apart, showing evidence of her passion.

"God… oh, God…" she moaned, her fingers working furiously at the pink folds of her vagina. "Mother do something! Do something to me… make me come… before I go mad…"

Joan turned and saw her daughter, the contorted face and wickedly masturbating hand; "I will, darling," she said, leaning to suck one rosy nipple into her mouth. Her hand replaced her daughter's on the heated genitals, a finger twisting and rubbing the inflamed clitoris.