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Bob watched this incestuous act as his chest heaved up and down in exhaustion. "Great! Way out, man!" he exclaimed. "Mommy and baby girl… getting with it!"

Joan paid no attention to him, continuing her efforts to give release to her daughter. But not Pamie. She was too excited, too passionate for a single act. "Fuck me!" she cried out. "Anyone… Daddy… Bob… fuck me, please! Somebody… please, fuck me up my asshole!"

"That's for me!" Bob said. "But you've got to make my cock hard, first."

"I will… oh, God… I will, I will!"

Bob moved to stand at the trembling, naked girl's side. Pamie immediately engulfed the flaccid organ. She tasted the remaining semen and her mother's saliva, greedily sucking the limp penis. She became frenzied in her efforts to cause an erection in the young man, and her delighted mind reeled with lust as she felt the stirrings of new lust in him. The penis grew and grew until Pamie could no longer keep her lips stretched about it. Now that it was hard, she removed herself from her mother's sucking lips and shoved the young man onto his back. She straddled him, her buttocks toward his feet. She grasped his waving penis and lowered herself until she was squatting over the swollen head.

"Up my ass," she whispered hoarsely. "Right up my shit hole…"

"Yeah, doll," the man answered. "Anyplace you want my cock… you just enjoy yourself."

Pamie rubbed the swollen head across her eager anus, then pressured her body down until she felt the thick head pop into her rectum. Sighing happily, she sat directly down on his pelvis, squirming her buttocks round and round in obscene delight. Her pert breasts bobbed up and down, swaying as she began to bounce her bottom on him.

Joan, feeling left out now, watched her daughter wriggle her buttocks on the man's hardened shaft. She saw the glistening wet lips of Pamie's vagina wide open, and with a lustful groan, fell across the man's stomach to bury her face into the hairy feast. She made slobbering sounds as her tongue flew up and down the hot orifice, fluttering over the sweet clitoris that was exposed for her hungry mouth.

Bob, his senses thrilled by this mother eating her daughter's genitals, reached out and tugged at Joan's buttocks. Eagerly, Joan threw a leg across his face and shoved her dripping vagina down. Bob's tongue flew out to lick at the flowing fluids, then he gripped her wide expanse of bottom and pulled her tightly to him. His finger sought the tiny opening of her rectum, and Joan squealed as it was inserted into her, Bob worked it in and out of her tight hole, his tongue delving deep into the recesses of her flowing vagina.

Pamie wriggled her lower body like a belly dancer, the sensations of extreme pleasure causing her body to tremble from the tonguing and sodomy she was receiving.

Sean, seeing this debauchery as he tongued Marsha's rectum, became overwhelmed and suddenly ejaculated all over the quivering breasts of the girl. He pulled his tongue from her clenching anus and sat beside her. The girl lifted her hands and began smearing the globs of thick, white stuff about her body, mewling and writhing insanely.

The dual attentions being paid her lower body were causing Pamie to convulse with repeated orgasms. Starting out small, they grew with whirling intensity until she was shaking violently. Her mother was licking up every drop of sexual juices that flowed copiously from the hairy opening, and the pounding cudgel up her rectum seemed ready to explode with the force of an atomic bomb.

"Come…" she screamed loudly, tossing her head back and squeezing her breasts painfully. "Come up my ass… shoot your sperm up my asshole… fill me with it…"

As if in answer, the plunging organ began to spurt out the hot liquids in a torrent of lust. Feeling the semen splash around in her rectum, Pamie almost went out of her skull with the blissful ecstasy. Her buttocks rotated in a blur of speed, and her mother had difficulties trying to retain her lips on the spasming genitals. After the violent punishment Pamie's body had been put through, she dropped to the carpet, so exhausted she fell asleep and missed the further indulgences of the adults.

Although it is not known for certain, it is a safe bet that the Harrison family, like the Smiths, are now seeking others who are willing to participate in incestuous exchanges. What harm has been caused to the mental emotions of the young girl cannot be analyzed if any has been done.


Marge and Owen Caldwell are prominent in the large city where they live. He is the senior partner of a lucrative law firm, and Marge is active in charitable drives and the upper strata of society.

She is somewhat stout and matronly, with graying hair, but very attractive. Her husband is quite distinguished-looking and seems to grow more handsome each year. What is unknown to their intimate friends, is the Caldwells are active mate-swappers. And if their friends would not be shocked by such – the swapping thing, many would be shocked if they were aware also that they are committing incest with their eighteen-year-old daughter.

Incest by the Caldwells was not intentional. It came about by an accidental meeting at a party of swinging couples.

Debbie lived alone in her own apartment. From her birth she had been given everything she desired, but when she requested to live separately from her parents, it caused quite an argument.

"But darling," her mother said, "you have everything you could possibly want right here at home. You know we never question what you do – where you go."

"I know, Mother," Debbie replied. "But all my friends have their own place and I feel left out of things."

"I don't understand that," Marge said. "You can have your friends here anytime you want."

"But Mother," Debbie argued. "There's some things a girl just has to do… like be by herself now and then. After all, you don't have to know everything I'm doing, do you?"

"Well, if you want an apartment by yourself so you can sleep all night with some boy, that I can understand," Marge said. "I know how the young kids today believe in all that sexual freedom and such… but why can't you bring your young men here?"

"You still don't understand, do you, Mother?"

The question was put to her father when he came home, and he agreed that a young person should get out into the world early. Later that night he told his wife that it would give them more freedom, also, if their daughter was out of the way. They could hold their parties at home without fear of discovery by Debbie. This cinched the argument for Debbie, although she did not know why they gave in so readily.

What Marge and Owen did not know was that Debbie had inherited the sensual natures of two. She wanted her own apartment not only to have complete privacy to indulge her sexual desires, but to have as many of the young boys and girls with her whenever she wanted.

The very first night in her new apartment, Debbie invited two of her better male friends for and evening of delight. She had been with both young men before, singly and together.

"How do we do it tonight, fellows?" she asked, greeting them at the door in a sheer gown. "Who get's sucked and who does the fucking?"

"Why not do both?" one of the men said, patting her firm buttocks. "Hell, Debbie, we'll take turns on you."

"Groovy!" she exclaimed. "The more cock I get, the better I like it. Come on in… let's get with it!" She stripped the gown from her body and arched her bushy pubic mound out sexily. "My cunt's boiling already, boys! Come and get it!"

The two men stripped in eager anticipation, both of them erected by the sensual way Debbie was posing for their hot eyes. Once they were all nude, Debbie quickly dropped to her hands and knees, she reached for the hardened penis cleaving the air in front of her and hungrily gobbled it into her mouth. The other man, watching with burning intensity, dropped behind her waving buttocks and began to kiss at the smooth flesh. Gurgling with pleasure, Debbie wriggled her white bottom in open invitation. The man lifted his face and grasped his organ, plunging it into her moist vagina without further hesitation.