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"Uh… uh… uh…" she moaned as her naked body was buffeted between the double penetration. "Mmmmm… Yuuuummmm…"

"She really get's turned on," the man standing before her said hoarsely, driving his penis deeply down her throat. "I've never seen a broad that loved fucking and sucking as much as Debbie."

"Yeah, man," grunted the man as he plunged his penis in and out of her clasping vaginal canal. "And she's got the tightest little twat I've ever had!"

"Fuck the shit out of her! Ram your cock way up her snatch!"

Debbie's body trembled violently at the lewd words, enjoying them so much she banged her buttocks backward fiercely, her cheeks billowing out as the man plunged his weapon down her throat. Her tongue fluttered about the swollen penis, striving to bring the gush of semen from his hairy testicles.

"Goddamn, Debbie!" shouted the man before her sweating face. "Suck… suck my fucking prick… eat my come…"

Debbie, devouring his thick penis, tried to do just that. Her head twisted and tossed, her body in uncontrolled contortions of pure lust that burned deeply inside her naked body. Her hips churned furiously, moving back and forth, round and round as she gobbled at the jutting organ imbedded in her throat. Her body was a bundle of raw, erotic energy as she accepted happily the dual puncturing. Her efforts were not wasted. The penis stabbing into her vagina from the back erupted into a lava like flow of boiling semen, filling her clenching vagina with sticky sweetness. Her mouth came under the fierce assault of flooding semen, and she worked mightily to consume his squirting liquid.

Later, sitting about the carpet in sprawled exhaustion, one of the boys asked Debbie, "You'd be great at a party, sweet thing."

"Party?" she said, stretching like a lazy cat after a bowl of milk. "What kind of party?"

"The only kind, doll. The kind where everybody get's with it. You know… a bunch of naked broads and studs. A party where everyone get's fucked and sucked by everybody else."

"Oh, an orgy, right?"


"Show me the way, big dick," she grinned lewdly. "Cock is the most!"

"I know one scheduled for tomorrow night," the boy said. "Think your pussy will be in shape for it?"

"Don't you worry about my pussy, big boy," Debbie replied, opening her thighs wide. "I've got a little hairy cunt here that's always in shape for a good fuck."

"You're right, baby," the other boy said. "It's hairy and it's little. But the best of all… the fucking thing stays hot all the Goddamn time!"

Debbie exhausted the two men early, and she showed then out before midnight.

She waited eagerly for the appointed time to arrive, dressed in her sexiest miniskirt and blouse. She wore panty hose and white, knee-length boots. She knew how sensual, her appearance was, and she wanted so much to make a good impression on the swinging people she would meet. The men assured her they would all be strangers at the party, and all the men would welcome her with open arms and hard organs.

The two young men escorted her to the waiting car, and Debbie, in the middle of them, wasted no time. She unzipped both flies and manipulated their organs as they drove across town.

"She'll be the best fuck there," the driver said. "Shit, I bet Debbie could take on all of them… including the broads!"

"Ever eat any cunt, Debbie?" the man on her right said, stroking her thigh as her fist beat up and down his swollen organ. "Ever suck pussy, doll?"

"No… not yet, anyway," she replied, licking her lips. "But it's an idea. A girl can come more than a man, you know. It would last longer."

"You should get the chance tonight," the driver said. "Some of those breads go for cunt licking. Either getting ate or eating someone else."

"Good!" Debbie said breathlessly. "I just might try it."

They arrived at an expensive home set far from the road. The drive was lined with tall elm trees on spacious grounds. In the dimness, Debbie thought the place looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn't be sure. A line of cars was parked to one side of the drive, and they stopped at the end.

"This is it, hot pants," the driver said. "This is where you can get all the cock you want."

Eagerly, Debbie stepped from the car, unmindful of the way her short skirt rose high on her smooth thighs. She walked between the two men, holding their hands tightly. "Hey, aren't you two going to put those delicious cocks inside your pants?" she giggled, seeing the organs sway back and forth.

"No reason to," one of them said. "Soon as we get inside someone will be grabbing."

They did not use the doorbell, but simply pushed the door open and entered a large room. Men and women were sprawled about in various states of undress. All ages seemed to be represented and Debbie saw one woman in her sixties being copulated by a man not much older than twenty. A bald-head, pot-bellied man was performing cunnilingus on a young wife as she fellated another man. Here and there were couples and threesomes doing obscene things with each other.

Debbie was disappointed that no one paid attention to her at all. The two men left her soon as they entered, and she found herself alone among the wild orgy. Squirming flesh was everywhere… masses of naked bodies contorted in various stages of excited copulation. She moved into the room. Looking about at the naked men and women. Someone brushed a hand up her leg, beneath her skirt and the inner surface of her thigh. She stopped and looked down to see the burning eyes of a young girl not much older than herself. She was sprawled with open thighs and a gray-headed woman was munching noisily into her fur-lined crotch. Groans and moans of intense sexual pleasure floated up from the girl as she stared passionately beneath Debbie's skirt.

"Later, honey," Debbie said, moving off. The question had been plain on the girl's face, she thought. The girl wanted to use her mouth on me… she wanted to lick my snatch… eat me out…

She found herself standing before a woman in her thirties, on hands and knees while a man pumped his throbbing penis in and out of her stretched rectum. She bent over and observed the skin of the woman's anus as it seemed to suck at the lunging cudgel… The man, seeing her interest, reached out and ran his hand up her thighs, cupping the covered mound of her quivering vagina. "Want it, beautiful?" he questioned. "Want it up the ass… Want me to fuck you in your asshole, beautiful?"

"No… just looking," Debbie said, enjoying the way his fingers moved about her moist lips. "Maybe later."

Already very sensual, Debbie's mind reeled with the debauchery she was seeing, never dreaming there were so many people in the world who enjoyed group sex. She stood for a moment, counting the people. Twenty-nine in all. Her excitement grew by leaps and bounds, and her fingers began to fumble at the buttons and zippers of her clothing. She dropped the garments to the floor, uncaring if they became lost among the other clothing scattered about. Slipping her panty hose from her hips and legs, she stepped from them and stood completely naked, ready and willing to accept anyone who wanted her burning body. She did not have to wait long.

"Let's fuck," a man said from somewhere.

She turned and gazed at a man in his forties, his huge penis jutting up from a thick bush of pubic hair. His hand was stroking it slowly as he looked at her loveliness. "You bet, lover!" she replied, reaching for him.

The man lay back and Debbie straddled him, her vaginal lips pulsating with the need that prowled inside her lower belly. She quickly squatted over him, grasping the erect weapon and stuffing it into her orifice without foreplay. Holding herself by placing hands flat on the floor, she began to bounce and gyrate her buttocks gleefully. The man reached up and cupped her swaying breasts, squeezing them painfully. Debbie did not mind the pain he caused – she thrilled to it! "Aaaahhh… fuck me," she wailed loudly. "Fuck the shit out my cunt… God, it's good…"